Saturday, February 28, 2015

Don't let loneliness drive you back

Don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know you don't belong with. Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely.. So, Always remember that a perfect relationship is built on compromises and a great deal of give and take on both sides. When you fall in love with a person appreciate their uniqueness rather than comparing them to the image of your dream lover. Learn to adjust to each others habits, instead of trying to change each other to fit your requirements.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Quit talking, and begin doing!

they say; "If you really want to succeed in life, then stop wishing and start doing". 
If we ever want to be face to face with the dreams that started by blossoming in our creative minds, we have to be willing to just "do." For many people, choosing to start is one of the most difficult steps in the journey of becoming the best person that they may possibly become. Taking that first step into a world that you don't know about completely causes many people to be scared of the chance that they may fail. Many of us choose to be comfortable in a life with no progress, and no risk taking, because we feel as though we are invincible because we feel safe.
Instead of being a ship that never explores, never adds character or experience, and just stays docked on the harbor, we have to be the ship that everyone looks to to go places in life, the ship that experiences the world, and the ship with a tremendous amount of character because of this fact.
Quit talking, and begin doing!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

grow up

Taking responsibilities of your choices is the first step of growing up.

Inspiring life story

You are not what others says we are, but it is what we are destined to be and what we choose to become... The pages of yesterday to all of us cannot be revised, but always the pages of tomorrow are blank and we hold the pen to type whatever make it worthwhile So, Make it an inspiring life story.


Remembering who you are doesn't take much knowledge; it just requires that a person be brave enough to do what is in their hearts, because not every body is. Remembering who you are doesn't just require you to think about who you are, but it rather influences you to act as who you are at your deepest levels. Remembering who you are requires you not to change and conform to the way that everyone who is around you may act, or the way that everyone around you may talk, and makes you focus on presenting your best self to people who may not receive you.
Always remember who you are, and the things in life that you have been through, so that you may always have the clearest vision of where you are now, and where you are going. There will be times when it will be easier not to be yourself, but never compromise, because doing so will only set you back from being where you want to be.


Mistakes make us human.
Failure.. sooner or later make us stronger.
Love keeps us alive.
But its trust and commitment who keeps us together

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


To know your friend more.. never ask him/her "where are you from ?"
instead ask him/her " where are you want to be ?"

Sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.

Finding yourself is a long journey for some, and a shorter journey for others, and one must always be willing to reinvent and find out more about his or her self after each accomplishment. In an effort to find yourself, try out different things, notice what habits you have, and try to figure out the things in life that you are truly passionate about.
When you finally find this passion, try to develop it, and make it what you do. A dream is nothing if a person isn't willing to act on it, so go for them, and never stop dreaming and reaching for them for the rest of your lifetime.
We must first say to ourselves, "who are you" and then we must act according to who we figure out we really are.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Time heals none ..

It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone and if I lived my lifetime due to the motivation from my wounds, I would have already lost the essence of how I could make my dreams became reality..
Life is like a rose. It can be so beautiful with the right persons around us, yet it can be so painful from the thorns of focusing on where we need to be and with whom we took the journey in our life but believe me...  once we've reached to the end of the road, we will see the people who belong in it... and we shall be grateful to who, we became. and so grateful with whom we were spending and sharing it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Are you a pessimist or are you an optimist ?

Are you a pessimist or are you an optimist? Do you choose to see the difficulties in every opportunity that presents itself to you, or do you choose to see the opportunities in every difficulty that you encounter in life. 
Being a success in life is greatly determined by the attitude that you maintain throughout it. In the midst of great difficulty, what do you see? Do you only see the problem? Or do you see how much solving this problem will be a help to you in the future? 
Programming our minds to see the good in life is a process for some that may take a long time to implement but will be well worth it when it becomes a consistent way of thinking. 
Look for the good in each situation you are faced with, and you will go much farther than you ever would have if you chose to only look at the negative in each situation.


Many of us go through our lives wondering if we will ever be able to accomplish anything that we really desire for ourselves in our hearts. The dreams we have, the plans we wish to see play out, and the goals that we wish to ultimately accomplish are all possible feats. In fact nothing that you have a firm amount of faith and hope in achieving or overcoming is impossible. The only things in our lives that are impossible to obtain are those things that we don't give one hundred percent of our faith, hope, and tireless undying effort to. 

Don't fall to defeat because you are afraid of the mountainous size of the challenges you must overcome. Instead keep a positive attitude, and take life step by step. If you never stop progressing forward, there will be nothing in your life that you won't be able to receive!

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Choosing the right person for you

Choosing the right person for you isn't just about the way a person looks physically, but it is about their mental and spiritual characteristics as well, if not more. People tend to jump into a relationship too fast just because a person may look a certain way, or because a person may be financially stable, and learn quickly that this person may not necessarily be the right person for them. Choosing the right person is nowhere near an easy task to accomplish but it can be done. 
In order to make sure the person you are with is the right person for you make sure that first of all the person is on the same level as you spiritually. A spiritual connection is one of the deepest bonds you may share with someone and without it it may be very difficult to overcome hard times together. Also make sure that the person you are with is happy with who you are, and isn't trying to change you. If the person you are with is trying to turn you into someone else, then in most cases they just need to be with someone else more in tune with their desires. Also look for someone who is going to stay by your side no matter what, a person that doesn't have your back in minor situations probably won't in major situations.


 إذا أقبلت الدنيا على رجل أعارته محاسن غيره .. وإذا أدبرت عن رجل سلبته محاسن نفسه ....  فالرجل الحق من يؤثر الصدق وإن كان يضره على الكذب .. حيث ينفعه.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Hard life

Speak the truth to all and all the time... It makes our heart lighter and our life harder.