Neither do I claim my self to be an honest man,
Nor I do give any guarantee to my woman,
I have tried to remain loyal as far as possible,
But life has remain problem and full of troubles.
I know for sure that she was one of the best,
Did all whatever she could and proved true to test,
Yet something was troubling and keeping her away,
Her behavior was coming definitely on the way.
It is sweet tug of war between couples,
It is so when they get into doubles,
Children change their way of living,
It is now question of faith and believing.
Some of the interests are forgotten for cordiality,
Some of the couples show it as their best quality,
Despites lots of difference they try patch up,
Keep relation in tact and nicely cover up.
There is no need to express regret or feel sorry,
Some of the fears keep surfacing and add to worry,
Life is another name for on going struggle,
Compared to that of timely appearance of water bubble.
How come that ship can sail smooth.?
People may try very hard in their youth,
Yet some of the tricky ways dishearten,
The patience runs out of it all of sudden.
It takes years of time to adjust,
It is almost known and must,
As it demands greater degree of understanding,
It gives enough of time to correct image and.
Many things are left unsaid ... Not much attention is also paid
It is best to forget it once for all ... Even if that has caused our down fall
Life is full of enterprise, New day open with sun’s rise, Full of avenues mixed with surprises, All to hold good with firm promises
Live and let others live with least interference, Right lesson with logic and correct inference, Quoting the sentence with authentic reference, To fulfill the promise when committed at once.
There are many ups down as hill curves, It inspires us and in many ways serves, To boost our energy and come off with great zeal, Life is then... taken as mission with aim to make it real.
It makes us all the more important, Some of things come as very instant, Grief sometimes weaken our spirit, It has damaging effect and we feel it.
Do the tears must fall and be seen..!!!
You should be bold enough and very keen, Hold it with all your strength and close to chest, Dash it against and sail through at its best.
In some the quarters it is argued against, Tears are best means to enlighten the chest, It will reduce the heaviness and tension, Let it come out with force without any mention.
To the lonely place but not in isolation, Live with it and solve it with complete liaison, It has direct bearing with mind and has some relation, It must be understood and left with no more questions.
The success also drives person to be burst with tears, It is uncontrollable emotion that is erupting without fear, One can not remain aloof when it is showered with success, It has to come out in open if find no other access
Let us not forget that being human you will have to act as human, There is no exception for genders like man or woman, They have equal amount happiness and despair, To control it in reasonable manner will be fair.
We are driven by the emotional forces,
It may be joyous or full of remorse,
We got to live with those unbearable factors, In any case as losers or victors.
Some people may cut a sorry figure at little setback,
I will always prefer to encourage them by giving back pat,
It will prove as great starter for controlling the emotions,
There won’t be any need then to search for any options.

I try to evaluate the pain and sufferings, What was wrong with his message of offering ?
Compassion and peace to all with Almighty's blessings, I wondered and knelt down with pain for people's doing... It makes me to cry more, I search soul and try to explore,
What might have gone wrong at that time ?
Why people should resort to cruelty sometimes ?
All prophets descended the earth with one mission, Take out the blind faith and teach them the power of confession, No word is as holy as confession itself if done with earnest desire, Surrender to thee with no more unholy acts before life expires.
I read and reread as my lady once said about divine light, no where I found hatred to my delight. "Love the neighbor and love the poor, serve the man if he is suffering next door"
All good people here in recent times have met with ugly death, life mission incomplete and fired from gun with bullets, God give him good sense as they are misguided, the last words from their mouth have certainly provided
Why someone should feel hurt from my utterances ?
Why should I try to create hatred with harsh sentences ?
I love to read all such sentences which forbid, make the people to understand and wisely follow the lead.. and to any faith that preaches love I shall bow my head,
Shuns the violence and firmly believes in his power and blindly follows on what is good, digests its teachings and consumes it as rich food.
Don't tell me that no one knows about who controls the universe..!
Why do we still reflect unawareness with fears..!
Let us not divide ourselves and create golden cages, for no one may remember what we wrote on page.
سئل طفل والده : ما معنى الفساد السياسي
فأجابه : لن أخبرك يا بني لانه صعب عليك في هذا السن،لكن دعني أقرب لك الموضوع
انا اصرف على البيت لذلك فلنطلق علي اسم الرأسمالية...
و امك تنظم شؤون البيت لذلك سنطلق عليها اسم الحكومة...
