Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Change the world

We can only change the world if we are crazy or exceptionally ambitious enough to believe we can do it.. We often hear of important gatherings of the "great and the good."
Sadly the great leaders have not often been good. But the good leaders have learned that it is better to be good than to be great to they communities.
Rare is the leader in this life who is both great and good in his actions and his vision. because vision without action is merely a fake politician dream and action without vision just passes the time to full of they account banks with money, ِand hands are full of blood . deliberate vision with good action can change the world for every human been .. everyone of us is born with unlimited potential, we have the ability and intelligence to make the impossible possible. and no matter how weak we think we are, we all have the power to turn our dreams into reality.
As i used to say to my little kids great and good unity exists only when we accept the fact that.. "one for all and all for one, And as much as we'll live .. we'd never give up on what we really want to do because the persons with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts".

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Never forget

Never forget some vital things in life. One should never forget friends and all those people who support us throughout our lives and continuously act as a pillar of support.
Never forget that nothing succeeds like success and for the one who tastes success, success comes naturally. The only key to success is hard work. There exists no short cut to success. You have to pave your way towards excellence.
Never forget that life works according to the principle, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” If you work hard and stay good to others, others will also help you and your hard work will definitely yield good results. There are several things that you should not forget and always keep in your mind. In the words of Albert Pike, saying ..  “Above all things let the world never forget that mankind constitutes one great brotherhood; all born to encounter suffering and sorrow, and therefore bound to sympathize with each other.”
So Never forget that three types of people in your life.. Who helped you, who left you and who put you in your difficult time
Never forget that being good to people is like being a Goal Keeper, no matter how many goals you save, people .. will only remember the ones you Missed..!

Being kind

A deep friendship is like a rainbow. When the right amount of tears and laughter are mixed together,then a colorful bridge joins hearts is formed and a painted smile exists in our heart that will last for a lifetime. and even if we don't know what to say to them, It doesn't. matter .. A silent hug  is worth a thousand words to they unhappy hearts.
believe me sometimes just a few simple kindly words from a good friend can put a warm feeling in our hearts... Kindness is an open communication between heart to heart and not required to be learned by searching, teaching, or even preaching... So being kind is much more important than being right, for sometimes all a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listen.
From my modest view i feel that the most challenging part about unconditional relationship, friendship or even love; That at some point in time we have to realize that some people can stay in our heart but not in our daily life. So, we need to make our memories now, there may not be a later opportunity to do it. My dears anyone can catch our hands, but it takes someone special to catch our hearts.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Honesty ..

Honesty takes various forms like truthfulness, sincerity, moral uprightness and it is our duty to impart the knowledge on honesty in the young minds of children. “It is the beginning of education” says John Ruskin. Always tell the truth, if you can’t tell the truth, do not lie. The great truth is honesty which is the best policy. An honest person will always have a clear mind and a mind that is afraid of no one. He can hold his head high and walk with dignity in all situations. 
Dignity, power, courage, glory, respect and leadership will all follow the person who follows honesty. It may be a little harder to practice honesty at all times but it will eventually pay at the end. There should be no compromise on honesty .. personally i used to Listen to people when they're angry, stressed, or emotionally vulnerable. This is when they're most likely to tell the truth. So, make sure to be honest about your feelings so that in the end, you'll at least know you didn't leave anything unspoken... My dears i have nothing to say more that those true words .. keep it in your mind ..Always "Never disrespect the honesty of your eyes by giving explanation for your tears"

Facts about love..

When two people in love breakup, they cant be friends as they hurt each other. They cant be enemies as once they loved each other. The only thing they can be is to be the most familiar strangers.
Being hurt by someone whom you love is the worst thing that can happen to a person. If you love someone and your beloved hurts you, then you will be left broken, dejected and depressed. 
It really hurts you to the core, when your beloved hurts you in some or the other way. 
The worst way in which your beloved can possibly hurt is when your beloved calls it quits and ends the relationship. A broken relationship is very hard to erase from one’s mind and very difficult to deal with. One finds it hard to come over the memories of a broken relationship which was one going great guns. Being hurt by someone you love is something that you cannot easily deal with. It is difficult to get over the wounds of the heart. 
The only option you have is to nurse your wounds and let them heal with time. Time is perhaps the best healer. In the words of Daphne Rae, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” And you have to accept the fact that some people will always stay in your heart, even if you are already gone in theirs.

