Monday, May 09, 2016

Channel ..1 needs

To give your heart away is never easy to do.
You sometimes hold it close. Never knowing if another heart is the right one for you. Sometimes, our hearts run away and become lost with the words others say.
When we look into our own hearts, and I mean by us looking deep.
It holds all the answers and a key to which we keep. To understand what a heart feels. It's the way others treat it that tell us if it was ever real. Sometimes our hearts get broken.
Only because love can be so cruel sometimes.
But, it's then
that the heart comes to realise
that it wasn't love it had all that time.
Maybe.... Just maybe.
We'll find a heart that's true, one that will never try to hurt you but how will we ever know in what direction our hearts will go?
If we never use the key to set it free .. To find the love it so desperately .. needs.

Letting go..!!!

And sooner or later there comes a timewhen we must let go.
And Let our mind takes control, let our heart speak even let the tears flow.
It's never easy for anybody to do but sometimes it's the only way of healing you.
We will doubt completely dout .. whether it's right or wrong but it's the first step that we've taken in so long.
How things will turn out, we'll know in the end but, if it's happiness what we seek... So, It's better to find it rather than just pretend that everything is going to be alright 

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Happy mother's day

How a man spread his love into four woman, while he can't satisfy only one..

Heart breaker

Let it pain till the end
Through the memories beneath the wind
Sad truth, happy lies or the heart was blind,
Feelings flow, hearts blow and the truth we can't find,
Let it pain till the end
What i did to suffer.!
When it will be better.!
Why all I got was heart breaker.!
I'm sad here from ego.. Seeking pride, no one bow
I'm done here, let's go.. Take this soul with the flow

Melody of death

Hearts beat into one melody, like music...
A song that blends sweetly with one's soul;
Honesty feed it .. Much more when shared to one, you adore..
Cheating is a choice.. Through everything sorrow hunting us, our minds devour.
I seek meaning to the maze of this life because aging adds wrinkles to all that body.. Maybe not sooner to the soul that always smile.. The Melody, the harmony, the honestly no more. O, I hate this soul and where it come but as others you knew.. It's the only one... Take it, I no longer need it.. For that weakness body start to .. You know.. You are the only one know.
Please be merciful to your slave.. For I listen to that endless melody of a desperate act, of a dispirited man.. to end pain in death.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

East Sunrise

And.. As the sun rises in the east, rays glitter with light of hopless hope..  Sun's beam dances in color unison through the glooming sky while it stands regal shows beauty and magic into humans blind eyes.
Suffer out from the shame, cry out all the pains that linger, darkness will soon die as the sun will shine to brighten every wandring souls, soothes the ached heart in life, just only when the Sun .. rises .. bright


As I restraint myself to sleep today, I found myself so worry about you, I don't know why you insisted to hide your thoughts from me.
As in restraint myself to sleep today I felt insecurities lining up at my old door, digging deep about you into my core.. Putting the monster of worry inside my head, not letting me go peacefully to bed..
Sleepless pain hunt me like a hopless dove brought from life to died... 
As I restraint myself to sleep today, I kept wonders.!!from 
Why I see a dove, if I can't fly..!
Why I see a shore, if I haven't a boat..!
Why I see a train .. Oh I'm going to be insaine 

Dear God ..

Dear God..
I've been sent her out of my will, you craeted  me in the most shape I hate, take of all my power and left me suffer from human weaknesses, in a ground empty from your bounties and graces, with no prove to be what you designed me to be.. And I accept all what done, obey all what happened with bowing to your will, I have only a wish.. And I know you are the only one can make it come true..
Dear God.. For your sake.. Calm her life, and make her happy for she is the Apple of my heart in this madness world.
Please God.. Spread your calmness, forgiveness upon her life from now and until she will be yours..

Friday, May 06, 2016

Never wake up the reality.. "Water fall".

When love start to writing our stories, it will start from nowhere ending with satisfying our souls desires not our minds or our bodies, because he who search for perfection will always end disappointed with the lake between what he need, what he got and what he deserves.. 
When love start to writing our stories, it will start from nowhere carrying us into the land of forgiveness, the land of reality where responsibility and commitment are the reasons behind building homes.
When love start to writing our stories, it will start from nowhere, reminds us when one of us lost his dignity in the door of love temple, just to pray.. Forgetting self needs, self can do, longing to what God arrangements could be.
Being human with that dark skin or unrecognized shape wasn't ever my choice, but dealing with people with an open heart and mind full of humanity was, is and will always be my choice.
So, when love start to writing our stories.. Never walk up the reality.. For it's beyond what our mind can understand.

Yesterday wishes

Considering all possibilities in this temporary life,
knowing that one day we live, one day we die, without
any warning whatsoever.
Once in a while having some symptoms, warning us of
what is to come, but the moment is never really ever
known to us.
So reluctant we are to leave this world filled with
turmoil, loss and suffering, because of the few moments of joy and happiness with our beloved one, family and friends.
These moments are so intense, so rare, filling us with beauty of the life we are living as a humans, especially the ones spent with our beloved one.
Indeed nothing can ever take the place of those fantastic and happy moments in our lives, so we rejoice while we can, hopefully that yesterday wishes will always see the light into today sunrise..

