Monday, March 10, 2014

Meaningless Sex

Sex without love is a meaningless experience. It is at the root of life and has to be understood fully to experience it. But there are stories where even very great men have fallen for sex from great heights to the shallows. True sex never fails as it is bondage between two souls that have come together. Basically, it is not the sex that gives pleasure but the true partner gives it. 
Therefore, sex can be termed as an art in itself, a kind of act that is good when properly enacted but to enjoy it thoroughly, it also needs the cooperation of the mind as well with a clear heart and soul. Sex is not just an act of pleasure but the feeling of togetherness, being so close to another person and being comfortable in the partner. If love can be termed as a result of chemistry between two people, sex is nothing but an act of biology between them. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

I hate you ..

I could name a thousand reasons why I hate you, but I also could name a million reasons why I love you.

Monday, March 03, 2014


Faith is the trust we place on others or things without giving a thought of doubt. Faith has the power to go to any extent; it gives immense self confidence and courage when you place utmost faith in your action. Faith gives you hope
Kahlil Gibran said “Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother “ Faith sees no reason or season. It is belying when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. Interestingly faith is the easiest way and the safest course that anyone can take. When all hopes have faded and life appears to be gloomy, we tend to place faith on the Omni present almighty. This gives a feel of lightness, hope and the best and easiest way to get rid of our problems. Faith is blind, faith is secure, faith gives courage, and faith gives self confidence.

Dream as much as you can

Everyone has a goal in life however big or small and invariably, the seed for goals are sown in their dreams. There is not a single person who does not dream and the most inspiring fact is that great men who have achieved great things in life have first dreamt of their achievements and then, gave shape to them through hard work and determination. 
Dreams are to be cherished, to be enjoyed and must not be forgotten because they form the base for your achievements to come. 

But no dream can be realized true if concrete step by step attempts are not made. My dears we as a humans...  once we stopped from dreaming, we're no longer eager to looking forward.. I believe that; we dream to give ourselves hope. No matter how wonderful our dreams, how noble our ideals, or how high our hopes, ultimately we need courage to make them a reality. Without action, its as if they never existed. 

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Shouldn't we create a heaven to our women before we expect they to be an angels.

A real man never lets emotions get the better of him and responsibly carries out his duties as the family’s caretaker and breadwinner.
Frailty is the word linked with a woman while mental and physical toughness is linked with men. A real man is powerful and internally and keeps a lid on his emotions. A real man never gives in or succumbs when the tides are down. He fights all his life’s battles valiantly and never loses sight of his goal.
Strength of character is what characterizes a real man and eventually, success does dance at his feet some day. A real man goes a long way to achieve his goals and ends up being an achiever and performer.

Saturday, March 01, 2014


Will is the power to choose or exercise your own discretion or choice. It is everyone’s right and freedom to act according to his or her will and wish. You show willingness for something that you have strong inclination or penchant for. Will is the faculty or endowment of the soul courtesy which it can take decisions and decide what is right and what is wrong.
In the words of Buddha, “To enjoy good health, bring true happiness to one's family, bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind".
Yes sure if a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. but we should know that; an insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound our body, but an evil friend will wound our mind.

An Ocean of drops

Individually we are a drop, together we are an ocean. Humanity is certainly an ocean but a few drops of them are made dirty by a few people who do not hold great respect for moral values. But that does not mean that the ocean has become dirty. There is still hope for humanity and the light it spreads on this universe. i can't forget what our great Albert Einstein said about. see.. “The great moral teachers of humanity were in a way artistic geniuses in the art of living “
If every individual drops were to behave in a refined manner by abiding the laws, with mutual respect for fellow humans, humanity would be saved at least. Technology is one of the factors that contribute to the influence on humanity. My dears we have the opportunity to take humanity to great heights when we make use of some basic qualities like forgiveness, saying thank you, or even sorry, Please stop being complex creature,  whose behavior is driven by emotion, beliefs, point of view, and how much coffee you had that morning... nowadays we deals with our tears as it a sign of weakness, while it's still a  proof that we are human and we still care. Believe me we all do better when we work together. And yes our differences do matter, but....  our common humanity matters more.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

doing nothing

Its a sea of unsaid words that separate so many of us. They're always a sadly standing upon the shore waiting for the tide to change, While contently doing nothing to possibly make it happen.I spent my life believe that any good conversations between hearts and minds are those to pass over our any seas. i got that lesson hardly when i lost someone special: i get mad at myself for not saying the things i could've a million times, i take for granted the days spent doing nothing when i could have been with them. Anyone can be taken at any time in our lives but, we always wait until they're gone to say the things we never had the courage to do or say it before.. doing nothing is the hardest part in that story, because when i start doing nothing, i wasn't know when this chaos will be finished.
In fact there is a high cost to doing nothing..!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Heart desires

Have you ever prayed for something, but felt like God wasn't listening when you didn't receive it? It's important to remember that praying isn't a sure ticket to getting what you want. Increasing your faith and finding happiness in His guidance will eventually bring about your heart's desires. Once you've strengthened your relationship with God, you'll start getting what you want out of life.

