Monday, April 23, 2012

limited life

Think same and stand together
Leave it aside and nothing to bother
Together we stand and together we fall
It is simple to achieve object at very first call
It may strengthen the unity
There may remain consistency and continuity
If there is disunity and lack of understanding
We may add to set back for course of abandoning
It gives sense of belonging
The relations grow with bonding
The person can’t run away or remain absconding
The fruits of success may amount to undoing
We should hold hands firmly
We must also share secrets calmly
Laugh and smile not to create rift
Love and peace should find no shift
It is compulsion so we must be united
We have options but very limited
Strong foundation must be allowed
Bitterness if any must be swallowed 

What ..!!

I was weak and feeble to conceal
The feeling was intense and real
I could make it move with deal
It needed final approval and seal
It did not find the light of the day
It lighted but without powerful ray
Light could be seen but unable to find the way
Whom to hear? Whom to confide and to whom to say? 
I felt for her and longed for closeness
She represented beauty and kindness
The moon reflected on her face
She was not at all in any race
What was she doing to world? 
Silver rays with warmth and cold
Everybody wanted to go to her fold
‘Impossible to reach” as I was told
You are with your separate world
You rule there with complete hold
Surrounded by dimply light stars
No one wants to be near but stay very far
I fear for dreaming such unreality
I am sure for not showing any reality
It is still a golden desire
As I stand for it and admire
Can you hold firmly my hand? 
Show it to all as our firm stand? 
It makes me restless for complete night
How to show it to world that my stand is right? 
I am not for shining moon? 
I feel happy when see in the noon
Completely devoid of light and shine
Still it looks divine and fine
I am unable to control my thoughts
So many explorations are thought and sought
It does not come to any conclusion
At any cost I want her inclusion
Will her light burn me? 
Will it make me feel so free? 
This questions hound me for day and night
I have no will power to stay and fight
She has her own world and axis
She can search within and fix
How can she stretch so far and embrace? 
She can’t be mine in any case
It is question of real and unreal
There may not be any upheaval
It is asking for unrealistic dream
It is like arresting the powerful beam
To love is not an unreal thing
As it has borne out of something
It was quest for searching the companion
It may end up with nice union
You may stay where ever you are
Though you may be away and very far
What love has to do with any distance? 
When any one can have or draw the inference 

When ..!

When Golden Ages just fly.. Fly.. fly.. high away...
And Saturn just passes by.. By.. by.. into the sky-to stay;
When generations of citizens celebrate.. And dance near mid.. air
When day-dreamers of an era 

Are oh.. .. So, devil may care;
When the Golden Goose layed her egg...
And time as we know it flew...
Back in the day of the Argonauts...
The day i found myself in you;
When in that day so surreal...
I consented to my hand...
Giving it over in a union
That today-i still do not understand;
For i am still looking for the 'Dawning of Aquarius'
A time of love and sweet peace...
Where its reality-sinks criminality...
And Cabals of Greed simply cease;

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Life is very easy

Life is very easy 
Only you remain busy
Don't take it to heart
You stay alive and smart
Not all the days may remain same
You will earn good name and fame
You just take it as bad phase
It will help bad memory to erase
Do take all possible care
Go and see every where
Don't challenge the people to dare
It is not good or fare
Life is full of surprises
It may remain still your demises
What does it comprise? 
It has got no prizes
You may feel bad
Some times very sad
You got to live and lead
This message you must read
There may not be any takers
You will be met by fraudsters and fakers
Still you got to know it better
It is full fledged subject matter
They may be very nice and look at you
You should realize and think it true
It may be kind gesture and not be cruel joke
I should think bad and deliver the stroke
There is nothing more to complain
It may prove unproductive and go into vain
You should stick to your point and prove
Try to assert and simply move
You may change the way
Still you got to pay
Hard effort may show you bright ray
You may rally have definite say
You tried to be accommodative
It was very positive and indicative
Not all may be your kith and kin
You should make place and win
There came hard summer
I wanted to say something and murmur
I had bade just now the winter
It was severe and very bitter
I may be a changed lot
I have unnecessarily fought
I always longed for good support
I had eagerly waited for it and sought
I need not waste my energy and wait
This is not something like bad luck or fate
Everything takes its own time and not very late
Love it heartily and don’t show displeasure or hate 

What love is .. Again

Feeling their emotions, understanding their pain. 
Life will get brighter, not remain the same. 
Knowing the meaning of trust is a beautiful thing. 
And with that you could make a beautiful cling.
Believing in yourself, and one another, 
to know there feelings toward each other. 
To make them smile, when they are blue. 
To make them happy the best you can do.
Touch their heart, when it needs to be touched. 
Let them know there being loved. 
Never to feel alone, or be afraid. 
Knowing what they have won't slip away.
Never have to doubt the person, any single day, 
but letting them know they're here to stay. 
But most of all always stay true. 
Never have to worry about discovering a clue. 
Let them know they only want to be with you. 
This is from me, only to you.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What Love is ..