Thursday, May 05, 2016

But not forever

he’ll give you time, but not forever.
he can wait, he’s patient.
he is quiet and complacent, but still, you must not forget him.
he doesn’t make demands this way.
he chokes and chuckles, bends and buckles, but him ends, they still do fray.
he is content with hidden hands.
Holy palming, secret longing.
Two sets of footprints, distant in the sands.
he breathes in quiet winds. Stolen glances, believe in second chances,
But quiet is not silent, silence is not golden, words not a token, but you do not relent.
he’ll give you time, but not forever.
he can wait, he’s patient.. 
he is quiet and complacent, but you, you must not forget him..

كلمات في الحب

ما اكثر الغزاه الذين مرو واحرقو الاخضر واليابس ... وما اشجع الجنود الذين ماتو وهم يسدون ثغرات المدائن.
وما أكثر الحالمين .. وما اقل عمرهم.
وما اجمل النساء .. وما اسرع تقلباتها.
وما اشد ارتفاع الطيور .. وما اوهن اجسادها.
وما اثقل السحب وان شح على الناس امطارها.
وما اعتى حكام الزمان وان وهن مع الزمان بنيانهم
وما اكثر كلمات الحب.. وان ندر في القلب عشاقها. 

15:11 Believe.!!!

Any man can brings you a rose
Any man can say I love you
Any man can feed you
Any man can satisfy your desire
Any man can .. But
It takes a real love flow from a real man
To help you become a better version of you
To catch your hands all over the road
To build with you a place can call it home
To work with you hand in hand in building a better life.
It takes a real love flow from a real man
To except you, 
To deny himself, 
To .. Wait

Why did you do it.!! Channel ..1

Too many times, we leave things until later
Sometimes later never comes and the moments are lost
We never get the chance to say the most important things
That is to say, I loved you and goodbye
Our lives are like a second in each day
Here for a brief moment and forever gone away
Any tears of sorrow we leak from our eyes
Are there because of our missed chances
Of saying, I loved you and goodbye

Time ..

10:37 ... Was the decision
10:50 ... Was the final regret test.
10:59 ..  Was The End.. 
Regret is your responsibility, for cheating is a choice.
And what life can brings to me more than what it's already did.
And what death could do to me more than five times dead.
There, on the other side all the events will be, just like I said.
Green is everywhere, Greed is no more.
Now I'll wait you.. To see you there.!
The game wasn't to winning.. 
It was simply about learning.. 
It was simply about giving..
It was simply about loving..
And what life can brings to me more than, what it's already did.
And what death could do to me, more than five times dead.
There .. On the other side, all the events will be, just.. Like I said.

Confess to me your love.. Everyday.

As if the words printed before were printed in vain.
Connections neither can break for fear of their souls wretched ache.
Why would they even try.!!!
Them being apart is like living a lie.!!!
He and she.. Meant to be..!!!
Completely... Souls connected... But when the time will come to Confess.. !!! O.. Please .. Confess to me your love everuday, so destiny may ensue so that I will no longer ponder how to prove that love to you.
Confess to me your worries, know that i won't judge.
In perfect loyalty I listen, I swear.. never to budge.
Confess to me your hearts desire that I may give them to you.
Tell me why your silence. Tell me why your mystery.
Allow me to understand your mind a difficult puzzle indeed.
For I have searched and could not find that missing puzzle piece.
Then again I wonder if I could handle the truth.
so when i seem down and reach for your touch
try to understand why i need it so much

علمني كبريائي .. لكل امرأه عربيه..

