Tuesday, January 06, 2015

أن الله يبعث من في القبور

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا إله إلا الله الملك الحق المبين،لا إله إلا الله العدل اليقين،لا إله إلا الله ربنا ورب آبائنا الأولين، سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين،لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد يُحيي ويُميت وهو حي لا يموت، بيده الخير وإليه المصير، وهو على كل شيء قدير.
لا إله إلا الله إقراراً بربوبيته، سبحان الله خضوعاً لعظمته.... اللهمَّ
 يا نور السماوات والأرض 
يا عماد السماوات و الأرض  
يا جبار السماوات والأرض  
يا ديان السماوات والأرض  
يا وارث السماوات والأرض  
يا مالك السماوات والأرض 
يا عظيم السماوات والأرض 
يا عالم السماوات والأرض  
يا قيوم السماوات والأرض  
يا رحمن الدنيا ورحيم الآخرة 
اللهمَّ إني أسألك ....
أن لك الحمد. لا إله إلا أنت الحنان المنان .. بديع السماوات والأرض .. ذو الجلال والإكرام .. برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين بسم الله أصبحنا وأمسينا .. أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله .. وأن الجنة حق ..  والنار حق .. وأن الساعة آتية لا ريب فيها وأن الله يبعث من في القبور.
الحمد لله الذي لا يُرجى إلا فضله .. ولا رازق غيره الله أكبر ليس كمثله شيء في لأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع البصير
اللهمَّ إني أسألك في صلاتي ودعائي بركة تُطهر بها قلبي .. وتكشف بها كربي.. وتغفر بها ذنبي .. وتُصلح بها أمري .. وتُغني بها فقري .. وتُذهب بها شري .. وتكشف بها همي وغمي .. وتشفي بها سقمي .. وتقضي بها ديني .. وتجلو بها حزني .. وتجمع بها شملي ..  وتُبيّضبها وجهي يا أرحم الراحمين.
اللهمَّ إليك مددتُ يدي وفيما عندك عظمت رغبتي .. فأقبل توبتي .. وأرحم ضعف قوتي .. وأغفر خطيئتي .. وأقبل معذرتي وأجعل لي من كل خير نصيباً وإلى كل خير سبيلاً برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين 
اللهمَّ لا هاديَ لمن أضللت .. ولا معطيَ لما منعت .. ولا مانع لما أعطيت .. ولا باسط لما قبضت .. ولا مقدم لما أخرت .. ولا مؤخر لما قدمت.
اللهمّ َ أنت الحليم فلا تعجل .. وأنت الجواد فلا تبخل .. وأنت العزيز فلا تُذَل .. وأنت المنيع فلا تُرام .. وأنت المجير فلا تُضام  وأنت على كل شيء قدير
اللهمَّ لا تحرمنا سعة رحمتك .. وسبوغ نعمتك وشمول عافيتك وجزيل عطائك ولا تمنع
عني مواهبك لسوء ما عندي ولا تُجازني بقبيح عملي .. ولا تصرف وجهك الكريم عني برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين 
اللهمَّ لا تحرمني وأنا أدعوك ولا تخيبني وأنا أرجوك
اللهمَّ إني أسألك يا فارج الهم ويا كاشف الغم يا مجيب دعوة المضطرين يا رحمن الدنيا ويا رحيم الآخرة أرحمني والمؤمنين برحمتك 
اللهمَّ لكَ أسلمتُ وبكَ آمنتُ وعليكَ توكلتُ وبكَ خاصمتُ وإليكَ حاكمتُ فاغفر لي ما قدمتُ وما أخرتُ وما أسررتُ وما أعلنتُ .. أنتَ المقدم وأنتَ المؤخر.. لا إله إلا أنت الأول والأخر والظاهر والباطن .. عليكَ توكلتُ وأنتَ رب العرش العظيم
اللهمَّ آتِ نفسي تقواها .. وزكها يا خير من زكاها .. أنت وليها ومولاها يا رب العالمين
اللهمَّ إني أسألك مسألة البائس الفقير .. وأدعوك دعاء المفتقر الذليل .. ربي لا تجعلني بدعائك ربي شقياً .. وكن بي رؤفاً رحيماً يا خير المأمولين يا أكرم المعطين يا رب العالمين 
اللهمَّ رب جبريل وميكائيل واسرافيل وعزرائيل .. اعصمني من فتن الدنيا ووفقني لما تُحب وترضى وثبتني بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة .. ولا تضلني بعد أن هديتني وكن لي عوناً ومعيناً وحافظاً وناصراً آمين يا رب العالمين
اللهمَّ أستر عورتي وأقل عثرتي وأحفظني من بين يديَّ ومن خلفي وعن يميني وعن شمالي ومن فوقي ومن تحتي .. ولا تجعلني من الغافلين 
اللهمَّ إني أسألكَ الصبرعند القضاء .. ومنازل الشهداء وعيش السعداء والنصر على الأعداء ومرافقة الأنبياء  يا رب العالمين.
اللهمَّ إني أسألك بأسمك الاعلى الاعز الاجل الاكرم
اللهمَّ إني أسألك بحق لا الاه الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين اللهمّ أبدل من استودعتك داراً خيراً من دارها .. وأهلاً خيراً من أهلها وأدخلها الجنّة وأعذها من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النّار. 
  • اللهمّ يمّن كتابها ويسّر حسابها وثقّل بالحسنات ميزانها وثبّت على الصّراط أقدامها وأسكنها في أعلى الجنّات بجوار حبيبك ومصطفاك محمد صلّى الله عليه وسلّم
اللهمَّ إني أسألك بحق لا الاه الا انت رب السماوات السبع والارضين السبع ورب العرش العظيم ان تنير قبرها الى يوم البعث. 
اللهم آمين

