Saturday, November 11, 2023

Try for paint

I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poets, how to paint sunlight
on the face of life..!!
Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous, as if they were all guarding trade secrets
Where as it seems to me all you have to do, is conceive of the whole world
and all humanity
as a kind of art work
a site-specific art work
an art project of the god of light
the whole earth and all that's in it
to be painted with light.
And the first thing you have to do
is paint out postmodern painting
And the next thing is to paint yourself
in your true colors
in primary colors
as you see them
paint yourself as you see yourself
without make-up
without masks
Then paint your favorite people and animals, with your brush loaded with light.
And be sure you get the perspective right and don't fake it because one false line leads to another

And don't forget to paint all those who lived their lives as bearers of light, paint their eyes
and the eyes of every animal
and the eyes of beautiful women
known best for the perfection of their breasts
and the eyes of men and women
known only for the light of their minds
Paint the light of their eyes
the light of sunlit laughter
the song of eyes
the song of birds in flight

And remember that the light is within
if it is anywhere
and you must start painting from inside

Thursday, November 09, 2023


When your eyes freeze behind the grey window and the ghost of loss
gets into you,
may a flock of colors, indigo, red, green, and azure blue come .. come to awaken in you a meadow of delight.
When the canvas frays in the currach of thought and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


To know women well
You need certain truth to tell
You have good heart in male
That is very much liked by female
If there is no respect for female
No good thoughts to think of and inhale
You may be called feminine
But there may be real famine
We may be strangulated
The birth place may be regulated
It will remain completely unrelated
Causes and problems are definitely related
She may remain as sex symbol
This is really pathetic hole
We blame her for everything as whole
She is center of attraction for all
She has everything to excel
On all fronts doing exceptionally well
Carrying the home front and others as well
There is altogether complete story to tell
Can we regulate any thing on her or impose?
Can’t we put trust in her or repose?
Does it harm our interest or cause?
We need to apply break or observe pause
Respect begets the respect
Shake well the conscience to introspect
It is real union or bond
Male n female relation must be cordially found

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Is it a journey..!!

 In between if it's a journey or not we may found ourselves wondering... for life maybe a journey when the time is a road and while moments are our steps. There's no going backward. we can only revisit moments through memory. Even then, we can't capture the essence of a moment. Once it has passed, it's never going to return to it's true self. SO, Live in the moments... Watch the signs that they bring and learn the lessons they teach. People who fail to see and comprehend the depth of a moment are blind to the only thing that makes life worth living. from the other hand life maybe It's a journey made of moments at all for we don't know them when they happen, but they remain in our memories and become a part of us.
yet through time you will discover that the major role in it, is to
keep your secrets to yourself; for the person you trust has someone he trust, and the chain continues.

Addicted for hope

Books after books are written on this subject, No one has advanced any particular reason to reject.
It has such a tremendous driving force to sweep, You will be left with joy and later on only to weep.
Such  nice feeling from bottom of the heart, No one knows exactly when it will end or start
It can not be marketed all over for certain price, It is so precious and its feeling isn't always very nice.
One may be counting starts in night, No one may know exactly what is right..?
It is to be felt from within and alone, It has its own joy to be enjoyed by two not only one.
Have you seen person weeping with joy..!
It is delicate phase one may pass through, All lies around and nothing seems to him true
Only one word should strike to her mind all the way, “I long for you and can not remain away” It is nice to feel all the way very good, No care for anybody and neglecting the food.
It is like child asking for impossible, Landing in unexplored field with trouble
You may rightly attempt to write poetic verses, Tearing papers, writing all over and near misses
Nothing goes right from the beginning, It has disastrous start with the innings
One may try to hide the face but can not cry in open, Try to prove point by painting gloomy side with pen.
Then also if no way is found out, taking his old car going for long drive.. just to thinking all the positively how to come out of it and survive, for as much as life pushed him down.. he became an addicted for hope. 

Tuesday, February 09, 2021


To be unbeatable person 

you should find the balance between 

what you need to lose in a battle to win the war and

what you should keep no matter what.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Cup Of Coffee'

The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, will simply not like you, but the world is also filled with those who will love you fiercely.
Don't waste your finite time and heart trying to convince the people who aren't your people that you have value, they will miss it completely they won't buy what you are selling. 
Don't try to convince them to walk your path with you because you will only waste your time and your emotional good health... So, politely wave them along and you move away as well, seek to share your path with those who recognize and appreciate your gifts, just being who you are for you aren't everyone's cup of coffee.. and that's Okay

Thursday, December 10, 2020


If a person doesn’t want to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, they may try to blame others. Don’t accept blame or try to fix things for them when you’ve done nothing wrong. They need to learn that if they want different outcomes, they will have to make different choices. I learned this the hard way. When they don't care, we should stop expecting them to. In some situations and for some people there is no hope, so stop beating our mind and our heart against the wall.