علمنى كبريائى
أن أكون دائما عاليه مرفوعة الهامة .. فوق الجميع أحلق فى سماء عاليه ولكنى لست بمتعاليه .. لا أنحنى ابدا لاى انسان مهما علا مقداره ومكانته .. ولا أخاف أحدا ما دام الحق معى شريعتى وكتابى .. وأنحنى فقط لخالق الكون فهو وحده من بيده سر الملكوت وبيده سعادتى وشقائى
علمنى كبريائى
أن أكون غاليه لا يبخث حقى .. ولا يقلل أحدا قدرى .. ولا اخون من استأمننى .. ولا أبيع من اشترانى ..وأن يكون وجودى بين الناس تاركا أثرا جميلا محفورا فى نفوسهم .. وأعمل على أن تشتاق لى القلوب وتتمنى قربى ومودتى وتستمتع بروعه عباراتى وحسن تعبيراتى
علمنى كبريائى
أن يكون العطاء عنوانى .. فأعطى بلا مقابل .. وأشارك من حولى فى أفراحهم وأحزانهم .. وأكون لهم خير عونا اذا ضاقت بهم الدنيا واغلقت الابواب أمامهم ولا أنتظر منهم ردا ولا اجرا .. بل اسارع بتقديم ما استطيع تقديمه لاسعادهم ولكن مع الاحتفاظ بمكانتى وكبريائى
علمنى كبريائى
أن أمنح نفسى فرصة التمتع بما حبانى الله سبحانه وتعالى به من جمال الخلقه وكل ماجعلنى متميزة بارزة بين الناس ذات طابع ومذاق خاص ولا يشبهنى احدااا فيه .. لا فى المظهر الخارجى ولا فى ماتكنه نفسى من مشاعر وأحاسيس أو رجاحه العقل والتدبير
علمنى كبريائى
ألا أنظر الى من هم دونى نظرة دونيــــه .. بل أنظر اليهم بعين الحب والموده والرحمة وليس الشفقه وأحاول أن اقترب منهم فلا عيب فى أن تتقارب العقول وتمتزج المشاعر حتى ولو أختلفت البيئات والاصول والديانات .. ربما أجد فى الاقتراب منهم مايزيدنى علما أو يعلمنى درسا أو يمنحنى دفأاا
علمنى كبريائى
أن أكون أنثى ليست ككل النساء .. لا أعتمد على جمال الخلقه فهو من عند الله وليس لى يد فيه .. بل أعتمد على عقلى وحكمتى وأخلاقى .. وأحاول أن أكون شمعه مضيئه تمنح الضوء والدفىء لمن أحبنى .. وأكون له أختا وأما وأبنة اذا اقتضى الامر ذلك
فيا له من معلــــــــــــم بارع .. ذلك الذى علمنى الاحتفاظ بكونى أنسانه .. مجرد أنسانه .. تهوى الحياة .. تحاول أن تعيشها وتتمتع بها وبحريتها كالعصفور الرقيق وتبتعد عن كل مايسبب لها الملل والضيق .. وتأخذ من الدنيا حقها ولا تجور على حق الاخرين
علمني كبريائي
كيف أدفن دموع عيني ولا تراها الا وسادتي لتحتضنها وتدفنها في جوفها
علمني كبريائي
ان لكل داء دواء
الا اكتب همومي الا على جدران قلبي ..
ان اكون انا مهما كانت النتائج.
ان يكون رأسي مرفوعاً حتى اذا كانت الخناجر في الطريق معلقه..
علمني كبريائي
أن التفاعلات الميكانيكيه مع الناس تحتاج الى كثير من التواضع
والكثير من الحرص..والكثير من المرونه.. ولكن دون المساس بمستوى العزه والكرامه..
علمني كبريائي
أن هناك فرق بين الغرور والكبر وبين عزة النفس وكبريائها
علمني كبريائي
أن لا اطئطى راسي امام الملأ بل ابقى شامخ وان إدعوا انني انكسرت
أن ارى نفسي فوق سماء العز واذا أطلعت على من هم دوني
لاانظر لهم بعين الشفقه بل بعين الرحمه والحب
علمني كبريائي
ان لك شخص له طبائعه الخاصه وان طبعي هو عزة نفسي وكبريائها
علمني كبريائي
أن دمعتي مصدر رقتي لا مصدر لذلي ومهاني
أنه ليس من مشى بين الاشواك فهو جريح بل هناك من يستطيع تفادي الاشواك بترفعه عن الرذيله
علمني كبريائي
أن الشموخ لا يهان عند الانكسار بل يزداد قوه ليبدأ في سرد قصة شموخه
علمني كبريائي
أن النخل إذا طاح تمره ماصاب النخل شيء سيظل شامخاً
أن اسير حسب قناعاتي في دروب الحياه لاخلف عواطفي..

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Regret.. Sorrow channel.

Regrets come from the mistakes I make that seem to never go
they are there when I smile and joke because in my eyes they show
they are there with me in my bed while I lay awake thinking
but I act like everything is fine so people stop with shrinking
plus I'm suppose to be this and be over you, over us and our love
it wasn't real though or it wasn't right according to your god above
this relationship was just depended on or codependent or some dependent
and you thought you left me thinking I couldn't be anything when it ended
maybe you were right because here I am alone and writing about you
but I write out of anger and pain because that's the writing I do
so don't think that this poem is me saying I love you and miss you
yeah I have regrets and have made mistakes but that doesn't mean I'm blue
this is just me trying to get over you and what I've been through because of you
I was stuck to you and thought I needed to be with you and stay stuck like glue
just so I can be smiling but here I am not even in tears or in fear of anything
I'm reminded of my mistakes every day for a reason and that reason is clear
clear like the blue skies that independence from love is very close and near
no strings attached, no catch, no walls up, and no more wanting or needing
just me, myself and I and for this heart for nobody does it belong or is beating
Now the single life sounds free and lively like a wolf in it's habitat roaming free.
Surly you will be happy after we became you and me.

Be careful.!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the two inside me, the kind and the wild.. 
Now when you service me the food, watch carefully which one of they you feed.. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

At night, in a next heartbeat..

feel the warmth when fingers applied, heavenly touch excites me and I can't decide to embrace her with the soft, strong, narrow or wide.
I see you in my dreams, without using my eyes, envision such beauty that came from the skies.
I listen to you breathe, resuscitate my own, deep inside my subconcious your voices are thrown .. they tell of a soft and pleasent verbal cologne, a concoction of scents, I wish to prolong
intoxicating aroma that can't go wrong.
A kiss is only needed to taste her divine... A culmination of senses your lips combine, you know... In a next hearbeat I'll repeat all the above