It's the kiss.....before the goodnight
It's the bliss......after having a fight
It's the memories...of special day's
It's the tempering.....clouds of grey
It's the incitement of your first date
It's the excitement...that you create
It's the shoes you leave at the door
It's the call your amour
It's the sharing...of wine and seeds
It's the caring to honour and please
It's the start of your day's in the sun
It's the hearts of two..that beat as one
It's the diamond perfume on your skin
It's the roses......on Valentine's Day
It's the nestled under
It's the lightning....before the thunder
It's the healing....from all that is grey
It's the savour each day
It's the action of profess
It's the passion.......and nothing less
It's the only ... You my loneliness
It's the only ... Me .. witting .. without any frightfulness 

Its my life

Life is supposed to be like open page
Any one can visit and read without any rage
You may have disliking for person and hate
It is all coming when he is no more and you are late
We may not know about a person
We may also criticize him without any reason
He may have nothing to do with us at all
Still we term him as liar and call
You can’t please each and every one
It is not possible to neglect everyone
You will have to cooperate and mix with them
They may have then no chance for you to frame
They may inflict heavy wounds
It may not please us but looks very sound
You can’t find end as earth is round
This is real truth and must be found
We write our own history
Even though we might have lived in misery
We pay respect even to our adversary
There is no use to follow it unnecessary
Life can be made as transparent as possible
We must realize it and make admissible
Nothing can go against us as it is fact
We must fall in line and don’t react
Life may move on endlessly and not cease
We should live it peacefully and remain at ease
It must be faced bravely with all its implications
There may still be fall out with indication 
We can write on sand soon to be swept away
Nothing will remain as it will give away the way
Sand storm may try to reach the sky
You imagine the consequences and don’t ask why
Sand may shape in form of rising demon
Assume different shapes to omit the venom
It may try to catch but succeed seldom
Such occurrences are rare and random
A person can rise from the grave and question
All his Good work may not have found any mention
It may still be sworn on his good name
Flowers and bouquets to adore the fame
And whatever it is its my life without a shame

Of life I know

Of life I know there's little that I do know
I've learned that one might say the hard way
But spiritually we should not cease to grow
And from the 'Book of life' a lesson every day.
Respect and love of others out of love of self is born
That's how it is and that's how 'twill always be
'If you cannot love yourself you cannot love anyone'
A wise old lady once said that to me.
A self taught person the years had left her gray
Wisdom does not come with a university degree
An unkind word of another I never heard her say
Her insights live on in my memory.
Self loathing is not healthy for the mind
It can lead to crimes against humanity
If you cannot love yourself then love in you is dead
Since love of self gives birth to empathy.
Every day we live from life something we learn
For life 'twould seem is the best teacher of all
We never do stop learning we are told
The babe is learning before he or she does crawl.
So little of life I know I do know
And in that I am not one of a few
From living we learn something every day
Though on saying that I'm not saying anything that's new.

Your hand

Through the noon and the nights get started the kingdom of fights, 
where aches off the wall and grievances in my soul taste all the sights
From the port at which I deserted who I really am, my sanity is covered with a hide, 
Next to my humanity exists what is a melody in disguise; there is a road I can ride, 
but with any attempt, the crying face of the sun falls down on me, making me mild, 
No guides are present here and there around us, absent is the real sense of side
I am here crawling beside, waiting for my secret love begged to be my would-be bride
And the row and sow has shifted me into such a man in pursuit of what nbms means, 
my sparkling secrecy of love chases me to the marvelous hide of heaven and teens
As a man without the knowledge of what is meant by 'first...'; I have got to know, 
Swimming into the road of your eyes, this heart is day by day enhancing to grow
All the tints of masterpieces could only be invaluable over your skin and brow
Let my final destiny lie on your way, on your lip, on your lap and in your mornings
Let all the stars become really bright with the essence of your hand and longings

