Friday, June 07, 2013

Shedding tears

Don't think for a second you are fragile
Because you shed tears every now and then
Shedding tears help cleanse the soul
Don’t let your heart become dark and cold
Everyone goes through pain but not for long
Tears are apart of your soul 
So go ahead and shed your tears
Because it's okay to shed a tear
I see your pain when your tears drip down your face
Why do you look at me as if no one cares
Because I care


There is a big difference between
Whom, we respect them because they are respectable people and
Whom, we respect them because we are respectable people
Let me tell you what is forbearing means ..

He isn't who.. Injustice by other's and was able to take his retaliate ... then, Avenged
He who.. Injustice by other's and was able to take revenge .. then, Pardoned

Sunday, June 02, 2013

I'm missing the dawning.. in your eyes

Only to you .. yes you and nobody but you
Just remember
it's best for you to love wisely, no doubt
but to love foolishly, honestly 
is better than not to be able to love at all

Hate is evil

Hate is evil
Hate tries to consume you, wait, stop! Fight back
Don't let it take over your mind
Evil spreads itself all over the world grabbing weak souls
Yeah, sometimes I get angry, but I must remember
I can't let it get me
I must be strong
I fight evil with the merciless God giving me the strength
Not to fall in the fate of evil
When you’re angry, you're not yourself, but something else
Evil causes you to do the unthinkable, but
The ones that are still holy must stay holy until the end
Hold on, don't let go! 
We will soon have revenge
Just hold on a little more
Yeah, of course I hate when people talk about me
I hate when people bully others for being different
I hate when people steal from me
I hate when people pretend to be my friend, but use me
I hate when people take the lives of others
I hate to be around people because they have betray me
But in the end
Anger is my worst enemy
So I hum to God in my mind to enter my heart and save my soul
I don't want to let evil fill my heart to where I no longer care
I want to be saved
Thank you God, you have saved me 


Trust is earned, But once violated .. It’s difficult to regain
When do you trust? 
Who do you trust? 
You trust with your mind
You trust with your heart
You trust with honor
You trust with pride
You trust with expectations
But is putting trust in someone worth it? 
Tell me, is it? 
I've tried to trust, But ended up with betrayal and cannot allow it to occur again
I opened my mind . . Opened my heart
But only received a shattered heart
Now I know not to trust so easily

Truth, is what we left behind ..!!

we all hate it, we raise eyes and ask why, then chastise 
when it is revealed because we can't believe, 
what it is were hearing, 
he didn't do it, 
she doesn't love him 
and he's not a plays, we all hate them, 
yet we all sin, 
we hide behind our masks of reputation 
which causes us to live in depredation 
and in the process we become lost in ignorance, 
we spill blood and call names, 
yet we believe we live in our innocence 

Your end

You have no right, to hold me down, 
No right, to stop my fight, 
you have No right, to end my night, 
to lessen my joy, to change the range 
if my insanity to correct my vanity, 
no right to take my light, or to shine a new one, 
no right to steal my fun, or to black my sun, 
so you have no right to choose my path, 
you'll be lucky if i let you pass 
into my past to show you the last 
who came before 
through the door of my mind, 
you have no right, none, 
i hold my gun, 
in the shape of a pen, 
because i seem weak, but i will be your end 

Friday, May 31, 2013

When dreams gain strength

Fading vision gives way to sensation, 
drifting body lessthrough empty dreams.
Lost souls demand you to join, damning you and the dreams you have.
Ghosts haunt empty halls of memories, 
giving way while your demons haunt you.
Silence reigns while your heart yearns, 
screams shatter the silence around you.
Your heart bursts forth like a rocket, 
shining bright and banishing the darkness.
Body gains cohesion and leaps forward, 
dreams gain strength and become reality.


