
Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Winter fairytale's

I confess doing everything to woo, You are and will be eternally the only one and that is very true, I have no other means to reach you, i just find some of my letters may make me through.
Everybody may desire comforts and tree shed, Lot many angles of life’s struggles have been fed, Every care is to be taken to make it as success, The females have suffered all along without any access.
You may remain away for any of the reasons, You too are proving to be a nice and kind person, What I need from you is a close company, Though the proposals are received for same from many
How to reassure in your absence, I seek and wait for timely presence, I do understand it is bond of great essence, I seek and eagerly wait to be with you hence.
No stars or sky may come for me to rescue, I have no other means to think and view, I can take help of beautiful writing, It may prove to be nice and good beginning.
It is difficult to bear separation at heart, I have felt it from the beginning or start, I knew it will prove to be a difficult one,.. But alas! It was to be undergone by none.
I am feeling hot particles of desert, I have to feel and nothing more to insert, I look towards sky and pray for sudden burst, The dark clouds are needed here and must.
What else did I need except few rain drops..?
What compels you not to come here and stop..!
I know you will come and gently shower, The desert can boom with drops fewer.
The sand may not allow it to go further, It will be absorbed then and there, The heat dissipation may be to an extent, There may be no reason then to resent
The dream plants may come up with flowers, Though the time may want us to pace little slower, The womb has developed an urge for fertility, It may all prove to be of great quality.
I shiver in hard hitting winters, No other ideas or thought can enter, I scotch everything and dismiss, That is what you make as no promise.
These are not simple letters on page, It has grown with patience and coming of my old age, I have desired and want you to enter, In desolate life to be at the center.
Does this relate to my state of mind..!
Will you read it by not closing eyes as blind..!
Will I ever have my dreams to become chance..!
Will you rush to me on receipt of it at once.!

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