Sunday, November 24, 2013


It's something lies in high character and refined manners, not in noble birth or ancient pedigree. It's true nobility 
A noble man is he who aims at noble ends not he who glories in an ancestry mouldering in the dust. A noble man is noble though he come to want, and a base man is base though he walks on pearls. A lion is a lion though his claws be clipped, and a dog is a dog though he wear a collar of gold.
He who disregards his own honour gets no good from an honourable lineage.
Learning and high principles take the place of noble birth, and cover the shame of a low origin.
A branch tells of what stock it comes.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Violin woman

The Virtuous Woman inspire you but brings only the good,
The Smart woman interest you.. but she lose her femininity through time,
The beautiful woman attracts you for sure but she like a  piece of candy sooner or later she will lose her taste,
But the kindness woman always takes your heart ... 
Sensitive women like violin .. He who can't improves play it, will hears a melodies don't please him.
Sensitive woman like a rare coin .. when you got her .. you will never spend.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Our hearts like pots boil including, tongues like spoons ..
Look at the man while speaking, his tongue scoop you of the heart.


What a beautiful life when it gives you someone can read your silence

love and time

Between love and time there is an eternal relationship
Love kills time very quickly and time kills love very slowly.
Love and time cannot be bought but only can be spent.

broken pieces

Always remember that; this life gives to take, gathering to dispersion, and grow sorrows in my hearts, Sometimes i wish that one day someone is going to hug me so tight and all my broken pieces will stick back together again, Sometimes i just need to stop making excuses and start looking for solutions. i'm sure there is always a way. It may not be exactly how i picture it in my head, but i think .. if i just start, i'll get there nut how i can start today while i'm still have much broken pieces of yesterday

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Bridge of hope

The most beautiful bridges carried out by the humans; that built a bridge of hope over the Sea of despairing and frustration.

Friday, November 01, 2013

life will be running smoothly

A pain in your heart can not be seen by others so let your silent suffering be an example for others to follow because people do not always get whatever they need or expect, Their best way would go forward it's the way to live with what they have, for only their life will be running smoothly

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wild Friendship "Our Fake life"

What's your opinion on the whole matter? 

Do you think it's best to just assume that everyone on the internet is a pedophile just to stay on the safe side? To make friendly conversation with people, but don't get *too* friendly? Do you think it's possible to be so confident that a person on the internet is exactly who they say they are that you feel safe adding them on sites like Facebook, telling them where you live, or even meeting them in person? Do you find it creepy that people can actually become friends with random strangers on social networks? Have you ever become really good friends with a person online? 
If a person you have become very good friends with on the internet wanted to meet you in person, how would you feel? Go right ahead and meet them, or still feel hesitant?

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Behind the facade of our big egos we constantly do hide
And pride of five letters is only that just pride
And some will even tell you pride comes before a fall
From life we have been learning from before we learned to crawl, 
The thing we refer to as pride not easily understood
A little pride is necessary but too much pride not good
Pride can lead to big egos and snobbish self conceit
A truly humble person is one you don't often meet
The self opinionated and self conceited never known to be rare
Those who promote their egos in the bigger World out there
From the seeds of a big ego success is often grown
A humble quiet achiever is one I have not known
A little pride is necessary and self esteem okay
But too much pride can lead to arrogance and that seems sad to say. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


When I kneel down to pray
then I only think of the God above us
My both hands are stretched out wide
and my eyes are closed when I pray for Him
God, I know you are there for us
therefore, I have no fear when I am close to you
God. I know the prayers can not be answered
unless they are prayed
therefore, I have no strides when I pray of you 
God, I know prayer brings my life worth living
therefore, I have no worries when I follow your precious precepts
God, I know your homes whichever it is ..  gives me a shelter of peace
therefore, I have no loneliness when I am under your shelter
God, I know you will accept my prayers and bless me
therefore, I have no more tears rolling on my eyes
God, I know your mercy is everlasting and the truth lives on us
therefore, I have no fail in my life when I choose your path to live. 

i never think .. i feel

When I met you first, I know you are made for me
Your charming personality won me from that day you are in my heart
My heart is filled with full of adore and want to fall in your arms
When I think of you .. Just a wonderful feelings run through my heart
You've touched my heart with your gentle words, your soul
You've touched my life with gentleness and filled with full of passion
I feel your beauty in my heart, 

I feel you are with me every moment and I can not find anyone else
Please released me

The reality

Each one of us has a time machine inside,
Whenever he travels into the past, we call it "Memories"
Whenever he travels into the future, we call it "Dreams"
but the problem is .. 
while he tries hard to start his journey through times..!! 
he's losing the present, Which we call "The reality"

Friday, October 25, 2013

You're mine forever

When the night welcomes you and me
And another day is called for romantic evening
Our love is shared with each other thoughts
and always brings us as a special occasion
When the moonlight splashes in the dark
while those stars spark like diamonds
When the wind touches us with softy tune
while the nights music just remain as right
I take you in my arms and hold you with hopes
Together sharing our dreams to come true
Your kisses are long and deep with heart
and makes me to understand, you are mine forever


Never made her dreams shuttered
Never made her heart suffer with pain of love
Never made her walk along with pain and struggle
Never made her eyes dim with salty tears 
Never unfaithfulness made her life miserable
Never live with out her love and shadow

Because .. When you married your wife you have promised her to take care till you end
Marriage is a fulfillment of dreams, With these promised dreams ..... 

she stepped in your house as a beautiful wife
She held your hands with her dreams
She gave her heart to you with love and faith
She walked along with you when you had hard time
She gave you everything what ever she had
And surly  one day you will realize her value and her faithful love
But when you struggle with your pain and the agony that make you handicap.
On that very day you will realize that ... 

Your wife is your shadow that holds on you

The light house

As a matter of fact ..A politician thinks how to cheat the people and win the next election...  the people think how to teach the politician and send him to hell, while the peace is always buried alive in the name of freedom, where all those fake leaders get together and march forward to the cemetery to bury the body called ‘Peace... So, Do not preach to fight for the rights and freedom to the people when you hold a sword in your hand, it would take you nowhere other than to the hell.
Our life is full of ups and downs, yes but we should live with it and we will not fail to learn more wisdom
And we should know that; the light house is there always there to guide direction to all the sailing ships to reach their port safely


All religion is like the tributaries of a river they ultimately flow into the ocean similarly truth comes under different names but the end result is always the same


Love and kindness are the most blessed human emotions gifted by God but if you have a pain .. You should know that a pain in your heart can not be seen by others so let your silent suffering be an example for others to follow, even if your pain will lead you to death ... Don't be afraid of death, on the day it will come to you, it is always accepted.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


If husband does his duty towards his wife then his wife will make their family proud, if father does his duty towards his children then his children's future will flourish, if a leader does his duty towards his country, then his countrymen will reap the benefit

alone in the dark

Once a great man said 
"Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone"
But i'm keeping ask Why and when exactly we feel lonely, believe or not i realize that, feeling lonely depends on the one you are alone with..
You are no longer lonely .. because you like the person you are alone with. 
but feel so lonely .. because i hate the person i'm alone with.