Never think you are or will be...alone dear, Even if you may hear, If patiently read others too, You will get double joy through.It is my soul, That is always willingly makes call, With attachment so special, For our individual.
What we can't speak is internal feelings, Not for a child or any human being,
It shows how kind is your heart,That is unbearable to human art,
My cry, your rejoice... And our unspoken promises, With equal feelings, Instead of any bad dealing.
Such feeling is rare, And you always remain, As good human being, who eternally will catch up my breathing, and.. all, all my feeling.
Aways remember, it's only full of up and down, and nothing shall be known,
You may remain unaware, And never dare.
So is the power of your strength dears, to dispel your fears, and teach you to bear.
Always remember, as you are a family member,
Of human being, It's not only about striving to bring, or earning new thing.
The peace isn't only goal, It's how we unity as family in clear call,
In our prayers... Or as soothsayers.
It is time to introspect, And revise all acts, Whether they confirm, or confront.
Think of no one, but all as one, For you aren't alone,
But make people to come close, Then you have live very much interesting and you can choose.

Deep sense of attachment, When mother hands over with some sweet comments, That can be anything ranging from jewels, To some invaluable and pearls.
Sometimes they are sweet memories linked to the past, Their life may be nearing end very fast, Time may not left in their hand, So they may need to pass it on at the end.
Their tone gets emotional, Their approach too becomes rationale, All goes swiftly with their change, But after all it is routine with the age.
All parents may wish the same, They may have misery in life or fame, But at the end it matters less, When hard reality are on the way to face.
It might be linked with glorious heritage, Everything might have looked now old and vintage, Yet it carries sentimental value, They may want it nice burial with proper due.
How emotional they become while handing over..!
As something has been passed on willingly to others, It may have enormous feeling and significance, As it was cherished by them at once.
I could see the tremendous satisfaction, Her eyes speak of and give indication, That it has been passed on to safe hands and place, And this gives flow on their face.
Some words may not be heard at last moment, Yet we could make it from their lips movement, It may be a sense of deep fulfillment, As had waited for heavenly bless and sent.
You will always miss, My tender love and that ungivin kiss, The story turned with the twist, It has remained only a mist.
I had dreamed of a Little but, It was shrouded by mystery and but, You never came with good proposal, I only waited for your arrival.
The dark clouds used to make me awake, The life and everything was at stake, The situation was about to make, It seems unrealistic and now will break.
You were self centered, You had deviated, pretended, cheated and altered, Your original course and back tracked, Your promises proved hollow and faked.
I know you might not missed me at all, As you had not responded to call, I had slipped and preferred down fall, You were still a mystery and proved wall.
You were clever and very smart, You smashed and broken my heart, I have no reason still to feel being cheated, I have eagerly watched and waited.
Will you come and make me happy..!
Or will you deceive me like many..!
I had full faith and strong desire, You had all the way preferred to admire
I clearly failed to pick, You were hell bent with to beat with stick, It was invisible blow to mind, I was unable to sense and find.
Am I not at all so weak.!
I feel bad but do not speak..!
I retain and do not reveal, With heavy heart I prefer to conceal.
I wish it to be temporary phase, The fear and agony I want to erase, It is not allowing me to feel at ease, I wait for new energy to release., .
I have never tried to find any fault, It was close secret and held in vault, It will not be spoken at any cost, You have remained close to heart and in mind uppermost
I shall not complain or shed the tears, I will simply watch and truthfully bear, The wounds inflicted by you as reward, I shall be anxious and look forward.
You are not more than anybody, But still you hold special position as unique somebody, I found it quite amusing and pleasant, If would be doubled if you had remained present
I shall never be a dejected person, I have understood and followed every season, I know the tide will turn one day, I will feel happy in special way.
Life is not what we talk about or observe when turn around, It is no misery, struggling or pain either, It is how we feel and deal as a family together.
It is individual’s wish, That shall perish, With stoppage of breathe.. Along with death.
But one has to think in overall context, That shall be considered best, Only animals think about themselves, But for us.... it is how we share each and every moment as living force.
We should move, and prove, Our worth.. Along with commitment and faith
It makes sense, If we remain no tense, and steer the course, By keeping all together in the race
Nothing can be achieved, If it is not believed, That strength lies in "togetherness"
And that only can bring to our family that special kind of peacefulness.
Regards to our new family member "Andria Hazim El badry"
My world is unreal, and I definitely with pain feel, about its consequences... But still, I take every possible chances.
I have loved her, and bothered so much with less care, She has remained forever in my heart, and beaten my existence as an art.
Many thoughts invaded my mind, that I should not be so fool or even kind, In my behavior, and bring discredit or dishonor.
This scuffle ended in good note even, for at some point I'll decide to set this prison open, allow her to go away in dreamland, Stay there and trouble me no more friend.
I don't know about her state, But I relate clearly, I had been living in castle, That had no doors to let people.
I feel relieved, And believed, That no one should be kept unwillingly And let her free from the hook happily.. for at the end, it is fake world
At some point while we're ageing...