What If..!

Didn't you ever ask yourself, what will you do if..
You realize that all your old dreams came true..!
Be sure that; At this very moment ... You should start to paid off all your old promises.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I'm drunk

That awkward moment when I'm drunk and you're still ugly


That awkward moment when someone asks '
do you remember me' 
and you have no clue who they are.

Fake friends

Fake friends are a term used to describe fair-weather or selfish friends. True friends are like diamonds "precious and rare', while fake friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere. A faithful friend is the medicine of life. Friends are rightly called an alter ego and they are perhaps those people with whom we can share our joys and sorrows. 
Adversity is the litmus test of any friendship. Fake friends are those friends who deceive us and break our trust somewhere down the line. They talk behind our back rather than talking face to face with us. In times of adversity, they desert others and leave them in a lurch. One should be careful while choosing friends and keep such fake friends at arm’s length, I really no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations. If we dont vibrate on the same frequency theres just no reason for us to waste our time

Friday, February 21, 2014


Hypocrisy is the state of being in double standard and insincere in thoughts and actions. For a country, over population is not a problem unless it is people do not follow double standards. When every individual has two identities, it causes more trouble. To be your own self is the best help to you and for those around you. It is quite human nature to find fault with others while your own self is at fault. “All humans are hypocrites; the biggest hypocrite is the one who claims to detest hypocrisy” many religions said "A hypocrite can be identified in three ways, 
when he speaks, he speaks lies, 
when makes a promise he breaks it .. and 
when he is trusted he betrays his trust. So, Just remember two things 
one.. It is better to identify and stay away from a hypocrite.
two.. Always practice what you preach before trying to teach it to someone else.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Facts proved that our life is a journey but in that journey sometimes we have to be strong more when we feel like giving up is our final option, we have to fight bravely when we just want to run away. Sometimes it's all we can do just to keep going, and sometimes we just have to let the bridges break, Let our tears flow and start over in another place. No matter how bad things are at any one moment in that journey, no moments lasts forever. even it's good or bad, time moves on because it has to, and at some point so do we, Yes our life is a journey, but if that journey landed us where we do not intend to be; giving up is not an option; we should keep moving till we ended where we are destined to be. And just remember that' the pleasure is not being in our final destination but the pleasure was the journey itself. 

The ocean of fire

Nobody has a perfect life. We all have own problems, Standout and learn know how to deal with it in a better way. Stop giving up hope, because you never know; it could still happen. Life is all about taking risks. If you stop taking risks, then you'll never know what you are capable of. When you let go of what is not meant to be, you clear a path for good stuff to find you. You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else's life. Live your life now you are magnificent in your own way of dealing with life. believe me in our ocean of real life .. Failure is not the worst thing in the world, the very worst is ...  not to try. 


Lord Emerson says beautifully, “for every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness”.
Anger is one feeling that has only very bad consequences and if controlled in the right time, can avoid great losses. If you do not restrain anger, it causes more hurt to you than with whom you are angry. It is, in a raw sense, a short lived madness. 
Anger has the tendency to cloud our thoughts and prevent us from thinking rationally. The person who gets angry is the loser and the one at the other end, becomes his conqueror. It is very simple to control anger; just postpone it. 

Gandhi said, "anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding". To put it in a nutshell, anger is one word short of danger and therefore, try to control and overcome your anger. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Copy

Shadows are people who don't know the difference between being an individual, and being a close copy. Step out of the path, become your own person. Many people fail because they try to copy others, Not realizing that everyone has a different Manner to explain the life.

Forever is a lie

What hurts the most..!
A lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear!
Truth is like a surgery... It hurts but cures, 
lie is like a pain killer... It gives instant relief but it's always has side effects may not last forever but be sure it will last for your lifetime .. 
Nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie... All we have is between hello and goodbye.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014


Our Useful lessons learnt today may not necessarily be of use to us today, we save them for later. There always comes a time where we won't be able to eat and we'll live from what we had last night.. with this simply lesson i'd like to talk about "Night"
Night.. signifies darkness and the end of day. But at the end of night, there is light again as sun dawns again. So, in literature, night tells us there is sure to be a day and hope. Night is again compared with sorrow, theft, and evil but during night, we tend to melt down our sorrows and hope for the best, next day. Night is the blotting paper for many sorrows. Without night, we do not get a chance to appreciate the beauty of the moon and the stars. 
For poets, night is the time that triggers a lot of thoughts to be penned down. And it is better not to discuss secret at night they say as “night hath a thousand eyes”. The day is for honest man, the night is for thieves. There is no limit to the number of words written on the beauty and dark aspect of night. such as"No matter how painful your decision has been, as long as you can sleep well at night, it means you made the right choice"