Do you know what freedom is ..!
We are always see what we allow to see
we are always limited by bounds
we are always tied to something
we are always attracted to something
All of us should to die; that's why we all are always limited by our lifetime
to be free .. completely free we need to never become a slave to our own thinking and our own self. Understand that we are continuously changing. But...., in which way we will change is our free will.

Government is an unnecessary evil ...
You can't give the government the power to do good without also giving it the power to do bad in fact, to do anything it wants. The government solution to our problems are usually as bad as the problem. And we as a Member of the public are not free unless government is limited. I remember once Voltaire said "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong"... Surly he was right because we must not look to government to solve our problems. Corrupted governments are the problem. And under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.
I grow believing that government exists to protect us from each other through law, rules, etc.. but Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.. then by a way or another when government accepts responsibility for people, people nowadays no longer take responsibility for themselves. And now we should ask not what the government can do for us. We ask why it doesn't..!
My dears there is a huge difference between wars and revolutions .. War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is, Revolution is when you decide that by yourself.
Government is an unnecessary evil. Human beings, when accustomed to taking responsibility for their own behavior, can cooperate on a basis of mutual trust and helpfulness.
Missing you are words generally said to a beloved or a friend who is lives quite away and is separated by distance. Distance brings about physical separation but mentally, the two people are so connected that they tend to miss each other, even when separated by distance. Even when you are miles away from your beloved, your heart won't stop beating for him or her and missing him or her is natural if you are truly serious about the person and have deep-rooted feelings for him or her.
It is genuine that when your object of affection or significant other is away from you, you will long to meet them. Expressing your genuine feelings and saying that "I am missing you" can be a great way of expressing your love and concern for the other person and giving yourself solace. But don't make the other person weak by constantly uttering the same.
Beauty varies according to the eyes of the beholder. What one may seem beautiful to one person may not be so to the other. But there are certain things that are universally agreed to come under the category of beauty like, the sight of roses, a kid's innocent smile, and the act of being kind to others, natural scenery in the lap of Mother Nature and so on.
There are so many things around us that are so beautiful and we tend to miss them and it needs another person to point out they are beautiful. My dears always remember, Your true beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are.true beauty shines when actions show compassion, love, and spirit. Within the heart, True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, and your moral compass.
Growing up actually pertains to emotional, physical and psychological growth. All of us are born as babies and then grow into children, then teenagers and finally adults. Each phase brings about a lot of changes in our psyche and physical appearance. Mental outlook changes and we tend to become more mature. Becoming mature with increasing age suggests the process of “coming off age” of a person.
During the growing up phase, care should be taken by parents that their wards don’t go wayward and follow the wrong ideas and beliefs.
The growing up phase of adolescence is the time when parents should keep a close eye on the activities of their children. Sensible teenagers can only transform into mature and sensible citizens..
Growing up, You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories but find yourself moving on. Its perfectly normal but while you are getting old do not ever enjoy remembering things more than doing them. As we grow older and wiser, we begin to realize what we need and what we need to leave behind. And Some other times just walking away is a step forward.
Failures, turns and twists and adversities might break us down and lessen or morale completely. But even we should learn to take them in our stride and learn from every bad experience too.
I feel that all the things that happen to us in our lives are somewhere down the line, destined to happen. And i completely believe that life is not about what is right and what is wrong, but it's with what is important... and There comes a point in our lifetime when we're more important than our past.
All of us talk like we know what's going on everywhere. But we don't. We don't know anything yet. We're growing and we're gonna keep changing our minds and even sometimes our hearts. And through all that, the only thing we can truly offer to each others are... acceptance and forgiveness.