Saturday, January 21, 2017

I always choose you..

When a person does not have anything to lose it becomes brave. We only hesitant when we have hope.. so, to be unbeatable person you should find the balance between what you need to lose in a battle to win the war and what you should keep no matter what.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Is there any hope of ray

World is full of miseries and pains, contempts, hatred and disdains
It is junction of all moving trains, humans aspire mercy in rains 

Fate gives us a double edged weapon, which cuts in scorching heats of sun
Humans are involved in a pun as if they play each other for fun 

Humanity is but far far away for which one can only pray
Pains inflicting night and day O.. tell me please... Is there any hope of ray 

Pain can only change into pleasure when they aspire love not a treasure
Whose mercy one can not measure. 

God's company is only solace, love's contention is the base,  which dawns on the painful face..

Monday, January 16, 2017

Love Wings

When your mind take me along to singing beautiful love song, ensures to each other we belong, where .. no right and nothing wrong.
Beauty is one on the edge of love spreading wings like a dove... it can be seen at all above with no reason when and how.
Kiss is bliss... if found as charity, honesty is sheer key to clarity
On equal footing no disparity, Love stands on sheer... sincerity

I feel warmth and touch of class... you seem to me, like a pure glass
Your beauty is beauty of class, I am taken away by you... alas

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sweet dreams my Wife.

Dreams gently ...... dream...
I became a night to give you the stars
I became ........... to feel
That you can make big dreams
I became a dream to give you the softness
I became a dawning to never forget
That will always be a new day dawns
And I'm always here for you love to remember
That once loved you for who you are....

Always remember your first true love
It hit you ... like a lightning bolt from above..!
It creep up on you... as you kissing her hand
Willing to whisper close by something grand..!
Is it that feeling of peace and contentment
Knowing that what you have is heaven's sent
When you can't stand being away from her then
And your fast beating heart is not pretend..!

Souls talking

It may be a song that gives you that feeling
It may be a place where you find it revealing
It may be a person who speaks to your soul
It may be when you have finally reached your goal
It’s the feeling you get where it all seems so right
When you want to be with her all through the night
Where you wish for more and it’s like such fine wine
That you have what you need and you know it’s divine.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Listen to me..

Separation always holds sway, means ambition is chased every day. If vanity's call that our Self controls
This illusion of ' I ' Distorts however I try
To see we aren't separate at all If we are, there's a ' We '
That's the Ego again raising with no reasons for ultimate fall.
We stay empty inside inflated with pride,
Forgiving not ' other ' or ' self ', Inner growth brings the need to foster real seed,
Relinquishing choices for good, Learning how to let go will inevitably show an ego, at last understood. 

now listen to me, once a good woman asked her man.. 
My darling .. "i want happiness for the rest of my life"
He reply wisely ..
My love; 
first remove the "I"
Second remove the "want"
now what still remains is "happiness for the rest of your life"

Good morning..

I try to trace the footsteps of yours, Under the fallen leaves,
I don't mind taking the help of course, Even from the hum of the bees.
Where are you ? 
My heart asks the moon,
The morn is empty without you, So is the noon,
As the leaves love the earth, my love for you is true.
The leaves fall, move and settle somewhere else,
But my heart without you is always restless.


Once I asked my father.. I'm so weak, ugly and have a dark skin, even not handsome.. dad; i never mind, i accept how God created me and I'm thankful for him, yet i only wanna you to tell me how to be Invincible..
10 minuets, one hour later, i stand in front of him and he just has his kindly smile monitoring my willing inside my eyeballs.. and reply;
My baby, 
without darkness we can't estimate light,
without evil we can't estimate goodness,
Without disappointment you... can not, estimate victory 
United you must stand, Divided be ready for fall,  truth maybe a pall,but use it until you grand,
United you should stand with your family hand in hand
Like ants you should work together, And like birds should be industrious.. So, are you understand.!