و انت تحت تصرفها لذلك فسنطلق عليك اسم الشعب...
و اخوك الصغير هو املنا فسنطلق عليه اسم المستقبل...
اما الخادمة التي عندنا فهي تعيش من ورائنا فسنطلق عليها اسم القوى الكادحة
اذهب يا بني وفكر عساك تصل الى نتيجة.....
و في الليل لم يستطع الطفل ان ينام .. فنهض من نومه قلقآ و سمع صوت أخيه الصغير يبكي فذهب اليه فوجده بل حفاضته.
ذهب ليخبر امه فوجدها غارقة في نوم عميق ولم تستيقظ ،
و تعجب أن والده ليس نائما بجوارها..
فذهب باحثآ عن أبيه
فنظر من ثقب الباب الى غرفة الخادمة فوجد أبوه معها بوضع منافي للاخلاق ...
و في اليوم التالي
قال الولد لابيه! : لقد عرفت يا أبي معنى الفساد السياسي .
فقال الوالد: وماذا عرفت ..
قال الولد :
عندما تلهو الرأسمالية بالقوى الكادحة وتكون الحكومة نائمة في سبات عميق فيصبح الشعب قلقا تائها مهملاً تماماً و يصبح المستقبل غارقا في القذارة...
We forgive seeking for getting comfort from bile,
We forget hoping for new innocent clear smile,
We keep silent because there is no benefit in the argument to find,
We ignoring for there is nothing that will hold back reproach can find,
We are patient because our trust in the Creator has no limits,
We all knew that ...
The self always covetous yet the reasons are always failing.
The self is lost between despair and growling,
Do not be sad whenever the world shrinking around you while it grows wider for others,
And look at the moon and this darkness skies how they became more magnificence together,
A dog rushes out of the house upon a negligently opened door
it rushed further into the the careless gate into the busy road of the city
wagging its tail jumping happily over its newly found freedom
until it is run over by a mindless truck heading towards the forest
and the puppy lies crushed dead on the busy road where passersby do not mind what is happening
and you who had carelessly opened the door still reads a book while munching on fish chips and white wine inside your lonely room.
In a world where money has the power to undermine human principles, rapping innocence, enslave weak souls morality.
In a world where people planting hatred, feeds it on the tears of the weak and enjoy watching them reaps the pain.
In a world full of pretenders, where masks becomes personal fashion, honesty rabidly vanished when we started to deny the truth and believe in lying.
How could we respect our environment and adapt with it..!
The perfect combination of music and of words,
Give you a sensation that by the Soul is heard.
Music, Words and Soul equal Poetry
Complicated ? ... no.. Not at all.
for if you don't feel it, you can't write it,
Come back another day,
You have to feel, deeply feel,
What you write,
What you say.... Is heart portray,
You just can't fool poetry, it doesn't work that way,
So, don't be discouraged, and while you still breathing.. try again some other day.
But Life separates lovers, not always together do they stay,
And emotionally they parted... Never again, to find them way,
As the rivers overflowed with sadness... Emotionally, that very day!
They never found each other, ... How can it be?
That all the love he has in him, Was never given to another,
Only loneliness discovered ... and a lot of tears not yet cried.
If we planning not to suffer from repeated disappointments we should try to picture our dreams inside the scope of our potential, Because dreams often need a practical reality to based on, to move in the direction of achieving it.
When you'll breaks into thousands of pieces, only you will have the ability to restore yourself, When you'll defeat in your life battles, Only your will... will help you, for your ability to stand up again it's a power only owned by you.
See how the boat fighting with all the mighty waves of the sea and it doesn't drown, unless the sea water leaks inside.. Such a failure will not be able to control you unless pessimism will offside to your heart, so if your living was a dark sea of pain and despair, just try to cross it with a boat of patience,
But before we wake up I'd like to tell you that, the experiences taught me two priceless wisdom about dreams,
Do not try to reach a human who doesn't trying to reach you and
Do not fight the world for a human who can not fight his pride for you.
In the middle of arbitrary laws, the use of excessive power, intransigence, the hatred. Ignorance and the indifference.
Let us live in the illusion of freedom.
Let us fight the illusions of equality and justice.
Let us sink into the quagmire of ignorance and apathy.
We share them sadness and joy.
We share them the road as a loyal companion.
And forget that we came alone, we fought alone, we even lost alone .. and alone we shall complete the journey.
