Sunday, March 14, 2021

Is it a journey..!!

 In between if it's a journey or not we may found ourselves wondering... for life maybe a journey when the time is a road and while moments are our steps. There's no going backward. we can only revisit moments through memory. Even then, we can't capture the essence of a moment. Once it has passed, it's never going to return to it's true self. SO, Live in the moments... Watch the signs that they bring and learn the lessons they teach. People who fail to see and comprehend the depth of a moment are blind to the only thing that makes life worth living. from the other hand life maybe It's a journey made of moments at all for we don't know them when they happen, but they remain in our memories and become a part of us.
yet through time you will discover that the major role in it, is to
keep your secrets to yourself; for the person you trust has someone he trust, and the chain continues.

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