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Friday, November 20, 2020
Looking for perfection in a person brings too much expectations. When your expectations are not met, too Many disappointments may come your way. So adapt yourself to learn to appreciate a person's imperfections. In them, you'll find perfection, And we must accept disappointment, but we must never lose hope. For everything that is done in this world is done by hope.. Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. sometimes it's hard to wait around for something you know will never happen, but it's even harder giving up when it's all you want. Sometime we expect more from other because we would be willing to do that much for them. According to this We may hate someone's actions, but we really don't hate them. Hating a person is far different from hating what they have been doing without us. So,Never be disappointed by the friends who appreciate you, your gifts or your help by words. Protect and always respect the friends that demonstrate their appreciation by their actions... Actions speak louder than words..
Monday, November 16, 2020
Without Goodbye
And the mind grave losing people more and more,
since they are not here anymore,
like a neon light trembling in an empty hall,
waiting for our destiny for the rest to call,
When someone goes away,
everything that’s been done goes badly sway,
Darkness folds his wings, melody abandons it songs,
heart shuttered for a thousand senses
of peace when mind straggle the aggressiveness of losing faces,
and like the boats lost beneath the seas,
your attention to living drained like leaves of trees,
Finally, our memories picture the truth we deny,
all the things we cowardly preferred no to identify,
when we lost precious days full of fun.
when we lost the warmth of our Sun.
when we haven't wings to fly
and all that still remains is..... unfold feelings with untold... goodbye.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Trip into Heaven
Yesterday I took a trip to heaven but only in my mind
I wanted to know what it's like to leave all your love behind.
So I closed my eyes, and started to see.. Just how beautiful heaven can be.
I could see the pearly gates of white, and behind them was the most radiant light.
I saw an angel as she was passing by, so incredibly beautiful that a tear fell from my eye.
Everyone looked perfect and with the angels they did sing, there were no earthly words to describe the beauty of their wings.
As I sat on a bench in the most incredible garden, I asked God for all of my sins to be pardoned.
I took one last look at all of the beauty around, and when I opened my eyes, i couldn't find my angle beside, for she left me careless behind.
Friday, November 06, 2020
In a middle area between despair and hope ... the ray of faith disappears or shines, somewhere in the midst of the crowds lies knowledge behind deception masks, There... in the end of our life rainbow our true living shall raise up as thePhoenix giving birth, As between stone and another flower can grows, as between pain and pain hope.. giving birth,
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Vanishing strength
Today.. I wanted my message to be loud and heard, I wanted to be free from bondage as bird.
Until the time I was unaware of vast sky, I pondered over your prison and never asked why..! O,
How one can remain prisoner of his own and consent.! Why he would not like to come out and live in present..!
In this life one can have limited goal and do only small things, For big things we must have strong resolve and powerful wings.It makes you to draw steps back and remain for a moment too hesitant, You lack the courage and fail to come out with steps so urgent or instant.
Kind words will not be short and easy to speak, Only strong can speak it and not the weak, You can’t just show off or play the trick, You must keep love in one hand and on another stick.
Convey love with smile and sweetness in words, It may be just beginning of love and will matter most, It may reward you in the end without meeting any cost
Let us not confine our selves in only raising the funds, God may favor us by giving it in abundance, It is we who fail to understand the clear message, There is clear way ahead with smooth passage.
Your voice may not be heard and lost in oblivion, You may have different approach with different opinion.
Still you may need magical charisma to reach to the hearts of people, It may be made easy for you and you will be in position or able.
How would you face the world as defeated soldier..?
How will you’re your self as crisis manager..?
Will it not go in history as natural consequence..?
They follow the natural route and come in sequences.!
Should me let it remain as unsolved mystery, And let It may create its own history.
As a humble man I have done my best, Letting your love speak itself and prove the test.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Let your morality speak your religion
Individually we are a drop, together we are an ocean. Humanity is certainly an ocean but a few drops of them are made dirty by a few people who do not hold great respect for moral values. But that does not mean that the ocean has become dirty. There is still hope for humanity and the light it spreads on this universe. i can't forget what our great Albert Einstein said about. see.. “The great moral teachers of humanity were in a way artistic geniuses in the art of living “ and 1400 years ago the Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)" He used to say, "The best among you all are those who have the best manners and character". If every individual drops were to behave in a refined manner by abiding the laws, with mutual respect for fellow humans, humanity would be saved at least. Technology is one of the factors that contribute to the influence on humanity. My dears we have the opportunity to take humanity to great heights when we make use of some basic qualities like forgiveness, saying thank you, or even sorry, Please stop being complex creature, whose behavior is driven by emotion, beliefs, point of view, and how much coffee you had that morning... nowadays we deals with our tears as it a sign of weakness, while it's still a proof that we are human and we still care. Believe me we all do better when we work together. And yes our differences do matter, but.... our common humanity matters more..