Sunday, January 04, 2015

يا أمي

لو أن بكائي قد يجدي لأجريت بشدته نهرا 
لو حزني مرّ على صخرٍ... لأذاب بحرقته الصخرا 
ولأبكى شيخاً ذا جَلَدٍ ... ولشيّب في الطفل الشَّعرا 
يا أمي 
لو أن رثائي سيذيب جراحي أو تَبرْا أو يطفئ .... في قلبي الجمرا 
أو يمنحني .... حتى الصبرا 
لملأتُ الكون بكلماتي وملأتُ الدنيا ... لكِ شِعرا
وجعلتُ دموعي لكِ حِبرا ونقشتُ لكِ الأحرف .. تِبرا. وكتبتُ على قبركِ سطرا 
ارحمْ ساكنه وأنرْ ياربّ ... له القبرا

One lonely tree

One lonely tree standing, In one lonely field
One lonely field sitting, In one lonely city
One lonely city laying, In one lonely state
One lonely state drowning, In one lonely nation
One lonely nation With one lonely person
Watching .. humans drenched in hate, suffocated in lies
Listen to them thoughts, catch the tears through eyes

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Never let a minor argument become a war. Life is much too short to let things snowball and snowball to a point of no return. One big principle that we must learn from our lives is that if we won't win every battle, and that sometimes it is not about giving up or being a coward, but that it is much better to move on, and fight another day. 
Instead of devoting your time to something that may turn chaotic for not much of any reason we should instead devote our time to things that will help build our relationships with others. 
Instead of finding time to argue with others about the small things, we should find time to praise others about the small things. Even when people anger you, and seem to not care about how you feel, treat them with love, be kind, and show them what living life is really all about. Just remember ... Do not ever turn a minor disagreement into a flat out war, sometimes you just have to let things go.

Going to do better..!

