Saturday, January 30, 2016

A promise..

I promise t
Give you a shoulder to lean on, A hand to guide your way, A whisper, a soft whisper that all is well, don't give up...
I promise that 

I will share my pain, laughter and joy. 
I will meet you halfway because I am your friend and your beloved .. and you are my friend and my woman on the road of our hard life.


I imagine a romance stories and although I want it to be a beautiful work of art, I am afraid that I will live in the story I created in my mind. It's all in my mind I know, but sometimes, the romance becomes too ideal and realistic for me that I soon fall for the queen that was just a product of my imagination. I think that is both an fearful obstacle and a proof that somehow, I'm succeeding to touch a reader's heart - even if it is me who obly read what I ink here.. I get to try to move within, stop thinking the way I used to then, never move into the way my fear makes me move..

Thursday, January 21, 2016


When it comes a time to do it... we can love a beautiful face or a gorgeous body.. but we don't fall in love with that. We fall in love with an open minds.. the way a person thinks.. 
Beauty can attract normal people but a pure soul with a beautiful true thoughts are what's going to make them... stay.

Anger is but a mask to hide.... nothing

Do no harm. Too bad people live in their own little bubble and think they are the only ones entitled to be hurt with no remorse for how their selfish behavior has hurt others. Even if it is indirectly. They don't and will never get this... Even now I find it difficult to fathom how you can give so much of yourself to a person and have them so totally wipe it all away as if it never happened with no remorse and go on their merry way leaving a path of destruction behind them..

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You win..

Some days you just have to create your own Moonlight 

Why are we being hard on ourselves?

We are humans and we do want the best life we can possibly create, but to what cost. This perfectionist drive we start in one area of our life will eventually bleed over to all areas of our life. We start to get frustrated and critical on ourselves. It does not mean we don’t have to give our best in all areas of our life, but we don’t have to be so hard on ourselves when we have temporary setbacks. Temporary setbacks or some might call them failures are actually a good thing. Failures help us expand our creativity and help us learn and grow. If we learn from our failures we are actually bettering our self for the successes. It is ok to fail and imperative we use all failure as learning lessons.

What does it mean to not be perfect?

We have all done this at one point in our life, having that drive to be perfect. At times it means we push ourselves through obstacles to become successful at what we are driving for. We could be driving for anything; career, personal life gain, sports… It does not matter what it is but the process is the same. Each and every one of us wants to be the best at something in our life and that requires complete dedication, drive and desire.

There is a fine line somewhere in the sand where we take this drive from a healthy standpoint to an unhealthy one. We all need to find where that line is we have drawn for ourselves. This line becomes obvious when everything turns into a competition or we start feeling like we are failing in other areas in our life and get frustrated. If feeling frustrated all the time, maybe it’s time to look at the concept of trying to be perfect in all areas of our life.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Take responsibility

If a person doesn’t want to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, they may try to blame others. Don’t accept blame or try to fix things for them when you’ve done nothing wrong. They need to learn that if they want different outcomes, they will have to make different choices. I learned this the hard way. When they don't care, we should stop expecting them to. In some situations and for some people there is no hope, so stop beating our mind and our heart against the wall.
When times are tough, I remind myrself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt me deeply, but never forget what it taught me at first place. Just because we’re struggling doesn’t mean we’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there. and surely good things take time. So i used to remain patient and staying positive. Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually

I need you to love me a little louder today.

 Marriage wisdom teaches us to focus on the future, not continue to bring up the past. True forgiveness doesn't focus on the past but loves today and looks to tomorrow with hope. I really bet you can't guess who's lonely and missing you today.. I'm trying to stay busy... but you are my every thought.. I love you so much and waiting you to love me a little louder today.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


When did we as a society start becoming so overly sensitive? The harder we try not to offend or intrude, the more we isolate each other as a society. 

Dear death

Death is not to be feared, we begin the process of dying the moment we are born. It is simply another door that opens to another life... those who fear death have put too much importance on this "experience" that was only meant to teach us - Life here on earth is but a school and the graduation is the death of this experience... you are not this body, you are a spiritual being which exist on a non-physical level and death of the body simply means you are going HOME.