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Pray for my father
Deep in our refrigerator, there's a special place for food that's been around a while...we keep it, just in case.' It's probably too old to eat,' my mother likes to say.'But I don't think it's old enough for me to throw away.' It stays there for a month or more to ripen in the cold, and soon we notice fuzzy clumps of multicolored mold.
The clumps are larger every day, we notice this as well, but mostly what we notice is a certain special smell. when finally it all becomes a nasty mass of slime, my mother takes it out, and says, 'Apparently, it's time.' She dumps it in the garbage can, though not without regret, then fills the space with other food that's not so ancient yet,
Don't let the sorrow of your sad memories until this time, this word was his last words in our last meeting, since that very moment I knew he was telling me goodbye and showing me how to carry on after him.
Pray for my father he passed away two days ago.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Monday, April 13, 2020
For where their respect for there angel of respect and yet the angel of respect wait for a heart to fill with respect thus Star bucks is the right place to go for a good fresh cup of coffee but when one sees the angel of Star bucks thus one shall feel the touch of respect in once heart for where there respect for there angel of respect.
Every touch of respect thus once eyes shall twinkle like the family of Star bucks somewhere angel of respect wait to fill a heart with respect but yet just to see one in the moonlight is the angel of respect for every fresh cup of coffee thus it's been filled with respect for where there respect for there angel of respect.
For where their respect for there angel of respect and yet the angel of respect wait for a heart to fill with respect thus Star bucks is the right place to go for a good fresh cup of coffee but when one sees the angel of Star bucks thus one shall feel the touch of respect in once heart for where there respect for there angel of respect.
Every touch of respect thus once eyes shall twinkle like the family of Star bucks somewhere angel of respect wait to fill a heart with respect but yet just to see one in the moonlight is the angel of respect for every fresh cup of coffee thus it's been filled with respect for where there respect for there angel of respect.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
We will keep on fighting.
Panicking people drenched in the scent of fear,
The Wuhan coronovirus and the birdflu is out,
Mass casualties are all most are talking about,
Fear of each other, masks are put on,
Fear of a virus spreading and sparing none,
But panicking only leads to mistakes i believe,
We have to work as a team to truly live,
Humanity has been through far worse before,
Yet, we have always found a way to rise from the floor,
The best minds of the world are doing their best,
The doctors and healthcare staff are working without enough rest,
Despite the challenges that our countries faces,
Despite all the complicated and overflowing cases,
We will pull through for the rakyat and our land,
We will keep on fighting as long as we can stand..
Friday, March 20, 2020
زرقاء اليمامة.. ما ذكر في الطاعون.. والوباء.
مرويات الطاعون والعدوى
طاعون عمواس
هنا تكثر الروايات. وملخصها الآتي:
قراءة سياسية في موقف عمر
بين الجهاد والطاعون
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
زرقاء اليمامة.. حوار اللاادري.. والعلمانية.. مع الإلحاد
من الصعب أن نحكم حكمًا دقيقًا؛ لعدم وجود إحصائية يمكن من خلالها أن نعرف النسبة وربما يكون عمل مثل هذه الإحصائية صعبا، لأن غالبية مَن يلحد أو يترك الدين يكتم هذا ولا يعلنه، خصوصا في مجتمعنا المتدين الذي يصعب أن يعلن فيه الإنسان مثل هذا الخيار، ولكن كثيرا من المؤشرات تؤكد أن الإلحاد واللادينية واللاأدرية والشك موجودة في بلادنا بشكل أكبر مما يتوقعه غالبية الناس، وخصوصا بين الشباب الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين العشرين والثلاثين.
١- التطرف والجمود الديني
٢- تساؤلات تبحث عن إجابة، وردود فعل تكبت وتخرس:
من الضروري أن يهتم المفكرون والمربون بحوار الشباب المتسائل، وأن يرحبوا بكل أسئلته أيًّا كانت، وأعني بالحوار هنا الحوار الحقيقي، وهو في أن تعطي وتأخذ، تتحدث وتستمع، لا أن تقدم موعظة فكرية ثم تسمي ذلك حوارا!، بعض المشايخ أو المفكرين يتعامل مع الشباب بطريقة أستاذية بحيث ينتظره يسأل السؤال أو يطرح الشبهة كي يسرد عليه الإجابة التي يفترض هو أنها ستكون مقنعة، ولكن هذه الطريقة ليست مجدية مع هؤلاء الشباب.