"Each heart has some pain only the way of expression is different ... Some hide it in their eyes while some hide it in their smile"
In a life full of difficulties and adversity we must willingly develop the mindset that there is no amount of pain we will never be able to surpass. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us in our times of great need and strength as long as we choose to believe with all of our hearts that this is possible. 
So, Keep running, and when you feel as though one short race has ended, continue to run, because there will be another short race starting soon. 
Fight fight... through it! Pull all of what you have left together, muster up all of your strength, and all of your courage, and make a concerted effort to continue your fight through the end of each difficult race in life. 
You know; There is no amount of pain that you cannot fight through, and there is no amount of pain that can hold you back from achieving the dreams you know you are destined to achieve. at least do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

All that matters is what you think of you.

In life we are constantly faced with making the choice of conforming to an ideal of society, and being a person that we know may be socially accepted, but wouldn't necessarily be an accurate representative of who we really are on the inside, or to being who truly are at our deepest and most intimate of levels. 
In making this choice the most rewarding of the choices to choose is to be who you really are at heart. Don't conform to being someone you aren't in the hopes of earning love from a certain amount of people, be who you are so that you will have a positive impact over masses of people from generation to generation. 
There will always be people in your life who will not like you for whatever reason, and there will always be people who refuse to try to understand you. But for every person you cant help inspire, there are many who will be inspired! 
Be that truly special person that you are deep down, live your life and become your best you!

Do something today

The future has yet to be written, have you yet picked up a pen? Your time to start is now! Stop making excuses, stop living in the past, and stop thinking about what little you have now. It isn't about what you have now, its about what you will have in the future if you are just willing to risk losing what little you have now. Remember that failure will come, and adversity will make its presence known as you try to better yourself as well. Never let these things stop you from becoming the person that you know you truly want to become. 
Your future hasn't been written yet, so why are you still debating on proceeding after your dreams or not? Don't let the fear of venturing into unknown stop you from reaching your potential. Be the author of your own story, and inspire others with it, write your own! SO... 
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

judging a book

"If you judge a book by it's cover, you might miss out on an amazing story". 
Yes.. Never judge anyone for what they do, because when you judge another, you allow the scope of judgment to be opened upon yourself.
Living a righteous life full of fulfillment is living a life without the judgment of others. Sure there are people who hold views that we don't agree with at all morally, and there are those whose outward appearances may tempt us to steer clear as they may not be pleasantly accepted as social norms, but we must never let what we find disagreeable on the outside prevent us from establishing connections with people who actually may be of great help to us someday. 
No one on this world is perfect, and as long as someone chooses to work hard, and go for their dreams, we should try to support them as best as we possibly can, because there is already enough discouragement in this world as it already is.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

When doing research, don't look where everyone else is.!

You don't have to do what everyone else is doing, but you do have a moral obligation to do what is right in the eyes of God. Treat others the way that you want to be treated, and fight for the rights you have in your heart to fight for. 
No one is perfect, and it is because of this very reason that we sometimes are able to get caught up in popular opinion, which may lead to us acting in life as others want us to, instead of acting in life as we really desire to on the inside. Don't fall into the pressure of pleasing your peers, because if you make your life about pleasing others, you, yourself will never be pleased. 
We are all unique and we all have a variety of talent and skill for many different reasons. Don't live a life in vein avoiding pain, live a life dedicated to seeing yourself grow to who you want to be, so that you may also help others achieve the same thing .. and finally just remember; You don't have to live the same story as everyone else. You actually get to choose. So, Choose your story and make your own destiny.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Never judge anyone.

There was once an old man, that sat at the same park bench day after day. A younger gentleman that went running in this same park almost daily always saw this happy, smiling old man, and always wondered why he would just come to the park, sit and smile. Finally after about a year, his curiosity got the best of him, and he stopped to ask the older gentleman why exactly he sits in the same spot daily and just smiles at everyone who passes by. 
The older gentleman replied "When my wife was alive, she used to walk laps around this park, while I used to sit here and read and watch her pass me. I can't help but to wonder, if in some way, since she loved this place so much, that I can maybe get a glance of who she was somehow by just sitting here and doing the same thing I used to do when she was alive." 
You never know what someone is going through, and you never know how you can help someone if you just don't judge them before knowing who they really are!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