So we bury the remnants of our dreams in the cemetery of life struggles,
So we must frankness ourselves in front of reality mirror.
Black candles .. do not illuminate darkness
There will come a time on people when they hearts will die and only bodies will remain,
They will enjoy watching the suffer of others as if there isn't anybody bleeding or complain,
Our affection, mercy, devotion, loyalty and virtue lost in battle can not be win,
We have left the earth sinking with the blood of innocent,
We left hunger to break the will of the poor for mint,
We left the ungodly win over pride even nobility becomes for rent,
Αnd we have lost our humanity just for gain.
Our words are written
Our saying will never be forgotten,
And the sun of our life fading away at sunset and almost taken,
Leave your vanity and pride, remember that you are a human being... Don't let your heart be harden.
1.The goal and the circumstances of the planning stay insufficiently demonstrated.
2. The information provided with regard to the purpose and conditions of the intended stay is not reliable.
3. Your intention to leave the territory of the Member State for visa purposes could not be established.
If you know about these three sentences, then I suppose you have a broken dream, crashed between your painful reality and Stubborn souls full of darken steam, Suspicion in your deed, destitution even may the need, or anything can fade as the Sun last beam.
You picture the situation as if it your end, you spirit shout there is nothing can let you bend, stand up please... I'm still have power to fight, and to you I'll lend, clarify what's happened and you'll comprehend, your wounds make you blind but nothing can't mend.
Falling thousands of times either gives you experience or gives you priceless lesson, See how the arrow is going back just to go forward racing the beam of Sun, Even that speeding bullet goes out of steady gun.
When you fail to handle hard life mill gear, and you lost the vision or can't see clear, you should search for hope in the heart of stone, Fight to get what you want even if all you got are broken bone, for you became stronger you became a genuine and not a clone.
Yes it was failure but through failure we've been grown, no matter how it was darken, stop complaining about that's already gone, never let weaknesses obscured your dawn from shown.
When love conquers poverty mills. The hearts bleed the blood of love on the graves of commitment.
The joy of the encounter and the pain of parting turn into a struggle for survival
And the ray of hope dissolves Between fear and bashfulness,
Aspirations stat to disappear, we keep pushing until we get wounds we can not bear,
And the discontent between reality and the struggle to heal the wounds the life itself becomes disheartening, meaningless,
You can curse the circumstances.
You can resent what you have made with your choices.
There are many reactions depending on your personality
So you can try again many times... But even if you keep trying in the same way, you will only benefit from repeated failures,
Here at this particular time ... faith must emerge from the heart of sorrows,
Belief that you are a human nd humans do mistakes,
Belief that everything happens by fate and destiny,
Belief in your strength, ans your power to rise again,
Belief that nothing created to stay forever, and who he will win is aften the one can patiently waiting a little bit more.
Belief that What afflicted you, you weren't had the ability to avoid. And what missed you wasn't distend to harm you at first place, for all that you are going through have been written when you was at your mother womb.
Now awake up from your dreams and try again to make sure you give them birth and let them come true, you are definitely designed for success.
Rising a daughter is hard indeed,
For we grow a generation to lead,
Not fragile child to bleed,
Selflessness to her family when the time in need,
Have no vanity, no ego even the greed
Help her as a shadow glowing in her darkness deed,
You, he who think you are a good father,
your mission wasn't just them feed.
For raising a daughter is hard... Indeed
It is hard for me to imagine beauty not associated with virtue for true beauty and true virtue are one thing yet beauty without virtue as flower without fragrant breeze,
The most beautiful things in the world you can not see or even touch, you should feel it with your heart, If you look optimistically into existence, you'll see beauty common in all its details,
True beauty disappears when intelligence shows up. True
love is the convergence of two spirits. The souls do not compete in
beauty or intelligence. Because all spirits are beautiful and
Who is looking for a good, smart and beautiful woman looking for three different women, Who is looking for a good, intelligent and strong man looking for three different men.
The softness in
the wonderful power is stronger than the power itself, because it shows
you the place of mercy in it and humility in beauty better than beauty,
because vanity is denied by him .. and everything of strength has no
place in it for something of mercy is what God put on people of the laws
of destruction.
Once upon a time ... My father told me, you are strong but you need more practice to be more stronger.
I rushed to athletics training. I practiced martial arts. I mastered the shooting until I became a sniper in the guard of the president Special army.
Then I came back to my father and asked him..