When times are tough, I remind myself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt me deeply, but never forget what it taught me at first place. Just because we’re struggling doesn’t mean we’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there. and surely good things take time. So i used to remain patient and staying positive. Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The other side of the story

Everybody deserved to be heard but not all have the chance to be listened to and even if they are, still limited in time and place, that is why.... I write, for them to know the other side of the story 

You need to see I need to hear
You need to think I need to feel
You need to hide I need no mask behind.
We obey as much as we love.. and beyond all your logical thoughts, there is a world need to discover.
Close your beautiful eyes, turn off all your thoughts, with so humble true love, call my name.. dream ..  and stay there.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The language of the night

The sun is harsh, the winds are cruel
The trees unfeeling, the soil so unsympathetic
The stones lack the courage, the grasses lose the enthusiasm
The clouds spiritless
The moon is devoid of compassion
The stars are pitiless
You are unkind and I am disheartened
My heart is broken
You are heartless the ruler of my body
i have longed to touch you to kiss you even just once, yet you are so high and far
you are with the stars on my darkest skies,
until then, the moon never says that it understands the language of the night
it is immersed in the darkness she is floating in that immense space
it is inside something that does not too understand the meaning of light...  

Monday, December 07, 2020

Struggle dreams


And it is strange that the sheep live throughout its life a plagued of wolves ... Then it finished canned in box,
It is frustrating to the ship spent it life battling the stormy waves and then crashing on rocks,
It is very painful to struggle dreams the reality of life and feelings became something with frozen looks,
And you keeping ask yourself, does it was fairy tales or you just have been mocks.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The ashes of my mind,

There's nothing to see here, The streets are all clear, Nothing but fear, If only you could be near, I return to those few yesteryear, To think of what I must held dear,
And here is another dead end, another closed door, no way in, and nothing to explore, There's nothing inside me any more, I'm not what it is you are looking for... There is nothing left here.
Nothing lives here any more, just apathy, I feel no joy like before, nor sympathy, No music echoes to write my symphony, The streets are all .... empty.

Gotta squash the fear
Gotta make it clear
Gotta dream a way

Today... Is the sound of emptiness, and I'm alone in the darkness, there's nothing inside, I just wanna close my eyes and hide, Pretend I'm not crying and dying inside.
No wonder my thought bring nothing but rain, And no wonder I gave all my world nothing but pain, I've got nothing inside of me left to share
There's nothing left in there, I lost the best of me behind, The flame that had once burned so bright, today became the ashes of my mind,

Monday, November 30, 2020

Silence echoes

Patiently we shed tears of blood to feeds those humming soils by which this forest is deeply rooted. So full of.... Fear, Loneliness, Resentment, sickness and anger, their hearts burn with flames, their minds reverberate without sound, leaves us within a forest of pain with trees that swallow our souls and the innocence of our morality, to replaced by the silence of tomorrow where the words only will have its meaning in the ears of the listener,

The breeze of dawn

When the breeze of dawn pervading your hair O, my love.. I hear it whispers to my ears tenderness sighs. 
When the fragrant smells of your perfume dissolve in your sensitive senses whenever it touches your skin O, my love.. I hear it whispers to my ears tenderness sighs. 
Yet I wonder why whenever you whisper to me "I love you", I can't reveal the lamentations of your love loudly to the universe. 
O, I Wrote your name letters one by one with beads of morning dew on all trees leaves, who can admire you such as me, who can describe you like me..!
you are a beautiful dream, I hope all wounded hearts could dream on with me..
you are the 
highest sense I touched in my life which made me melt,
made me feel that I'm still human full of humanity.



You do not need to know what everyone has done or seen, 
Nor do you need to follow where the crowd might go or lean. 
Don't swear at that reflection of the clouds upon your screen, 
That burst of light from high above obscuring what has been, 
Don't dwell on flawless selfies or the posts of yesteryear, 
The past can be forgotten without cause for doubt or fear, 
You are more than the sum of every shared smile or tear, 
More than the likes and comments of those strangers you hold dear. 
Don't live within the memory of a plastic-coated dream, 
That manufactured happiness worth less than it may seem, 
You have a brighter purpose than your state of mind might gleam, 
A chance to change your future if you let the light redeem. 
Don't spend another minute on fakebook friends lies, 
The truth is just above you in the horizon sky, 
You only have this moment to live before you die, 
So step away from all that's fake and give real-life a try.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 When greed takes people where they need to go,  it hidden from them the truth, the stories the need to know, As the homeless walk around with an empty stomach and an empty hands,  as the selfish watch the world vanish with an amazing empty minds, Didn't you notice that... 
A home is now only a house,  a life becomes in narrow screens browse, And the world moves in blind to shed blood,  under every nations god. And I wonder where and when we lost our humanity, and how much is the cost we should pay to graving back our morality. For I see nothing but a perfect vanity, people craving for it..  Even if they've gone blind..  Blind with insanity.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Passion and Forgiveness