PPC.. Pain makrs People Changed

Many people have ideas on how others should change, few people have idea on how they should change .... 
sometimes you have to make yourself do things that are outside of your comfort zone. Many great people dedicate the time to become great at a craft, and then continue to push forward towards new heights, and make changes in their lives that normal people will look at them with doubt and a level of craziness if they don't. The thing that separates that once normal person from that person he or she may become when they become greater is this willingness and drive to keep evolving, to keep growing, and to keep becoming better than they are at the present moment. In fact things don't just happen, things happen just. Every single person is called upon to make a change in the plans that they may have held previously. No ones plan is perfect except for God plans, and if we are going to ever make the life that we are supposed to make in this world, then it is best for us to get used to collect ides on how we should change.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Never forgive if you're not ready to forget

We all grow old.But not to brothers and sisters like we think, we often do whatever it takes to move our careers forward and increase our incomes, yet we don'T hold the same regard for our relationships and marriages, even we're thinking more about ourselves and less about our community... we lost sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of our success will be how we treat other people, our families, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers we meet along the way. And there will come a time, when we will lose our humanity because of our greed, yet there will comes a time when the difference between friendship and love is how much we can hurt each other, we lost our humanity and forgiveness somewhere over the rainbow, Then we lost our civilization behind pretending to be who we aren't just to impress others. 
Once upon a time Albert Einstein.said "The problem is, most of the time we tend to forget our obligations and needs someone to remind us of it". It is left to our conscience how many obligations we fulfill but there are many more left.  in fact everyone has their burden,, but what counts the most is how we carry it; and with whom we share it..!!

What about winter, which is death?

It is only by spring that the death of the autumns returns. What about winter, which is death? 
When the pure snow white covers the naked bodies of the trees that no longer have leaves, when they sleep dreaming about the new leaves that will come over their bodies with bark covered by ice and freezing? 
Do these trees know that they are just like our ancestors, that for generations produced branches of offspring in our history, of each one of us, even if these branches, some of them forgotten, have been almost fully burned by the original sin that came as a curse on our beings when we lots our Sacred Self, the divinity in us. 
As not even trees know how beautiful they are, in the eyes of the people, during spring, when they give birth to death, we do not know how beautiful we can be at the time of the first kiss or of the first love words to those for which we are, just as trees are for us: a wonder of nature, of the spring. Why should we not find peace and the divinity

Monday, November 10, 2014


عندما يمتلك الشعب زمامه
عندما ينبسط العدل بلا حدٍ أمامه
عندما ينطق بالحق ولا يخشى الملامة
عندما لا يستحي من لبس ثوب الإستقامة
ويرى كل كنوز الأرض لا تعدل في الميزان....
 مثقال كرامة".
أيقظوني .. أيقظوني .. أيقظوني

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Smart or wise

There are far too many resources for us all out there awaiting our use. If we think about it, any book that we may be thinking of writing probably has been written in some way or fashion. Any painting that we are thinking of creating has been made in some way or fashion. Any home or building that we desire to build has been built. 
What great people do is study other great people. Whether the great people are from their time, or times past, there is a lot to be learned from whatever has already been completed. 
Take time to learn as much as you can from a world full of art, and then be sure to do your best rendition of whatever it is that you do. Never sit back, and judge others for trying things that you may not be willing to try. Encourage, and immerse yourself in resources to teach yourself how to be the best at what you want to be. There is no excuse for ignorance.