It's alright, try again.
I'm here to help, use me as you wish.
It's okay to fall, pick yourself up.
I will stay with you, just don't give up.
It's fine to fail, it's not the end.
I'll stay until you succeed, but then I have to leave.
You will reach your goal, becoming who you wanted to be.
That day I will just walk away, 
knowing there is no place left for me.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


The saddest things in life .. are missed opportunities, 
The hardest thing in life  .. seems to be 'truth', 
The easiest thing in life .. seems to be 'dreaming', 
and the best thing .. seems to be youth.
The luckiest thing in life .. is that I'm still living, 
The oddest thing in life .. seems to be religion, 
The toughest thing in life .. must be forgetting, 
And the last thing seems to be forgiving.
The slowest thing in life .. seems to be 'time', 
The fastest thing in life .. is hate, 
The most dangerous thing in life .. is 'caring' and having the ability to create; 
Because the highest thing in life is the satisfaction and to have a good understanding! ! ! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


A day of mourning, a night of celebration.
Two sides to a coin, ever spinning through life.
Work drives the day, liquor fuels the night.
The give and take of life, more taking than giving.
Feed the mind, starve the soul.
Something is lacking, yet we don't know what.
Human connection, relationship detachment.
Yes or no or maybe, questions with no answers.
Time loses meaning, meaning loses form.
You're my ever flipping coin, feeding my soul while losing my mind.

Two sides to every coin..!

laughing while watching

Watching and waiting, stuck in park.
People come and go; I am the only constant.
Live and learn, I bide my time.
Mirthful eyes watch them pass.
You had your chance, but squandered the opportunity.
I am beyond your reach; better off for it.
I closed the store, suckers no longer for sale.
No longer waiting, but laughing while watching.

take your chances

The funny thing about imagination is there are many ways reality can play out.
One of a million.
One door of a million opens, while the others slam shut.
Only one way to go.
You have no choice, you walk through only to see a million more choices.
The game is afoot again.
You lead yourself on, hoping for one, but getting another.
Diluting yourself, but never shocked at the outcome.
You know the rules.
Shrugging because you know the game continues every time you make a choice.
You keep playing.
Eyes forward, you continue on.
A million doors close, but there is always one open.
You take your chances.

let it flow

The beats of life are in you, thumping and writhing.
Dance with abandon you never felt before, 
just let it flow.
If you need to borrow some energy, you can have some of the rest of mine.
I will shine my light for you baby, 
just let it flow.
Give the day a chance, but give the night to me.
Take my hand without fear, and 

just let it flow

I'll be there

When wild vines choke the road and thick leaves block the sky, 
leaving you lost under a canopy of darkness - I'll be there.
When the paths before you look foreign and strange, 
and the signs all point to nowhere - I'll be there.
The day you decide to use me and betray the feelings we once shared, 
turning forked tongue toward my waiting ear - I'll be there.
When the end comes and forces us to part and you walk away, 
leaving me alone on a rocky pier - I'll be there.
Soon enough you will realize what you have lost, 
and in a vain attempt to reclaim my love.
You search for me where I was as if frozen in time, 
but you find only a memory with words frozen on its lips.
............. 'I'll be there.' 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blinded by the darkness

I remember falling, falling into brightly lit darkness.
Blinded and weightless, yet I could see I was too heavy to move.
Falling in a hole so small a gnat would get stuck, yet big enough to swallow the world.
Talking as fast as the wind blew, yet it takes years to reach understanding person.
Words become nothing when heard, yet not listened to.
Thoughts shine in eyes, yet are never given voice.
Your mind is closed, yet you will never admit.
Your heart is closed, this you already know.
Heart and mind, shuttered behind windows.
Peering out at the world, wishing they could break free.
I admit that I don't hold the key, yet I throw myself bodily at the barrier.
Battered and bruised, I toss my final breath at that wall of emotion.
I lie gasping, clawing at the stone.
A dying moment, a chance flickers and fades away.
Falling yet never moving, here yet always there.
A dichotomy of self, blinded by the darkness.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Somebody needs what you have
Somebody needs your gifts and talents
Somebody needs your love and encouragement
Live to make a difference in others
Living a life worth remembering 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I believe

I believe that the sun shines after the rain 
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain 
I believe in not doing things the easy way 
I believe that being selfish doesn't pay 
I believe in a second chance 
I believe in a life long romance 
I believe there is life after death 'n standing up to a life of mess 
I believe in love at first sight 
I believe that revenge isn't right 
I believe that first impressions last 'n there is nothing better then a good laugh 
I believe that dreams do come true, I believe there's destiny for me and you, 
I believe something good comes from something bad 

I believe in half of what i see by my eyes 'n i believe nothing in what i hear.
I believe everyone has only one true love. 

