Saturday, January 14, 2017

Souls talking

It may be a song that gives you that feeling
It may be a place where you find it revealing
It may be a person who speaks to your soul
It may be when you have finally reached your goal
It’s the feeling you get where it all seems so right
When you want to be with her all through the night
Where you wish for more and it’s like such fine wine
That you have what you need and you know it’s divine.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Listen to me..

Separation always holds sway, means ambition is chased every day. If vanity's call that our Self controls
This illusion of ' I ' Distorts however I try
To see we aren't separate at all If we are, there's a ' We '
That's the Ego again raising with no reasons for ultimate fall.
We stay empty inside inflated with pride,
Forgiving not ' other ' or ' self ', Inner growth brings the need to foster real seed,
Relinquishing choices for good, Learning how to let go will inevitably show an ego, at last understood. 

now listen to me, once a good woman asked her man.. 
My darling .. "i want happiness for the rest of my life"
He reply wisely ..
My love; 
first remove the "I"
Second remove the "want"
now what still remains is "happiness for the rest of your life"

Good morning..

I try to trace the footsteps of yours, Under the fallen leaves,
I don't mind taking the help of course, Even from the hum of the bees.
Where are you ? 
My heart asks the moon,
The morn is empty without you, So is the noon,
As the leaves love the earth, my love for you is true.
The leaves fall, move and settle somewhere else,
But my heart without you is always restless.