Friday, November 07, 2014


Every accomplishment begins with a person deciding to try what dreams and vision that they may have in their hearts. Instead of just being someone with a creative imagination, and just being able to dream, we have to make efforts to try and live to become the person that we dream about being. There is only one possible way to ever see the dreams of our hearts come to fruition and that is to try. 
Though there will be times in our lives that we may try and fail, we must know to try and keep trying. Winners are made by not only seeing failure at least once, but also by seeing that overcoming failure is the only way to truly get to the top. Start today with your decision to try, don't let the world or your own fears hold you back any longer from realizing the accomplishment of your dreams.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

We deserve Peace "

Anyone can hold a grudge, but it takes a person with character to forgive .... Forgive, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. everyone wants to live and die in calmness or tranquility, The world is made to live in harmony and in peace together and not fight with each other. It is in our hands to attain peace because as Buddha said, ‘peace comes from within ‘. Only our actions and words destroy the peace that is existing. 
There is no way to peace, peace is the way. All the religions preach that peace is the only way of survival and the sayings and preaching’s point out only at peace. Imagine a world that is full of piece and there is no hatred, fight, difference of opinion and anger. This will be greater than heaven and so, it is in our hands to live peacefully and make this earth a heaven. Just imagine Earth with olive branch and dove should rule the world and not the swords and guns.


في الحياه.. لا تعتمد على اي شخص سواك.. فحتى ظلك يتخلى عنك في الظلام.


ليس الاعتذار اثبات انني على خطأ وانت علي صواب .. فربما انني اقيم علاقتنا اكثر من كبريائك.
Apologizing to anybody doesn't approve I'm wrong and he's right, maybe i value our relationship more than his vanity

Friday, October 31, 2014

Never Apologize

In this day and age, being politically correct is held in high esteem by the masses, and keeping it as real as possible is treated in the exact opposite manner. Instead of worrying about fixing your lips to sing the song that everyone else wants you to sing, place an emphasis on just being who you are, day in and day out. 
There are so many of us whose lives have been restricted while we wait on the correct moment to speak up for ourselves. Wait no longer, do not continue to wait or put yourself aside for other people who have no clue or care on what you really do. 
Be about what is inside of you, tell people how you feel when it is necessary, and stick with being honest! Doing these things will take us very far in life!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Some why's ...!

Some people look at me And smile
Some stare hard, harder But don’t smile
Some people just understand But don’t tell
But, some people look through me And ask why?
Why I feel sad, When I haven’t really lost anything?
Why I can’t sleep in the night, When there are no worries?
Why I never answer, When I always can?
I want to say, I want to answer
But, I just smile and say
Some why’s have no replies

in love

في الحب .. book of love
العين تكتب .. Eyes ..... wrote the story
والقلب يقرأ .. Hearts.... read it
والزمن يمحي كل شيء .. Time .. Vanishes everything

Never go to today's war with yesterday's weapons.

To win any battle,
first, we must get to know our true enemy
Second we have to pick and choose our battles,
and finally ... Never go to today's war with yesterday's weapons

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The mark of our ignorance is the depth of our belief in injustice and tragedy. because not all of us are gallant enough to speak for justice, and most of us remain silent on injustice.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

True love isn't

True love isn't only based on the things that two people go through together, but it is also based on how real and how hard two people work at loving each other. Love is a difficult emotion for many to handle because though it is easy to fall in love with someone, it is very hard to maintain that love for the rest of a couples lifetime.
In order for two people to remain true in the love that they have for each other, they must be willing to work very hard at it. In the instance in which two people stop putting effort into loving one another the love that they share will soon start to crumble. As in all things in life putting forth a legitimate amount of effort and determination towards loving someone is the best way to ensure that one is being the best lover possible to their partner.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Our life depends on our choices, let me show you, every morning you have two choices... continue to sleep with your dreams or walk up and start to act to make your dreams come true .. So,  
No matter how good or bad we have it, wake up each day thankful for our life. Because .. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Life is a combination between confusion and Maze. and it is a fact in life, it's testing us before giving its lesson. then .. Who cares, Who wants to live forever..!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hearts are often broken by words left unsaid

Every day that passes by on this Earth that we have life in, is simply a blessing. No one can predict the date and exact time that they will go to meet their maker, but we do know that death is inevitable. One of the most important things we can do in our lives is to make it a point to tell people what is on our hearts. There have been so many who regret not telling people how they really felt, or how much they cared for them before they passed.
The pain that many experience because of this regret can be very intense because you realize that all it would have took to change the regret you are feeling in the moment, is a little more initiative on your part. Refuse to live with regret, and refuse to be ruled by the fear of telling someone something that they may not reciprocate. Tell people how you feel while you still have the time to.