We will know that respect is more important than love,
We will know that understanding is more important than commensurability,
We will know that trust is more important than jealousy,
We will know that patience is the most evidence for your sacrifice,
We will know that the most perfect device for Lie detector... Is time.
At some point while we're ageing...
We will abandon everything behind, our innocence smiles, our happy and painful stories, our tranquality, our calmality, our pain, our passions and even our noisiness... Nothing will still remains but the remembrance..
Just try as hard as you can to be a good memories in the hearts of all who will remember you.
Wish I was a butterfly
With colorful wings soaring up high
Gracefully singing into the air
With such silent notes, songs never heard
No one could guess where I will lead
No one could notice the heart that weeps
For such soundless voice only tears will show
Fading as I may... they will never ever know
And they abandon their hands,
Tears of them eyes escaped
Time frozen between the lovers
She didn't ask him what we do
He didn't say anything to her too
Just to words
She.. said goodbye
He.. said goodbye
Then them smile vanished, dried
And they hands became cold, died.
It was a poor farewell for a great love
It was a poor farewell dose not fit the wounds,
It was a poor farewell ... Not worth telling,
Like a thread of silk we cut it from the beginning,
On the ground their still shadow .. Injured in a wounded wind,
As if they were branches of trees .. Dance in the heart of the wind,
The heart open its door for the wind and for the torment.
Give me a little time, I will arrange my life again and bring you back as you were, I did not regret for giving because I never waited for reciprocity, But let me hide in the arms of silence for my pain is unexplainable.
I will never forget the past nor forget the lesson, Man does not die if he loses love, but he lives as a dead person if he loses his dignity trying to catch the impossible, crying to hold on what still remains,
The colors faded in my eyes when I was standing in front of my sand watch pegging its dials to go back, for a man does not become old before remorse fills his rooms of dreams
Roses wilt, Pens dried and even dreams sank in the darkness of our bitter reality,
So please.. give me a little time... I will rearrange my life again and bring you back ....... Stranger... as you were.
Don't judge me until you know me.
Don't underestimate me until you challenge me.... And
Don't talk about me until you talk to me,
For in becoming who we are as a person we have to be willing to shake away from the judgment that we think we will see from others from being who we are. One thing about life is, there will be people that enter into your life, even at a distance, who will make no effort to get to know you, but will instead just choose not to like you.
There are always people in life that will attempt belittle you, and whether they learn to grow to love you or not should never be in the forefront of your thinking. Let others be who they are, while you are who you are.
If the time comes to live in a tense confrontational situation, make the best of it, and think of your adversaries as nothing more than enemies who have no reason to be offended by you, as enemies without rhyme or reason, enemies who have no sense of real sanity in this crazy world.
What if given a chance to forget the past ?
Will taking it makes me happy..!!
Perhaps it would be a great thing at last, but I'd rather keep you in my memory eternally.
What if I could turn back time, would I choose to still wants to meet you?
Perhaps life would be in a different rhyme, but I'd prefer to still be your 'everything'
What if I can control everything, will life be much easier ?
It would be easy to get rid of this feeling, but I would still choose to love you, sincere.
Have you ever thought of a night so long... where you don't wake up and your dreams go on; where you don't feel the pain from the day before, and you can just lie happily there on the floor;
The long night goes on, and you realize and you miss, all the happiness before, the smiles and the longing for a gentle kiss; and the one that you love, your true heart's desire... Is the reason your alive and you have not died prior.
And you were trying so hard, you were trying to disappear, then you hear the words 'I love you' get whispered in your ear...
So you decide to stay awake, just a little bit longer, instead of falling asleep, going deep, down under;
And in a blink of an eye it's dawn calling you, so you open your eyes and sit up in your bed, listen but no good morning has
been said; roll off and to the ground then stand up straight, you look
in the mirror, 'is there any new fate? '; dress yourself on how you feel
for the day, bright if happy, if you're sad maybe gray;
Skip the first meal 'cuz today you can't eat, feel like you want to be light on your feet;
when you feel not good enough; wonder if this day could get much
longer, through out it you thought you would get stronger; you are now
home, as tired as can be, wondering...... i'm tired i need to..s l e e p

And the days went by, and the days passed so quickly, between distance and adversity. And when I met her I forgot our opponent, I forgot the night I was watching miserably counting the seconds. Out of my hands I forgave the torment of my heart and the horror she did to me.I don't know how I run to her, as if there is nothing beyond my beloved even death itself.. as if i have nothing nothing but my beloved in this universe
She met me and the desires in our eyes was enough to full the universe with longing, And hand in hand a silence words started to reveals through our eyes, and she is whispered to me, "I'm sorry.. I was so wrong about you..!"I forgot What was the reasons behind our sorrow.. I forgave her and forgot why we was suffering at first place, OWhere is the tears of my eyes went..! forbidden was the sleep.. the sleep abandon my eyes... O, with a tenderness smile with her eyes .. all my sorrow vanish .. vapor on air .. the staleness of torment, and the sweetest torment, the torment of love for loved onesI will not be able to endure a day without her for the patience need patience to learn me to be patience alone without you.. There is nothing there in my dreams beyond my beloved..