Tears are swimming in the pool of aches

Tears are swimming in the pool of aches and pains 
Lies fly in the sky with an attempt to contradict reality 
Honours are left in the pot from which I drink anguish 
Hours are in the temptation to lose their originality 
Minutes have embodied into an unknown realm 
Desert my soul as in the very beginning of heart 
Insert the sword of tensions into my very existence 
Make me cry day and night, putting a trace of loneliness 
Make me lose count of the seconds I feel inside your vein 
Kill that insanity, turning me into a rush hour of emptiness 
I have given into the time line that charges me with all the ups and downs 
There is no expectation for me as to the coming and appearance of tomorrow 
I am aware that the things to get born for me are the moments of sorrow 
Terrified of that world and the ignition of that body, Okan bleeds like the murdered man 
Asking who I really am, I bring myself to the kneels and hands of thunderous tan 
The rhymes of any poem have become senseless and pointless as for the fragile turmoil 
Now I am starting to make a preparation for the accumulation of gravestone soil 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life storm

When storms of life are all around,
It's so wonderful to reach out and touch a hand I've found,
One who gives me sight to see the way,
And leads me to a brighter day,
Although at times it seems very long,
But as I lean on my God, He makes me strong.
He gives me hope to watch and wait,
I know it will come soon or late,
And this storm too will pass
As other storms that did not last. 

Seventy Seven Ways to check your Ego

Ego Shouts, Higher Self Whispers
Ego is Thoughts, Higher Self is Feelings
Ego is the False You, Higher Self is the God in You
Ego is Fear, Higher Self is Love
Ego is always Lacking, Higher Self is Abundance
Ego feels Victimized, Higher Self feels Challenged
Ego feels Deprived; Higher Self feels Joyful
Ego Blocks, Higher Self opens up
Ego Grudges; Higher Self Forgives and Forgets
Ego Devolves; Higher Self Evolves
Ego doesn't admit mistakes; Higher Self admits mistakes
Ego is Impatient; Higher Self is Patient
Ego is Serious and Sarcastic; Higher self is Humorous
Ego is Calculative; Higher Self is Compassionate
Ego hangs to Past; Higher Self lives in Present
Egos is Empty Speech; Higher Self Honors
Ego wants Conflict; Higher Self wants Peace
Ego is Anger; Higher Self is Calmness
Ego Punches; Higher Self Pats
Ego is seeking Death; Higher Self is seeking Birth
Ego is Divorce; Higher Self is Marriage
Ego is always I, Higher Self is We
Ego Argues; Higher Self Admits
Ego wants Chaos; Higher Self wants Peace
Ego Depreciates; Higher Self Appreciates
Ego Hates; Higher Self Loves
Ego is Authoritative; Higher Self is Diplomatic
Ego is Disrespectful; Higher Self is respectful
Ego Talks without Listening; Higher Self Listens and Talks
Ego Blames mistakes; Higher Self Informs mistakes
Ego is Unconsciousness; Higher Self is Consciousness
Ego is Stingy; Higher Self is Generous
Ego is Emotional; Higher Self is Sensible
Ego is Mind; Higher Self is Soul
Ego is Adamant; Higher Self Realizes and Apologizes
Ego is Destructive; Higher Self is Constructive
Ego is Conditional Love; Higher Self is Unconditional Love
Ego is Contraction; Higher Self is Growth
Ego is Negative; Higher Self is Positive
Ego enjoys Sadness; Higher Self seeks Joy
Ego always expects to receive; Higher Self wishes to give
Ego is narrow focus; Higher Self is Broad Look
Ego is Suspicion; Higher Self is Trust
Ego is misunderstanding; Higher Self Understands
Ego Disintegrates; Higher Self Integrates
Ego is Exclusive; Higher Self is Inclusive
Ego Rejects; Higher Self Embraces
Ego Depletes; Higher Self Energizes
Ego looks External; Higher Self looks Internal
Ego is Disappointment; Higher Self is Contentment
Ego sucks character; Higher self improves character
Ego is Hypocrisy; Higher Self is sincerity
Ego is quarrel; Higher Self is reconciliation
Ego is jealousy; Higher Self is broad mind
Ego Frowns; Higher Self Smiles
Ego is False Pride; Higher Self is Humility
Ego seeks Protection; Higher Self gives Protection
Ego is Regressive; Higher Self is Progressive
Ego is Attached Detachment; Higher Self is Detached Attachment
Ego is Sorrow disguised as Happiness; Higher Self is Real Happiness
Ego is Conflict; Higher Self is Harmony
Ego is Darkness; Higher Self is Light
Ego is Selfish; Higher Self is Selfless
Ego is Wicked; Higher Self is Godly
Ego is Damaging; Higher Self is Healing
Ego is Impulsive; Higher Self is Intuitive
Ego is Confinement; Higher Self is Freedom
Ego is Distress; Higher Self is Peace
Ego feels Superior; Higher Self is Humble
Ego is Excessive Desire; Higher Self is Passion
Ego is Self Pride; Higher Self is Self Esteem
Ego is Loftiness; Higher Self is Self Confidence
Ego is Possessiveness: Higher Self is Generous
Ego is Doership; Higher Self is Duty Bound
Ego is Harsh; Higher Self is Sympathetic
Ego is Rebellious; Higher Self is Obedient
Ego is Partial: Higher Self is Total