Ashes tears and light

The sun saw the sea dropping tears while it was speaking its heart out to the earth which always have been there then when it ended, the sun asked.. o,  
who the hell made you cry..?
does it worth it and tell me why ..!
the sea said nothing, kept it waves calm, the heat of the sun got hotter, which made the sea more rough, fish and sea shells were cut in half.. everything just came out.
the sun got the bottom of the sea while the earth was calling it
calling and calling again... but nothing replied
it's like its voice didn't reach .. but it did
it was right in the sea's ears.. right in its heart, mind and tears
they were sad
when they saw their friend being rough, being honest and loyal to the one the would make... its water evaporates,
the sun went down
the sea is still crying.. the sea is still the same, sad, thinking, being its clumsy self, that's when the earth came, it returned the shelfs to the sea.. made it forget everything
it always said '' it's only you and me, I'm just right here
I got the words in your tears but drank those salty tears
that got me and my worry
is my sea will always be sorry..!
for things it would never do or have done but I know it misses the sun ''
Oh.. the night seems so long, both are waiting the sun to shine again.. the sun is sleepy now, looking for the right sound
the right words and attitude
sea and earth have been together for so long, they got much closer
which made them warmer and in a great mode to continue '' their '' life,

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hold it down..

There is a young boy inside,  he is Randy as a wolf, he will not walk away and leave these bones to an old man,
He is green tree in a forest of kindness, he has waited patiently, disappointed, humility accepted his destiny willingly waiting for the second to coming,

When he can break through his gray hairs into blossom..  And his lover will harvest honey only creates for her,  then the woods will be wild with the damn wonder of it.

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Game Over

Though one are wise, be as a fool;
Though one can see, be as a blind;
Though one can hear, be as a deaf;
Patiently bear with all you meet, and politely talk to everyone.
This practice surely will lead you to the realization of the truth. 
Long is the night to one who is awake.
Long is thousands miles to one who is tired.
Long is the cycle of birth and death .. to the fool who does not know the true path in cheating game called life.
And I'm still wounder 
Who was the fool.!!!
Who is the clown ...!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

A star in the sky

Do not despair if your feet stumbled
Do not be sad if the murderer comes to shares of the people closest to your heart for you'll find it tends arrow and restore you to life and smile again
Do not put all your dreams in one person in your journey and 
Do not make the face of someone you love, your only destination whatever the qualities was.
Do not believe that the end of things is the end of the world for the universes is not what the eyes see
Do not wait for a lover and a friend sold you
And wait for the new light can sneak into your sad heart ... 
Rearranging your days of joy and back to your heart's pulse for only you are beautiful.
Do not try to search for the dream failed you for you'll tried to make the case of refractive beginning of a new dream
Do not stand too much on the ruins especially if the bat has been inhabited by ghosts and knew your way.. And look for the sound of a bird; sneaking behind the horizon with the light of a new morning
Do not look at the papers that discolored and those faded letters and got lost between the pain, for you will discover that these lines are not the most beautiful paragraph you can wrote.. And be sure of that these securities is not the last thing will written down.
You must differentiate between those who put Stork in them eyes and threw them to the wind
These lines were not mere words beautifully transient.. But its the heart of the feelings experienced by characters.. The fading away pulse of a person carrying a dream and d stung its fire of pain
Do not be like a heron.. this strange bird that sings the most beautiful pub while bleeding his last drop of blood.
There is nothing in this world worth of blood, even a single drop
And... If winter closed doors of your home with a huge hills and ice remains everywhere
Wait the arrival of spring and open your windows for fresh air breezes; you will see surly from far away, You will see flocks of birds have returned sings
And you will see the sun which received Golden weaved over the branches of your front tree.
To gives you a new lease on life, a new dream and a new heart ..
Pay your age full of a sense of sincere never hide your worth behind your pretending
And do not pay him for the moment in order to beloved once from a long time, was runaway or abandoned your heart for no reason
Do not travel to the desert in search of the beautiful trees for ... You will find in the desert nothing but a killing loneliness... And look at the hundreds of trees that shadow your ways
The fruit will make you happy .. and its new melody will play the most beautiful forbidden melody for you.
Do not try to re-calculate yesterday and lose the sender of your true age when the leaves will not fall back again but with each new spring leaves surly will sprout again
Look at those papers that cover the face of the sky and scrubs, which fell to the ground has become a part of it
If yesterday's lost .. Between your hands today still remains.
And if the day will bring it's worth papers and leaves, you have tomorrow ..
Do not be sad for yesterday he will not be back and with no bet of regrets on the day you lost for it is too late ..
The dream of the Sun will luminous beautiful tomorrow, 
Sometimes we may get used to grief until it becomes a part of us, In some cases, the human eye get used to certain colors and lose the ability to see the other
Don't get tried to see what is around you to discover that the black color is beautiful and white also is the most beautiful of it
And that the gray color of the sky stir emotions and imagination
Look for serenity, even if for the moment.. 
And search for fulfillment, even if you got tired and it was so hard... And stuck thread sun even if it was far
Do not leave your heart and your feelings or even your days for things lost its time
If you do not find it please, try to be happy yourself
If you find you shine lantern
If around you there are many faces can light a candle in your darkness day, Look for the heart gives light not the faces burning to glow,
Do not leave yourself a hostage to the sorrows of the dark nights
Nevet lost hope of life.. and finally 
I tried my best to be a star and I failed.. so keep those words in your mind...!!!
If you are not able to become a star in the sky, try to be a lamp in a house.