Be humble for you are made of Earth

In life when we are able to accomplish high degrees of success, our human nature tends to try to push us into a mindset that many like to call pride. Pride is a false sense of confidence that may make one feel as if they are better than or greater than someone else because of who they are, where they have been, and what they have accomplished. People who continue to live in pride not only alienate themselves from others, they also lose touch with who they really are after a while.
Instead of walking in pride we should all make efforts to live a humble but noble life. We are all special, and we are all kings and queens, but just as we are no less than anyone, we are no greater than anyone either. Staying humble is very key when experiencing success, because it is one quality that will allow for us to maintain our success

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The power of keeping silent

There is a lot to be said about the power of keeping silent in certain situations. Though some occasions are called for a vocal response, many situations in which we are used to being vocal are truly matters in which it would be best served for a person to just remain silent. This is an old piece of wisdom that has changed and saved the lives of many. 
Some of the most foolish people are some of the most vocal people because they have no filter for their thoughts. Most of the wisest teachers earned their wisdom by answering the right questions, and they know for others to achieve this level of wisdom that they can only help this person to do the same to truly reach them. Commit to helping people as much as you possibly can, and ask yourself if you are doing so in each situation that arises with some sort of conflict.

In order to be happy

In order to be happy in this world we have to really examine who we are at the core, and proceed to act accordingly. There is no way around this, because when we avoid this we find that we do nothing except continue to rattle and shake our foundation causing our own lives nothing but instability and pain. 
You never know what life is going to put in front of you. Sometimes you will be faced with an abundance of opportunity and sometimes you will be faced with an even greater amount of heartache. Just because life presents things in your path that you may not wish to conquer, doesn't mean that you should ever stop being happy. For when you know who you really are, and what you are placed to do on this Earth, absolutely nothing can stand in the way of your happiness.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


waiting something or even someone to make us happy is the perfect short way to be sad, sometimes we fall, we rise, we make mistakes, we live, and also we learn. Just remember; we're human, not perfect. 
we've been hurt, but we're alive. We should think of what a precious nobleness it is to be alive and breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to be with people we truly love. Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but there is also lots of beauty and happiness. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we hurt, for we will never know what is waiting for us in our next steps..


Those who are willing to give up are usually going to be those of the majority, while those who are willing to stand-alone are usually those who are more handsomely rewarded. This life is full of many roads, many different opportunities, and many different limitations, because frankly we are all different in a multitude of ways. 
One thing that is common between those who are successful in life, though they often times walk very different paths to achieve their successes is the fact that at certain points in their lives when they could have easily given up, they refused to. The concept of refusing to give up, may be a somewhat cliche or outdated one, but it is one that almost never fails. The attitudes that you consistently display throughout your life will help to write your legacy, refuse to be remembered as a quitter.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When my life being tough..!

In a life full of tough times, tough people, and tough circumstances, it is easy to fall into the mindset that no matter what you do nothing in your life will turn out as you want it to. In order to overcome this mindset one must be willing to accept that life has its ups and its downs, but for the most part life is a result of the choices and decisions a person makes on any given day. 
In order to create the best life for yourself you must be willing to work hard at life. One must realize that life is created from the decisions made and in order to make the best out of life, one must make the decisions in order to do so. One must also realize that if their life doesn't seem to be going the direction in which they want it to, that as the captain of your own ship, you are the only person that can turn it around and take it in the direction in which you truly want to go.

