We must not be silent, but speak the truth in love.
because, this is what God's truth is made up of.
Yes, we must always call sin by it's rightful name.
Sin is sin, it's wrong, & not just a laughable game.
If you see a person drowning, what do you then do?
You throw a life preserver; because once, it was you.
If a person is dying in their happy go lucky sin.
Speak the truth & help them out of the mess they're in.
But always speak it in love, never-never any other way.
For the Spirit from above will teach you just what to say.
It's not right to be silent when you know where it leads.
Call sin a sin, help them get rid of all sin's filthy seeds.
Reveal Christ as He truly is, a God of love & forgiveness.
For He transforms lives & His name they will then confess.
You should call sin, sin, for many souls you may help save.
They need to know the truth, speak it in love, & be brave.