We follow our passion quietly and success will follow us, for our passion are the winds that propel our vessel... when our reason is the pilot that steers her.. 
we follow our passion for passion is universal humanity, 
we follow our passion because, 
without passion Art is useless, 
without passion religion is spiritless,
without passion history is meaningless 
and if passion drives you, 
then let the reason hold the reins... reins of forgiveness

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Life rhyme

How can you call it life even when completely ignored..!
How a sleep can be called tranquility when your neighbor snored..!
Life... is not what you think and it seems, It is not trimmed in rhymes and themes. You are helpless and powerless as goat, You may travel in it like as if on boat, The powerful wind may pull you towards disaster, You you totally can't be able to control it as master. You are completely dead in absence of strong will, Any unwanted thoughts may enter mind and kill, You will live thousand deaths in single life, It is double edged weapon.. like knife. 
Self dependence is what you call it is like volcano, All desires under control even if burning like inferno, If you become slave of in your home as helpless and prisoner, You will dig your own grave later or sooner. It comes to standstill when not infused, It will stagnate when lesson is refused, It is learning and continuous process, Even if denied completely with access.. 
If you take it as challenge then it is race.! 
If you think it is burden then it is bad phase.! 
If you think it as mystery then it is darkness.!

No way left to come out of it and to be lost without any trace.
It may have same rainbow pattern, All colors signified with “U” turns,
Who knows what color may choose or suit..!
Nose dive with failures in long pursuit
It makes you to laugh and cry, Still it is adventurous and enterprising to try
It may have dry and spring seasons too, You must seize it with and sail through
Have different angle and logical conclusion, Even though it may be full of questions, We are not here to settle the score.... But at the same time can not ignore.
You are master of your destiny, It requires no explanation or testimony
You make dive and go deep in the bottom, All treasure will be yours and success will be missed seldom, 

Life... is not what you think and it seems, It is not trimmed in rhymes and themes.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Madness Whisper

Whisper in my ears again the depth of your love as the stars shining in the skies not to disturbing anybody when reflecting its beauty ever,
Your eyes in my heart, spreads deep a sweet breeze, touches the brain, the heart, the mind and the soul, Giving that weakness body your wings of love, beauty and eternity in our silence love merge into one,
when... where... How, I don't know, even who you are.
I have got a bit of soft spot for you and the apple of your eyes, and then I'm swinging, singing with birds, flowers even butterflies,
life on the earth, grass, galaxies, time and infinity, my mind recollects all these.
Am I dreaming, if I please not to awake me up for I dreams... With an innocent smile as on the face of a child, tears of a missing  blind hope in a misty undiscovered land..  I even don't had anyone to guide.
a rose lying near the tomb in silence with scattered tears on the petals,.. O,
And I'm asking her..
why did I come here..!
who sent me here?
where am I going after death?
there is life beyond the grave?
for whom do I wake up in the morning?
why the creations are in pairs: male and female?
why does nature bind me with your eyes?
why does nature allow your eyes to pierce me so deep?
two doves ruffle their feathers
on the branches near the green leaves,
the sky kisses the sea
making ripples and waves on its breast,
electrons keep their smartness near the protons,
day and night play hide and seek,
the stars wink at each other during their travel in the space,
moonlight touches the petals of lotus in romance,
now the pregnant clouds pour,
the flowers and fruits delight the soul, now, no prejudices,
no narrow domestic walls, but love

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

galaxy lover

Love is ocean of sorrow, No one knows what will happen to morrow, Purity in sense and with sincerity to follow, No to blind promises as to be proved hollow.

Love is to be considered as holiest gift, There is supposed to be no shift, It may endure you life time tragedy, It may also prove hoax and turn in comedy.

Assume where it can take to you in case you late, It should not be termed as bad luck or fate, It has to be accepted fire ball, Immediately respond to it with a first call.

It may wait endlessly for your reply, There is no special condition to imply, Think on dotted lines and make a grand push, It may pay handsomely to you without any rush.

Love may remain for many more days to come, Your action must speak volumes with grand welcome, Nothing goes wrong if patiently waited for, There is nothing like pain or anything in store.