A single rain drop

رغم هدوء ليالي الشتــــــــاء..!
الا انك تجد ضجيجاً داخل قلبك. أينما ذهبت..عيونك لاتحكي .. سوى الحزن. تجلس وحيدا حائرا بأحزانك محملا بهمومك وأشجانك... في غرفتك المظلمه لاتسمع سوى صوت وقع المطر على نافذتك..!
على نافذتك تتناثر قطرات المطر بهدوء ورقه وكأنها تهمس ,, في آذاننا
بصوت خافت تفاءل.. تفاءل .. مازالت الحياة مستمره ومازال الأمل موجودا
مازالت تلك القطرات تنهمر وتطرق نافذتك بلطف واحيانا بعنف.. فتذهب  لتتأملها عن قرب وتقف أمام النافذه تراقب جمال المطر  فترتسم عليك الابتسامه... وتنسى همومك ولو للحظات بسيطه.. وستشعر بالحنين إلى كل شي !
إلى طفولتك وإلى تلك السنوات التي مضت من عمرك كبريق البرق. ستحن إلى قلوب افتقدتها وأحاسيس نسيتها ..!
ستغمض عيـنك وتسترجع شريط ..أحلامك.. بحب ستنسى كل مابقلبك
من نقاط لازالت سوداء.. وكيف لا وانت ترى نقاء المطر
تذكّر كل صفاتك الجميله التي نسيتها ..بفعل 
تذكّر كل متاعب الحياة والأوقات القاسيه .. وليالي السهر الحزينه
تذكر كل.. ماكنت تفعله قبل ان يدخل شعور البؤس إلى قلبـــك..بسبب
حب انتهى أو حلم ..تلاشىأو صدمااات اخترقت قلعتك ومنها تشبّع .. وارتوى قلبك.
ستذكّر أنك ..كنت رائعـــاً لكنك نسيت ..نفسك بين متاعبك وتركتها ضحية لأحزانك..ولظلم غيرك 
فلاتظلم نفسك بأن تقيدها ..بالحزن ... ألا يكفيها قهر الزمن .. وظلم البشر ..!!
مازال المطر ينهمر..ويشتد وقع صوت تلك القطرات على نافذتك 
هنــــــا أهمـــــس لـك:
اجعل من نافذة غرفتك وكأنها... نافذة حياتك
واجعل من قطرات المطر... أمـــــــلا .. واسمح له بالدخول... ليس على غرفتك فحسب بل إلى ... حيــــــــاتك وتفاءل ..
عش محباً  لنفسك وصادقاً معها. كي تحب حياتك وتحياها ..بكل معانيها
وغلّف بالحــب كل القلوب ..التي تراها اجعل من قلبك وطنــا يحمل حب
الآخرين ..ويحمل.. أحلامك حتى وان تلاشت تلك القلوب..
أو تلك الأحلام ..
فلاتنسى قلبك.. فمازال وطنــاً ..
ماافتقدته سيترك لك بصمات مؤلمه .. لكن استبدلها بحب الناس والحياة..
ولاتقتنع بأن القلب مدينة واحده .. بل هو وطن..لكن كن قلباً صادقــاً..
انت لاتستطيع أن تزرع وروداً حمـــرا في كـــــل قلب ولكن لا تكن سببا في زبول بساتين من حولك.. 
استمع لصوت المطر.. .. تعلم .. تفاعل.. لا تبحث عن سعادتك في انقاد غيرك.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