Don't wait..for the perfect moment

Waiting for things to happen is a downfall that prohibits the greatness of many people living in our population from shining bright. It is ok to believe, and it is very commendable and admirable to be a faithful person. But in doing so, one must also be willing to do everything possible that they are able to do alone in order to better their chances that the results desired would occur. In essence, waiting for a sign may be what works for you, but it may actually be working against you. 
Waiting may cause you to miss out on blessings, opportunities, and open doors that you may never see again. Remember to listen to what your gut says, and examine your heart while following it closely. Remember that life won't always happen the way in which we expect it to, and sometimes when we are being tested we won't have every desirable tool to help give us an advantage. Never let an obstacle stop you from moving forward, there is always a way to get past anything put in front of you.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

At your lowest points

As humans it is in our nature to react to a situation as soon as it presents itself to us for the most part. Being emotional when we are at our worst is just something that feels natural to do, and it is because of this that many people make mistakes that they otherwise may have never made. We have to be willing to make it one of our top practices to not make rash decisions while we are in the heat of the moment, because often times well find that when we do, we make the worst decisions. 
If something is troubling you in this very moment, try your hardest to delay making any decision. Take some time to think, get away, find peace, and then after you have rested and after you aren't so much into your emotion make a move. Refuse to continue to make decisions at your lowest points.


Words are some of the most powerful entities that a person possesses. Though many try to act as though words never really affect them, there is great power in the tongue. Words can be used to inspire, to build up nations, to write books that change the world, to create wars, to end wars, to create marvels of the human mind, to explain the feelings a person possesses, and for many other reasons as well.
If we truly think about it, even the simplest of words can change a persons life at any given time. Knowing this we must be careful about the words that we use, and we must make a valiant effort to use our words for the good of the world instead of for the decaying of it. Choose your use of words of effectively, and make a pledge to use words that will inspire and promote growth and the well being of all, instead of words that promote the decline of humans and words that create darkness and death. So dears just be careful with your words.. once they are said, they can only be forgiven but never forgotten..  

Thursday, October 09, 2014


we may have our problems with others all the time and we may shed some tears from time to time, but generally  believe me.. The more you show your true feelings, the more people find so many ways to hurt you deeply. Then suddenly you meet someone telling you it's an experiences .. take the lesson,learn from it.and move on. while i feel that our experience is not what happens to us, experience is a block given to you by life from which you are freely able to build upon. One of the most important principles that we can ever learn in life is that there arent limits in life, unless they are first created in our minds. It is very easy to sit back and fear life because of bad experiences. So many people have let their experiences keep them in states of depression and sadness so much that they simply refuse to live their lives, and instead make a conscious effort to simply exist. 
Never let your experiences make you a victim. Though there aren't always good reasons, or moral reasons for the things we go through, when we refuse to learn from them, we are essentially giving up on our lives. Make it a point to inspire others from your experiences. Be the reason why someone else who went through something similar to you, is able to live his or her lives freely once again!

Monday, October 06, 2014

Have you ever noticed that ..

Have you ever noticed that someone goes deliberately out of their in order to avoid contact with you? Sometimes this may be because this person sees something so magnificent in you that they feel as though you are unapproachable. When you notice that this is the case the kindest thing that you can do is to show this person that you are only human, and that you are willing to befriend them if you feel that they might make a good friend.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when we are trying to act as though we have moved on from a situation, a person, ill feelings, or an event in our past we refuse to believe that we really still care. It is very important to note that when you are still willing to talk about something, especially if it is in a negative connotation, then chances are that you still care about it in some fashion deep down. In order to truly be over something in their past they must gather no feelings or sentiments when they think about it, or talk about it.
Have you ever noticed that jealousy is a very complex emotion and..or state of being, and it is caused by a variety of actions that usually is caused by a person not seeing any success in their own lives. In life we are able to make choices everyday, and these choices determine the success we see day-by-day, year-by-year, and decade after decade. Many people become jealous when their own journeys lead them to some sort of mediocrity and limited success, not realizing that despising what the next man has will never lead to any sort of reward in their own lives.
Have you ever noticed that whenever we start to take things for granted is when we will be the most vulnerable. Some of the greatest people in their fields have taken huge tumbles in life for falling victim to complacency. Sometimes when we see amounts of success that we have never seen in our life, we grow content with achieving a piece of our original goal simply because this behavior is in our nature.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Problems give meaning.... to our life