Am I now more powerful.. More stronger..?
He answered me with a quiet voice;
Do you think power is synonymous with cruelty and indifference..!
I was confused and regretted what I missed from the time, and asked him with tears refuse to come down from my eyes.
So I made a mistake and I'm looking forward to knowing my mistake if you please..!
He replied me...! My son,
Strength lies here ... and put his hand on my heart.
Strength lies in the heart no matter how crashing it still gives,
Strength lies in a spirit that no matter how is narrow and misty the ways it does not surrender,
Strength lies in the mind of whatever knowledge it earned, it will always humble in front of wisdom,
Strength lies in love no matter how the paths distances and separated between lovers, love will always remains alive.
Now tell me, How stronger you think you are ?
Our failure as a human in a very sample sentence is, when we let our
biggest concern became "having" not our "being" in all what we are
willing for "doing", we fed the wrong animal.
once upon a time. There was a child of hostile character. He hated the arrogant. He humiliates those who feel they are stronger than him only to increase strength and hardness. He dreamed of being an unrivaled knight.
While receiving his education. Despite his family's place among neighbors. His father sent him to learn most of the crafts. And the people respected his father and feared his also.. And was the only condition for each of handicrafts those he sent his son to them, just not to insult his son dignity. And never pay money for what he doing among other things.
someday the boy become a madness man of dignity and a knight always help weak and poor people, And he inherited the flame of honor and honesty of his father ... and characterized by courage and fearless even of death itself,
One day he met a masked girl. He liked her words and her culture. He love her pride and courage. Even he was impressed by her disregard for him.
He making the impossible to become closer of her .. sacrificed everything was owned to be able to see her... And all his attempts are all fail. Then finally he got a plan... He decided to build a fence on the way lead to her home. He does not make anyone enter or leave the town without seeing him. And if the passerby is good, he let him pass. And if he was a knight he was silently fighting him so as not to cross The road and see his beloved one,
Finally she loved him, his ego let him to raise his face to her family and said, "No one deserves her love more than me. No one can take it from me before it kills me and on my dead body, Even the king of death himself can not"
His feelings towards her drive him crazy, let him forgot the gifts god gave him, his vanity blind his eyes let him become arrogant,
God heard him from above, so, he asked his angel of death Azraeil, to take his soul, to prison his spirit,
In a blink of an eye Ezra came down from heaven and he walked in the road.. And he call for the knight, "You he who prohibited men from pass this road, I'm going to take your soul to her creator, god send me to take your soul" the knight was known that no human can say such words to him,
He got a tear in his eyes and reply to the angel of death "please don't i did wrong actions but I'm a good man, i have a lot of humans and they love me, please.. Let me live the rest of my life with the woman i love,
Azra felt with his honesty, but azra also can't come back to god with an empty hands, So, he asked the knight.. "okay ask any one to die foe you and I'll let you alive, the knight ran to his family and to all his friends asking for them help, he asked them for one can sacrifice his soul for death angel,
and alas, nobody helps him, everyone was loving life, so the knight started to cry and his beloved one saw him,
She asked him, my knight why i you are crying ?
He told her the story and what he searched for... Then she started to walk into the death angel and said..
"please take my soul for i can't live without his love..! "
The knight ran towards the death angel and said..
"please let her and take my soul for i have nothing on this earth or another if she wasn't going to be with me"
God listen to all this and asked his death angel to let them both alive... And before he fold his wings towards the sky.. The angel of death said to the knight
"nothing created to stay forever, your love gives you another chance, don't wast it builds walls, for what meant to be has been written by god and will always find its way."
He rose from his sleep quickly,
He went to the Turkish bath,
To bathe with French soap,
Dressed in Korean clothes,
He did not forget his Swiss watch,
Take a piece of Danish cheese,
His Filipino servant brought him a Brazilian coffee,
To ask his Indian driver to equip his German car,
He took some papers to check on his Italian handbag,
To review a lecture on boycotting the West in light of the inequality among the members of society...
Have you ever know that the best alms comes from those who need it to those who need it most..!
Have you ever tried to make the good for a person you do not know..?
Have you ever planted a tree in a garden that you do not own..?
Have you ever shared a useful idea that will not help you in particular..?
Have you ever said "no" to injustice..?
Have you ever defended an oppressed living being....?
Do you see yourself as a human being..?
Instead of continuing criticism ... we always can light the right way to others.