Life Is Done

I'm done with my life, Im done with truth, 
I'm done with the things I use to do
I'm done playing this game, its my life that I have to blame
I'm done with today Im done with tomorrow, 
I'm done with everything including my sorrow
I'm done with being happy Im done being mad
Im done with the things that make me sad
I'm done with friends Im done with you
I'm done with everything there's nothing left to do
I'm done with phones Im done with jobs
I'm done with the ones that are slobs
Im done with truth Im done with lies
I'm done with everything including the things that dies
My life life is over, Im done with it all
at a cold bed right now drowning in my pain 


If only for the waking moment
I could well remember then...
And all the same sad replies
From where they knew when...
This sadness seems, no spirit seeks
Of such so gentle purpose sought...
And by some occasions timeless
Where the heart must stronger sail
Should with emphasis least forsake
Nor stir the shaded brow...
Life heard the uncommon narrows
Emptied of its pervade and fire
For what so willingly arranged
In the whispering desire.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Let a blade penetrate your skin, inside your blood it sink, 
Mind goes blank and empty, now your unable to think, 
Let a blade penetrate your skin, if ever your by yourself, 
If ever you are alone, if ever you need someone else, 
Put a gun up to your head, and slowly let it go, 
Exposing all your secrets, the darkness you never show, 
Put a gun up to your head, and take away your life, 
When you get that lonely feeling, that cuts you like a knife, 
Hold that knife up to your heart, and let it pierce your soul, 
Shattering your life to pieces, a life once yours now stole, 
Hold that knife up to your heart, if ever there is no healing, 
No way to let it out, to fight that lonely feeling, 
Blade, gun, or knife, which ever the way you'll die, 
Which ever the way you'll fight, that lonely feeling inside, 
Blade, gun, or knife, you'll never feel the longing pain, 
The hurt of being careless, no, you'll never be lonely again,

How can an angel break my heart..!

You flew out of the sky, and came into my soul, 
I was broken and torn, but you made me a whole, 
You flew into my life, from the great Heaven above, 
God sent you down for me, God made you my love, 
Our love was everlasting, for it came right from the skies, 
I thought you were my angel, but you were an angel in disguise, 
At first you were my love, you were the only one for me, 
Until you broke my heart, tell me you love me, and then flee, 
You left me with many questions, when you tore my world apart, 
But the one that struck me most, was ' How can an angel break my heart ? "

Injustice world

The injustice of the world, allowing kids to have sex, 
First the touch of one’s hand, or sending private parts through a text, 
Allowing us to commit sins, that we know nothing about, 
Now diseases are being spread, because a condom we did without, 
The injustice of the world, injecting violence, creating madness, 
Innocent lives are being taken, and the result of that is sadness, 
Now a family must bury, someone they truly love, 
In hopes of reuniting, some day in the great Heaven above, 
The injustice of the world, corrupting all of humanity, 
Allowing people to commit sins, and yet they still manage to be free, 
The injustice of the world, creating drugs in which we now use, 
One time is all it takes, and now we've become drug abused, 
The injustice of the world, where Lady Liberty ignores it all, 
Doesn't she know all actions matter, no matter how big or how small? , 
The injustice of the world, where we’re not safe in our own homes, 
Perhaps we should remove that blindfold, and give our fools governor some ideas about our real life.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


 "The Equestrian extinct .. Horses did not become extinct but unfortunately ... The knights extinct"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The end

Sooner or later someone will leave your life, but it's not the end of your story.. simply it's the end of their role in your own story

Blooming in the light

A solitary rose grew in the darkest corner of the garden
Surrounded by many others, Yet didn't remained alone
Time passed and trials came and went
One dealt a severe blow
And the rose began to wilt and wither
Forgotten... Then... as if by a miracle...
There came a soft and gentle breeze
Followed by a ray of light
As all the other roses fell into darkness
The solitary rose began to shine
Shining with a special light...
And watered by a gentle cascade...
A cascade of love
A cascade of selfless affection
'I do... not now but forever...'
Said the rose to the sunlight
And there they remain
A rose in full bloom
With her sunshine smiling down on her...
You are my sunshine, my life, my very soul
You'r the rose blooming in the light of our love. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Useless World