Problems can be the sunshine... Problems may be a cloud.
As they come, they always go, quite normal it should sound.
Moan about it, or try to solve, what's the attitude here to go? 
That'll decide if you remain stunted... or instead learn and grow.
Can you forego the present need? 
So a better future you can have, “I am responsible, ” can you say for all the things, to act and behave.
All your assumptions and beliefs, the ideas, thinking, and plans of yours as close to reality can you keep? 
This undeniably opens success’ doors.
This the discipline you always need; and if fully applied, you fully succeed.
A secret of success, it is that no other formula will you ever need.
But to enjoy, say, the moonlit night, certainly discipline this discipline your judgment is always required 
to know how much to apply just to win.
Do we appreciate the beauty of the moon? 
The galaxies and their infinite wonder, flowers, butterflies and the dewdrops, 
Do they stir us, rainbow or thunder? 
How to love, and not react, 
How to live, and not worry, 
When to smile and when to laugh, these problems remain always blurry! 
How to score and get the grades? 
How to excel in career or job? 
How to develop the tastes and hobbies, these are problems we need to probe.
Like the currents of a mighty river, problems in life flow all the time.
So drop all fears, be bold and alive, they’re there till life's bells chime! 
Problems give meaning to life, else we are dead, and not alive.
All our joys and our sorrows, only by solving problems, we find.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Humans always say

Humans say life makes you who you are
Humans say it was how you were brought up
Humans also say that your society is the ultimate factor of whether you fall or rise.
I say it is not.
That life surprises us all, There is much that hides behind the eyes.
So I leave you now with two words, "Hope and Believe"
You are capable of doing anything you set your mind on. Never and ever let society's expectations change who you are. 

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Sense of loyalty

A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned. But When you are firm and faithful in your feeling towards something or someone, you are considered loyal. 
Loyalty is the faithfulness or extreme devotion to some person, country, group or cause that you advocate. Loyalty is a virtue which lays the foundation of trust and understanding in relationships. 
Loyalty is akin to fidelity in relationships. You need to be loyal to your partner and stay devoted to him or her. 
A relationship can persist for long only if both the partners are mutually loyal and devoted to each other. Fidelity is the litmus test for a true relationship. A successful relationship stands the test of time and fidelity. 
We'd Keep this in our mind...
Everyday give your all to your most loyal friends family so at the end of the day you can rest easy knowing that you have done your best to ensure that their needs are met and well taken care of. The worries of today are the key to the happiness of tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Silence .. is a clarity moments

Silence is the state of being silent marked by entire absence of sound or noise, absolute stillness. It is the absence of any form of speech, quite synonymous with taciturnity or muteness. According to Philip brooks, “A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.” This very statement clearly implies that a man is very much known by the silence he keeps. Absolute silence however refers to sadness and is often symbolically called the image of death. Silence is observed to mourn for the departed soul. Silence can be used for expressing the inexpressible. Silence can make a fool appear wise in public. And i used to believe that; The most effective moments of our life have never required a spoken word.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Thinking of you

Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you. And I wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too. So .. Wherever you are now, whatever you are doing, please.! stop and smile because I am thinking of you.

Monday, August 04, 2014


Until you value yourself you won’t value your time but until you value your time you will not do anything with it.. I wonder how humans became knows the price of everything but knows the value of nothing, 
Value is the worth or cost of a thing. There are many things in life that have value but there is no comparison to the value of time. Time, if gone, cannot be earned back where as all other things like money, respect, education can be earned. The value of time has to be realized by everyone and cherished.
Other things that have great value are friendship, compassion, love and success. It is crucial to know the value of each so that we can appreciate them and work hard enough to gain them. One who does not know the value is insane, why we cannot fill our life by giving much more than accepting, learn how to live when we have nothing, we will realized to value small things in our life...