Ego is a Must!
To the Extent to Identify You
To the Extent to lead your Daily Life
It's Cosmically Foolish to be Egoistic
Choose Higher Self! Choose Life! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Trust or Belief

Belief is Doubtful, Trust is Certain
Belief is from Mind, Trust is from Heart
Belief is Lip Service; Trust is Heart Felt
Believe many; Trust only a Few
Believing is Easy, Trusting is Hard
Belief is Ordinary; Trust is Extra-ordinary
Belief is Start point; Trust is End Point
Belief is Limited; Trust is infinite
Belief is Shaking Hands, Trust is Embracing
Belief keeps Control; Trust gives up control
Belief is jumping opportunities; Trust is staying
Belief is not Time Tested; Trust passes Tough Times
Belief is Partial; Trust is Complete
Believe in Thoughts; Trust your Intuition
Belief in God is Attempting; Trust in God is Surrender
Belief is Important; Trust is Essential
Belief is Plastic Rose; Trust is Real Rose


The voices make you blue
Now suicide is waiting for you
Pills seem to be the way now
The bottle is waiting
What are you to do
This sad but true
Now you swallow all but two
As your skin turns blue
Your friend breathes into you
How did this not work for you
You just wanted to die too
Maybe next time will do
This is sad but true
You pray the knife will cut you into
What they have done to you
Now this will have to do
Now it is done for you
This is .. but true

Sad in blue

Sad sad sad in blue 
For sad sad sad you 
The moon is all bluish tonight 
The night is all dark out side 
Nowhere to run 
Sad sad sad in blue 

Into the night hold me tight 
Love me babe I need some light 
What's wrong and what's right 
When shadows dwell and abide 

Sad sad sad in blue 
For sad sad sad you 
The moon is all bluish tonight 
Is there some star shoot in sight 
To wish upon 
For sad sad sad you 

Into the night take a flight 
Feelings, touch, everything out sight 
Love me with feelings ok 
Come come babe now closer stay 

Sad sad sad in blue 
For sad sad sad you 
The moon is all bluish tonight 
Is there some star shoot in sight 
To wish upon 
For sad sad sad you 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When Never Is Essential

It is NEVER a NO when you want is a YES,
You will only experience constriction in your chest,
You will feel like choking yourself to death.
Never say GOODBYE when you want is HELLO,
When farewell feels good but welcome is so great,
When leaving seems certain but not preferred.
Never GIVE UP neither GIVE IN,
When you know you can still try and go on,
When you feel neither quitting nor resigning is not a solution.
Never SAY you don't love that person,
When you can't seem to stop thinking,
When daydreaming is best when you see him there standing.
Or never SAY something that you will regret later,
It’s better to restrain yourself than to lose your temper,
When something you would say will fire up a quarrel.
Never STARE at someone you don’t recognize the face,
If you don’t want to be questioned,
If you don’t want to encounter an equal disrespect.
Never LAUGH when you see a disabled,
Neither a nerd nor a visually weird,
It is not something to express your amusement.
Never RELY on someone,
Who is flippant, fickle minded, and erratic;
Who fiddles with his finger on every single object.
Never say NEVER if you mean by all means,
You know you cannot predict whatever is next,
You cannot even guess what is on the mind of your guest.
Never LIE on something even if it is just a bit,
It’s better to bite your tongue when temptation attempts,
We know there’s no trivial or casual fib,
Lie is untruth and always falls as false.
Never SWEAR on something you aren’t confident,
A YES or a NO reply is actually sufficient,
To convey what you mean or to make a full statement.
Oh yes, there are many more NEVER to quote,
More than a thousand and one to point out with cause,
Sadly this page is not enough for me to note.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hard life lesson

