
Friday, November 09, 2018

Be Welcome to my life if i can't be in your's

"Να λες πάντα αυτό που νιώθεις, και να κάνεις πάντα αυτό που σκέφτεσαι".
Which means.. Always say what you feel, and always do what you thinking.. as my woman said.. so, let us discuss what i feel, and fist of all, how does one make the life so romantic..!
Do you see there is no problem even if your lover are living beyond Atlantic..!
There is no distance barrier and one sees directly..!
Is it enough to rouse feelings if we speak honestly.
Even seasons inject the feeling of romance, The individual may find appealing with little glance, It may certainly give relief when first shower is on, Everything will sound dramatic when heat waves have gone.
It takes away your concentration when beautiful eyes are met, 
What a magnetic pull effect when wishes are responded or let, 
It was beautifully hidden in one side of the beating heart, 
You are in no position to think or respond despite looking so smart.
Beautiful and attractive faces play all the tricks, 
The magic environment persists without use of sticks,
How does one fall in magnetic pull of attraction..!
How does the individual respond with any reaction..!
One good smile takes away his beautiful smile,
He doesn’t know how to carry on forever not for a while,
There is strong urge to come very close, 
They may try to prove good and try not to loose.
To go in for quick seduction may not work any longer,
They may need some to help them as messenger,
The bold action may follow suit if both are sincere,
When romantic words are exchanged without any fear, 
The romance has got no age bar, 
They can come closer while driving in car, 
Each one finds a feeling of super star when face to face meet,
The whole world seems to have fallen or come under their feet.

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