Madness World

 01:34 04F. 2018
My right to pursuit despair is at least your right to pursuit hope, everyone of us have a bliss, and I have found in loving you desperately ... my happiness.  

23:49 28J.  2018
Years passed as seconds in your love yet the minutes pass in my illness as ages. And between patience and pain I spent most of time on the banks of memories... Waiting for mercy of the Creator in liberating the creature,
Ago, I said, love doesn't kill but leave us stuck forever between life and death, I thought I was wrong, I was completely wrong.

18:15 28J. 2018
I'm not wondering about people whom do not afraid death because they love life or hate death, for how they hate something they did not yet try.
But It is strange that death reshapes humans and makes them more sense of life When no benefit remorse.
Love does not kill anyone. But makes us between life and death.
I wonder when my friends ask me about death. 

18:15 27 J. 2018
When we do not know what life is, how can we know what death is?

With age.. Our features changing, our shapes, interests and even the struggle of life changes our view of everything. But what makes us unhappy is that we allow these changes to bury the child who lives inside us in the cemetery of silence.

03:17 Mon, Jun.20.2018
If love is like war .. War either make a hero or make a monster. Always be sure to make a hero of love even it'll be hero of the paper... for when war begins, love commits suicide on the rubble of the past .. and in love and war always the innocents people get kills.

02:45 Wed, Jun.01.2018
When wolves get old, they becomes a mockery for dogs

14:03 Mon, Dec.18.2017
our life full of battles, and we should keep trying until our last breath, specially if you have a good reason to fight for, but what if you lost all your weapons, all your army and now you stand quite alone, even the war itself lost it's meaning, then you keep pushing yourself to the edge sacrifice with all the wight you can just to achieves your goal until everything around you giving up on you, friends start to flee from facing your loses, family start to feels with shame on your madness actions, and finally your strength start to shatter on the rocks of intolerance and the winds of what was required and what it wasn't  available.
Yes we may still can breath, we still can fight but there is nothing we can do to change the situation right now, and we should wait the opportunity to find a new way to achieve our dreams, 

10:34 Sun, Dec.17.2017
Sometimes we regret every honest sense we have given to someone or something that is not worth. And also there are people whom we always put them between brackets just because they differ from others... So, Giving without love is worthless. And take without gratitude tasteless.

20:26 sat, Dec.16.2017
The most incredible useless hope is that when you decided to change the world, or win a battle between good and evil, moral and immoral, or even poverty and fortune... for this universe based on duality "contradictory standards of duplication" and indeed that's keeps us on balance. Yet the abnormality is trying to change what destined to be, for against wind ships can't sail, and no matter what you will find just don't fail. 
just stay in your world and do the best you can, and let the universe to he who of seduction willing to be fan.