no tomorrow for today is gone

We crawl through each day
In hopes tomorrow is not the same
We try to understand how we have faltered
And why we are punished and blamed
Beaten like a piece of dough
Hardening with the air
Styled with a knife
And turning to powder somewhere
Wilting like a flower
At the end of spring
Left in a flooded vase
Barren and withering
Crushed like a rock
And turned into stone
The last piece of furniture
In a moved out home
A weed in the grass
That is frowned upon
A prayer for help
That does not respond
A summer rain
Which floods the ground
A grasp for love
That cannot be found
Tossed aside like a plastic can
Left to sauté in the sun
We are lost in hope
And yet have none 

Be welcome or be like me

Do you want to be like me ?
Tell me do you want to be ?
Do you want to see the things, The way I want you to see ?
Do you want to be lonely ?
Lonely & alone like me.. Navigate in the sorrow of blank sea Come and taste my destiny
Do you want to feel the life ?
The way I feel, Do you want to face the matters
The way each day I deal
Everyone has his own life.. Own way of living
Different perception towards life.. We are all different human beings
But do you want to live my life ?
Live it for a single day
Share my views and share my sight.! Then express your say
Do you want to get in to my soul ?
Live the life for me
Do you want to make a new story unfold
Have faith aand touch the honesty
This will be a strange experience for you believe me it's true, and you'll know what I am going through.! 

Monday, November 14, 2016


Stand beside the grave where my only friend is laid, and 
Learn how quickly mortals fade, how the fairest flower must droop, how the strongest form must stoop,
Learn ... that we are but dust and clay, the short liv'd creatures of a day. Yet do not sigh for there is a clime,
Where they will dwell through endless time,
Who here on earth their Maker serve, and never from her precepts swerve.
The grave to her is but a road,
That leads her to that blest abode. 
Wait me there my only dear, for now my eyes full of tears.
Goodbye my love.
Monday, November 14, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Thursday, October 06, 2016

And still I'm keeping it

I promise t
Give you a shoulder to lean on, A hand to guide your way, A whisper, a soft whisper that all is well, don't give up...
I promise that 
I will share my pain, laughter and joy. 
I will meet you halfway because I am your friend and your beloved .. and you are my friend and my woman on the road of our hard life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

millions.. not enough.

You can read a million books, Learn a millions lines, Close your eyes and wonder and forget it all a million times..
You can eat a millions foods, Drink a million wines
And still find yourself unsatisfied with your taste still undefined
You can hope a millions times and dream a million sheep, you can laugh as though it doesn’t bother you.. Even if a million nights .. you weep
You can sing a million notes,  practice a million ways.. And all it takes is one rejection to have you stop after just one day.
You can have a million lovers, search for a million hearts.. You can hold your breath and wonder and yet suffocate before it ever starts.
You can have a million lifetimes.. A million chances to succeeded, and yet if you never try just once to break the rules..  you will lose the meaning behind your royalty.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

bad... bad life

A person maintains a balance of feeling... Some are destructive others giving healing
Some give great joy whereas others are sad... They can be good or painful and bad
A balance of life is there for us all... As we rise joyfully high then to depths we fall
We have these two huge extremes... To appreciate the opposite to me it seems
If we were never filled with good light... When the darkness falls we'd not fight
Opposites are always there and always kept... We've all experienced joy then to have wept
So next time it seems again all is sadly lost... And life's meaning and purpose has been tossed
Remember though bad the opposite's still near... Keep trying have faith and good will appear.