You've taught me how to really love someone.
For that,
I am forever grateful.
I intend on paying that debt by being yours.
We've had our good times and our bad,
Our ups and downs.
But all the moments we've had/will have,
I will cherish forever.
I try to stay away from you,
Sometimes when I think I'm falling too hard.
But something keeps drawing me back to you.
I would like to know what that something is someday.
Who knows?
It kills me so much that we aren't together YET
I second guess myself when it comes to you
Did I say the right thing?
Did I sound stupid?
Did I write a good poem? (you get get it)
You give me something to care for,
Something to have faith in.
Something to hope for.
Something to pray for.
Something to be thankful for.
Something to wish for.
Something to dream about.
Something to think about.
Something to write about.
Something to talk about.
Something to cry for.
Something to be happy for.
Something to protect.
Something to love with all my heart and soul.
Through the good times and the bad,
I know through all of it.
We will never have bad feelings for each other.
And I know that whenever we are together,
We will always have fun.
From the moment we first started talking,
I knew that we'll be friends (and maybe even more)
And I was right out everything.
And now look how far we've come
Compared to where we began.
I'd do anything for you.
If I had two wishes,
I'd wish for:
And you.
Your everything to me.
From the stars in sky
To my world.
From the sun,
To my dreams.
I can't stop loving you,
No matter what I do.
I used to think I would be loved by no one.
But you gave me hope.
Hope that everything would get better.
And I cannot thank you enough.
I hope you never forget me,
Because I know I'll never forget you.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Where the house filled with living
The house continuously giving 
Where the house filled with nature 
The house filled with adventure 
Anything can survive
With the nature it provides
Where the house filled with grass
The house filled with hedges, bushes and plants
Canopy trees be it rain or shine 
Will be there for you at any time
Where the green house filled with fresh air 
Will shelter you in the heavy rain
O the house of beauty
O the house of sound
So much variety is yet to be found

Pain .. dreams

Sometimes I imagine that I’ve strode away from my dreams too soon
At night I can’t sleep
Evoking the memory defeated dreams of you and me
My heart and all I am inside wants to give again
Another chance to you and I and then memories begin
Suddenly I hear a thunder loud enough to raise the dead
All I want is to erase you forever, from my head
The rain begins but my logic is clear
Ignore the little demon chanting in my ear
But I can’t ignore part of all I am
The pain is more than I can withstand
Now paindrops are falling to my knees, from my eyes
Agony crawling, above a sea as I sigh
All you’ve done feels vicious and cruel
So how can I imagine sailing back to you
If I suggest another stab at my plans and dreams
You’ll take it literally and you won’t kill me gently
Begin the slow turning of your knife in my side
I already feel it burning jagged edges, as you pry
Your smiles of the past felonious to all I need
I must finish this at last but tomorrow we’ll see

Too deep that it sits untouched

Too deep that it sits untouched! 
Just inches below the surface...
If an itch was scratched! 
And under their feet.
But leap years away, 
From those caught up...
In divisions.
And visions growing within them dim...
When the slightest 'light' enclosed inside, 
Is trapped! 
To allow an ignorance flourished to set in! 
Beginning a diminishing, 
Blowing a blind dust to addict and attract, 
Until a rusting holds them back! 
And that which is considered too deep to touch...
Into familiar charading masquerades.
Paraded and chased...
By those barely thriving, 
Without lack of insight! 
Once glowing bright with promise.
To assist a few who dared to acknowledge...
Just steps away lay the keys, 
To unlock their minds from confinement! 
Too deep that it sits untouched! 
'Underwhelmed' with a persistent stubbornness that insist...
Those gifts within their reach, 
Can not be so near.
Unthinkable it is! 
And to accept thoughtlessness.
Too deep that it sits untouched.
A treasure chest of 'jewels'
As much as they perceive themselves.
Floating above the surface to mingle unashamed, 
Without a purpose... 
To rightfully claim what belongs to them to proclaim! 


Depression is being tired, when you're never able to sleep
Depression is pity, when you hate other's sympathy
Depression is longing for more, when you never acknowlede what's already there
Depression is the feeling of self-hatred, when the arrogance is concurrently overwhelming
Depression is the repugnance of emotional discomfort, when a sanctuary for physical affliction exists
Depression is loathing at your own success, when the ones around you prosper
Depression is perfectionism, when you could care less about anything else
Depression is the rock that you choose to constantly trip over, when all you have to do is move around it...
Depression is the ultimate cost of denial, when the truth is too much to handle