٣- الثورة على العقلية الأسطورية:
٤- غرس الكراهية باسم الدين:
هذه القضية مؤثرة لدرجة أن بعضهم يقرر أن يترك الدين ويلجأ للإلحاد لأنه أكثر إنسانية! وهذا عجيب، فالمصيبة التي يغفل عنها هؤلاء أن الإلحاد يحطم مبدأ الإنسانية تماما؛ لأن فكرة كرامة الإنسان لا يمكن أن تستند إلا إلى إيمان بخالق متعالٍ منحه هذه الكرامة، وإلا فلا شيء يميز الإنسان عن أي مخلوق آخر فكلهم مجرد نتيجة للصراع العبثي من أجل البقاء و(تمرير الجينات)!
٥- تقديس الأشخاص:
٦- وجود الشر.. كيف يرضى الله بهذا الشر؟ وأين عدل الله في كل ما نراه؟
٧- القتل والحروب والعنف الذي يحصل باسم الدين والإله:
٨- فكرة القضاء والقدر:
٩- وهم اليقين الكامل / المطلق:
١٠- تخلف الأمة:
١١- تمزق الأمة وتفرقها:
١٢- واقع المرأة:
١٣- الجفاف الروحي:
١٤- الاندفاع والعجلة:
١٥- الاعتداد بالذات والغرور المعرفي:
١٦- سطوة الشهوات ومحاولة الهروب من وخز الضمير:
١٧- السطحية الفكرية:
١٨- الأسباب العلمية الطبيعية:
١٩- الإلحاد كموضة فكرية:
٢٠- الاضطرابات النفسية:
من أخطر ما يمكن أن يواجه حياة الإنسان النفسية ويربك استقراره وطمأنينته أن يفقد إيمانه بالله، لأن الإيمان بالله هو ما يمنح هذه الحياة معنى وهدفا، ودونه يتمزق القلب وتتوه الروح وتغرق النفس في بحار العبثية والعدمية!
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Technology and humanity
Someday envy will freed under required of our need, and who will remains shall forget about any deed, even people will forget how to breed.
Someday Earth finally will twitch, erase falsity, dithering, exaggeration and no more miracles for teach.
we will know before it comes, hit the ground as thousands of bombs,
remember then to bow, to put you head so low, nothing for one year will grow, and who will control is he who was know the jungle law.
then you will count only in your own actions, nothing and nobody will help or gives you satisfaction.
In the land of reality will be no jails... technology, humanity and what you're knew will be for the new generations... fairy-tails.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Silent tears
whole body is heated up with strong fire power, it neither burns nor kills with tremendous power
I repeatedly asks myself are we done, loved some one but harassed none, i have been carried away by her one action, lovely and sweet smile has put me out of action.
I have surrendered and bowed to her, taken vow not to name her anywhere.
always keep close and silently remember, she always invades memory and trouble... neither allows sound sleep not liberates from such troubles,
I find her where i concentrate or look at prompts me to revile with smile and suddenly off sets, I shall lead a life but without murmur.. shall hold forever and permanently forbear, may go to dark corner and hide the face if proves unbearable.
Shall not allow tears to shed or fall to create any.. any trouble.
Thursday, January 02, 2020
In the land where dreams giving birth
My lips curl the syllable of her want and words are hushed the blood of passions wound, tastes bitter, and painted on the canvas of my mind memories burn the taste that first breath of heaven, spilled from finger traced lips, melded by that which forged me and set upon her earthen silks, I am and will be, once more, the steel in her lace, my heart weeps, into midnight's ebony.
The calligraphy of mist, entwines my soul born again and bathed in a silvered incantation's weave, seeking her nightshade eyes, I feel her presence resting in the circle of my arms absorbing an inked haze, my addicted soul cannot deny, these hours of moonlight minutes, peace, on inhaled breaths, thoughts, unraveling the poetry of body into the opium of needs.
I hang the moon against the rise and fall of her breath taming the spiral inside my soul, her dream scented glow, swallows my dark and the liquid heat, takes me deep into the recesses of her muted murmurs, her slender hands, stitch the wounds that tore my heart, woven to caress, healing on this night of shadows, laced, with the softness of desire.
She feels my breath, and the languid flow of my tears. hope fills me, so close to shatter, catching the air escaping from quivering lips. begging the ease of ache.. wrapping heaven around her, in a tangle of limbs, pulsing the throb of thrusting memories as my body finds solace to arch my crave finding wild. within her whispers of primal.