When wiser described patience to me I'm sure it was just imagination, some words in love, a tears in a sea full of agony .. ya who know what meant by patience tell me how i can run away from my heart, which place can contains my love but her heart, Our sweet nights already everywhere, together we full it with our love, with hopes full the universe, Hopes and affection
Here is the dawn fold his beams after the abandonment in its pink color becomesAnd the light of dawn awake up the joy when the joy said to love .. awake up be happy, awake up and be rejoicing... He said to love folk rejoicing... and I.. from joy to joy I neither sleep nor health,
I spend the nights wait the invitation to meet her, living in the Autumn of my age to catch what still remains from youth spring between the longing of the end, and the longing should began
When the breeze of dawn pervading your hair O, my love.. i hear it whispers to my ears tenderness sighs
When the fragrant smells of your perfume dissolves in your sensitive senses whenever it touches your skin O, my love.. I hear it whispers to my ears tenderness sighs.
Yet I wounder why whenever you whisper me "I love you", i can't reveal the lamentations of your love loudly to the universe.
O, I Wrote your name letters one by one with beads of morning dew on all trees leaves, who can admire you such as me, who can describe you like me..!
you are a beautiful dream, I hope all wounded hearts could dream on with me.. you are the highest sense i touched in my life which made me melt, made me feel that I'm still human full of humanity.

A long ago, wise men said, this life is so arrogant, and he who deceived by life tempting, he lose his destiny.
devil is capable of doing much... Capable of morphing with a thousand images, but he can not control those who dispense good to other.
what is the value of life and living if we lost our moral values, and selling our Innocence, tenderness and humanity.
How we can be proud in front of our mirrors if we lived our life escape from the truth.
Money can come from the wind . it also may lost in the hardships of our life even our children leave us in the day of reckoning.
Money always disappears regardless of its amount, nothing will save us but the good we do for It will always remains.
and who we will be if we sold our past and our present, and why we even live if tomorrow can't bring satisfaction, and how we lay on beds sleeping as dead without dreaming about future, yet how dreams can see light if it was not a result to our good deeds.
a long ago, wise men said, this life is so arrogant, and he who deceived by life tempting him, he lose his destiny.
devil is capable of doing much... Capable of morphing with a thousand images, but he can not control those who dispense good to other.
IF this important heart trouble your peace with words lighter than air, or hopes that in more hoping for a home twice we share, putting the rose in your hair, covering the lips with longing twilight and say,"O Hearts of wind will blown flame".. but Winds, older than changing the plans between a night and day, That hunger and longing came from a true was old, in the shore of your
carves lands.
In one last battle fold upon blue fold, Queens wrought with it's par hands, with her lovely sadly face above the wandering tide, in the hidden secret place where the last dream folded and where it also died, O love "I'll never ever changing till change will be dead"
It is not the triumph over regress, it is the power to suppress.
It is not the money or the fame, it is knowing you will always still the same.
It is not the power or the pride. it is a place in your heart to hide.
It is not a gift or gain, it is accepting and believing in your name.
It is not a point or goal to seek, it is, believing we have never reached the peak.
It is not an tree beneath the wind, it is unmovable root to hold on.
Success is
You allowed fears to hinder me within my dreams, I may have been
awakened in my life... Awakened from false illusions blinding me, Now I
can't allowed myself to view the truth behind that door.
Perhaps true integrity I would have found, Creating a world where I am just another hat with wounded profound.
a large door intently placed half mast, Which knocked me to the ground leaving me to grasp the solar system swirling all around and up above my head and yet... I in my mind continued to wander amidst confusion and denial.
That love could such a cruel thing intently do.. Until reality made me see the dream was impossible to be accepted too, Until waking to the reality of what a fool I'd been.. I'll wonder what doorways line my path will teach me... how to redeem the wounds with the peaces of dignity still remains.! for you.. you allowed fears to hinder me within my dreams,
I see you cry from being hurt... Turn away for things equivalent to dirt
I was never there to make you happy ... Never once glanced to catch you laughing
Your days alone and being depressed... Blaming it on work is what I stressed
I never came back to you and shared your tears... I never was caring and soothed your fears
Life crashes down and you always ache, I was so irresponsible and called you my mistake, I was always trying to make you someone else... Sitting in the corner talking to myself
"I never realized the person I've become... Staring at this mirror on the wall heart beating like a drum
I set everything in front of you and put you in the past... Everyone was first and you were always last, Now... I've come to understand you are all thats left"
Glancing over my mistakes tears rolling to my ches, My stomach is turning over my thoughts sinking in... 0 Blood falling from my nose trickling down my skin. . My eyes are swollen shut from this endless weeping sorrow
Knowing I was fake just for fun, mouth so dry I cannot swallow
tears shed from my selfishness enough for someone to drown
I rest my head in my arm knowing it is the end
No one deserve to be broken stuck with nothing left to mend.