The sun will not forever shine
the moon will lost it's glory
the sea and ocean will run dry
the forest will wither
darkness will take over the day
man will lose lose his life
everything will vanish
running heater skeeter is meaningless
everything on earth will be vanish.
we are all traders here 
and will certainly leave
those we stored those who store treasure like a mad man should note that...
the world is to much you can't gather it all alone
no food for lazy man well, agreed but working so hard would only fetch little out of the world resources
more haste; less speed
is what you get at each struggling minute
the more you look the; the less you see
isn't this world useless 
are the things in it not worthless
we've all borrow a wondering leaf
little remain here on earth; but every hour from that eternal silence is saved
jingle the block at each passing by
even before the advent of clock cock had been crown
isn't the world too much with us
can one tour it all
let every one who know's that he can never tour every part of the world march the eyes of the world gently so to avoid stepping on the eyes of the earth. 

If i had one wish

if i had one wish to bring you happiness 
to full fill your every dream
i would do my very best
to never let you cry
to dry up every tear 
to forever keep you smiling 
that's how much i do really care 
one wish to ful fill one dream
to make reality to rest beside you nightly
to feel your arms around me tight
to know that i've ful filled your every wish just right 
to never see you sad and lonely 
to watch you happy every day
to ful fill your every wish and dream within your every day again.

Self confidence

its just a matter of self confidence .. the ultimate power
one must have because nobody will love yourself except you in the first place
nobody will appreciate you if your being is not known to you
it plays a significant role in the middle of that journey of life
you can go beyond the boundaries surpass the mainstream of dejection
when confidence is intact crossroads are just scraps of life
you are ready to face the world with a smile on the surface

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Come .. Hide In My Wounds

You ...By my wounds, I am healed
Healed in running away from internal strife
In giving up when there is still something to give
Your precious wounds gave me the love
When I wanted to give love
And the beauty and receiving grace instead of misfortune
You ...By your wounds, I am healed
I am a survivor, a winner
I sing a new song in my heart
I witness the breaking of a new dawn each day
You ...By your wounds I am healed
I believe that any storms in my life shall pass
And live my life one day at a time
By your wounds, I am yours
To teach, to guide, to revive and to forgive
I have forgiven myself, as I have forgiven others who caused me pain
Thank you God..for those wounds .. now please hide my pain forever… 


What's more beautiful than to
Speak with confidence ..
Tastefully kidding ..
Politely ask ..
And sincerely apologize

Monday, May 13, 2013

Me too

You said that you love the rain, But you stretch out your umbrella, When it rains.
You said that you love the sun, But you find a shade, When it shines.
You said that you love the wind, But you close all the windows, When it blows.
That is why I am afraid, that you will say the same... to me too.

i see humans, such as books,

In some cases ... i see humans, such as books,
Some of them are filled with wisdom and good advice but to others
Some of them have only the beauty of the cover book image
Some written by unknown language to the reader
Some have a good story but what's lies inside belong only to the author
So.. Books hold so many things, Its cover is torn and ripped from the drawers its been hidden away in, It fall apart bit by bit from the people who have read its stories,
But most of all its pages hold eternal knowledge know-one can take away.
Don't ever judge a book by its cover,
because only the good things you look for are in the index,
but what you skim over, makes you feel you're too complex.
Just being mentioned, spoken about, thought about, it happens a lot.
Read between the lines, you'll never know what you'll find,
if you're illiterate, go get help, so you can mind.
Mind your own pages and words, so you can figure it out,

The train

I like the principle of the train
Does not wait for those who do not expect

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We are human

Sometimes we may forget
that we too are human
sometimes we may forget
that we walk as creatures on this land
with things like power and money
who can take the blame
With feeling so almighty
with minds clouded by fame
who can say who's fault it is
for overlooking who we are
whose to blame for ignoring our emotions until we've gone to far? 
We may forget at times what we should always remember
proof of our existence 
palpable as cold December with things like fear and hate
all of a sudden we belong with things like love and war
we realize right from wrong to feel compassion for a person
or a fear unlike no other to realize we have family
brothers, sisters, mothers .. is to realize we are human
and we have a common weakness to say we've forgotten our place
is something i must digress  weather we have evolved
or were made from the heavens power
Fear, hate, love, 
are a shared downfall of ours but helps us never to forget 
as we follow our lives through that we live on earth around others
we are human this is proof.