I dance, yearn...within her hands, in awe of this collide within a shroud of cobalt bliss arising. carrying the seeds of fire, warmed in the breath of her .. reaching, endlessly toward the sky. staining me in truth... burnt with amber eruptions, singing with silent screams.... moistened beneath the indigo sighs, of cloud burst.... and linked, infinite in the mists of wallow.... the silhouette of destiny hovers, my fractured breath, silencing the fall of echoes.. floating .. past midnight... and,
My ink spills... crimson.. hot, against her skin and she feeds me fierce, tainted with whispered words, ripped from my soul, soothing my angst.. enfolding me in her smooth of tongue.. the shadowed desire of her body, a silken slide... her lashes lowered, and the amber, that flows, swirling.. frenzied, a cindered heat, through veins filled with the soft of surrender, passing through the sighs of temptation.
She exhales my name, feather light....and I am tattooed tender to her velvet.. while she becomes baptised into my flesh, my ink, her satin parchment, ascribing need into her soul... I find myself mute, to all but the rhythm of breath, forsaking the stars, I cradle her needs... in murmured words of dark promises...tracing her with my soul in this life or another,
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Not all dreams came true.
Failure may stun and you loose the hope, Still not difficult to walk on tight rope
It is not bad to dream for high sky, Speak always truth and do not lie, You may not have wings to fly, Still nothing wrong to work and try, No need to think or needlessly cry
You must have third sense to rise, All acts should be sensible and wise
Rise and fall is part of the game, Goal and ideas you must frame, No use trying luck or fate to blame.
Tuesday, November 05, 2019
It is only memory and no more wishes
The enjoyment has remained only in name without any purpose, there is no deliverance in anything and everything I have to assume or suppose.
The patch up chance is diminished, the friendship treaty is finished.
The peaceful meetings are over, everything is exposed for the want of cover.
I am mentally.. about to be finished, everything is just in flames and vanished.
There remains nothing but only ashes, It is only memory and no more wishes.
It has come to an abrupt end, No happy news can ever be sent.
No exchange of good wishes possible, The reunion is nearly impossible.
The clouds are about to rain or are over cast, They were moving very fast
They were empty but showed as I full, There prevailed calm and near lull
It may be good sign or very good indication, I was really relieved from suffocation
It was proving difficult to hang on for nothing, There was distrust and everything in it was missing
It is nice to sever the relation if can’t go with trust, All the steps are necessary and comes as first
There has to be clear understanding and is must, It must appear normal and must go on as casual or just
I was always at the receiving end and suffered humiliation, There no sincere efforts from her side for reconciliation.
I was pout to harassment for no fault of mine, She never regretted it and always felt fine
Life is two wheels o chariot, One can’t act as an idiot
They will have to move it together, No one should try to sabotage or try to alter
It can’t remain as one side affair, All niceties and decency is considered as fair
It has to be proved all the way along, Nothing should be proved contrary or wrong
It is bound to fail if any one proves to be insincere, It may be considered as treachery and attempt not sincere
It will send shock waves if it comes to tragic end, The relation may end and amount to unbecoming of friend
It doesn’t involve sexual feelings alone but something more, Both vow to stand by in critical time and sincerely adore
They will jointly approach the problem and earnestly explore, will be settled satisfactorily and nothing will remain in store
Monday, October 21, 2019
human peacefulness
we hear no sincere call, that takes to down fall
There is always continuity, we the human beings offer best quality
the nature too has offered us fineness,we hear and obey the truthfulness
the soul always guide and does not cheat, it leads you to perfection and meet
all we want in earnestness, Leave trail behind for others to trace
The final time is destined, whether you remain inclined or declined
it is for us to make it light in life, even though it may be as an edge of knife
Sunday, October 20, 2019
My fall is not your rise
With aching hands, Boiling mind dripping with blood glowing as light
The pen scratching, some truth on the round glove white
In the wish to balm your scares left on your heart.
To sooth your worries and wash your confusion
He dives
Deep to the bottom of the ocean, man, just to make you smile,
When you are down, he lifts you up,
When you are up, he celebrate you,
Words are nailed
To make a garland
To spread scent on your heart to inject more joy in your life,
Come, read between the lines,
Growing and advances, Innocence left stranded.. No freshness no truth around
Hovering and hanging only black cloud,
Words are now poison
Minds are full of pollution
Glances now looking the weakness, Wicked naked vulgar the strongest, Wishes lost wings and... died
What a happy you celebrating your winning while I'm searching for a crack ... or cave to hide.