Disappointment is

Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. sometimes it's hard to wait around for something you know will never happen, but it's even harder giving up when it's all you want. Sometime we expect more from other because we would be willing to do that much for them. According to this We may hate someone's actions, but we really don't hate them. Hating a person is far different from hating what they have been doing without us. So,Never be disappointed by the friends who appreciate you, your gifts or your help by words. Protect and always respect the friends that demonstrate their appreciation by their actions... Actions speak louder than words.. Being disappointed is something that can cause extreme depression and sadness. You may just do anything mad or crazy when you things land up in extreme depression. You are disappointed when things don’t work out as per your plan or the results are simply not in your favor. Repetitive instances of failures can lead to extreme disappointment which often takes its toll on a person and gets the better of him. Instances of disappointment can be avoided but cannot be completely done away with. You need to know how to deal with failure and the disappointment that that follows failure invariably. Being disappointed is no solution of dealing with any problem that comes your way. Rather, you should deal with a problem bravely and try tackling it. Disappointment will lead to depression which can have several unlikely repercussions. So, avoid disappointment and depression. Take everything that comes your way and move on. In the words of Charles Morgan, “The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mode of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change; happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.” Looking for perfection in a person brings too much expectations. When your expectations are not met, too many disappointments come. Learn to appreciate a person's imperfections. In them, you'll find perfection, And we must accept disappointment, but we must never lose hope. For everything that is done in this world is done by hope.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine" 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The meaning of life is to find your gift but The purpose of life is to give it away.  
 It's frustrating when you know the answers, while nobody bothers to ask you the right questions. 
It's so hard when you lose something ... Specially when we lose our own dreams, But we shouldn't lose the lesson behind 
 It's better to fight for something but never against something specially your own fate.
 Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak.  Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. And I believe that; There is great power in letting go, and there is great freedom in moving on.Yes i agree with our great writer /R.W.E/ Most of the shadows of our life are caused by our standing in .... our own Sunshine.. So my dear Son, Promise only what you can deliver....  Then deliver more than you promise.. that's the way.. And always remember those words " Never be so much happy because you have something new, either never be sad because you lost something, life will keep going with or without you".

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The past ideas

Every idea I get I have to deny, that's my way of testing it. but can I wait all my life on a street of broken dreams. Humans used to go to bed with their mistresses; Why I go there with my ideas.
I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what is everything, do not be fooled by what I am saying.  Please .. listen carefully and try to hear what I am not saying. In this dream calls life nobody really listens to anyone else, and if we try it, just for a while we'll see why. I'm still talking about what I did yesterday, While I haven't done much today that's the way i used to lose my present... step by step you'll enjoy living there, The past is a very good place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there anymore.
The past is never there for me when I try to go back. yes  It exists, but only in my memory. By my hand I let the memories I have steal my present, Yes I surly know it's just recordings of things past, but it's still chains to bind me sometimes
  Now I having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives to my door, I have come to believe that;  in between these two extremes is ... peace. It cost my a life time to realize those two things
"Human life is purely a matter of deciding what's important to us." and  "It's not about what if .... it's what now".

Friday, December 20, 2013

Nothing happens by accident

Things happen for a reason basically means that everything happens for good. All the things that happen to us in our lives are somewhere down the line, destined to happen.
Failures, turns and twists and adversities might break us down and lessen or morale completely. But even we should learn to take them in our stride and learn from every bad experience too. Tracey Gold had once remarked, “I don't believe things happen in vain. I believe they happen for a reason.” Everything that happens to us in our lives happens for good and teaches us a lesson. Perhaps one should learn from every kind of experience whether good or bad. People who keep their chin up even in the most testing circumstances can always end up making a lot out of their lives.

Believe me ... in our life Nothing happens by accident; you are exactly where God wants you to be.

My young child

I remember once i read that ..
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see".
/ Neil Postman /
My young child asked me .. daddy what is the different between house and home.. to a while i felt with lost but finally i replied her,, See It takes hands to build a family house, but only pure hearts can build a home.
i do believe in what i said but sometimes our children can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer. And While we try harder to teach our children all about life, Our children ... teach us what life is all about.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I miss you

I know that we are miles away from each other, but the feelings in my heart for you will never change, even if you go farther than that. You will be in my heart forever... 
More than the Sun misses the sky at night.
I miss you


Life is what you make it. Life gets complicated when you take it too seriously and are bogged down by challenges that come their way. Complicated life is self-created and you can make your life happening by staying upbeat all the time. Life is beautiful and "complicated life" is just a farce. Man is the creator and destroyer of his own life. Man is responsible for scripting his own destiny. 
One should try not to make things difficult and take things lightly in life along with maintaining a sense of gratitude for all that we are blessed with. Having a life is a big blessing in itself. Complicated life can be simplified by going with the flow and accepting whatever happens to us, taking it in our stride, and moving on. Let go of things and negative feelings like anger, jealousy, and frustration. Treat your heart like a garden, plant the seeds of faith, hope, and love in the same. Complicated life will simplify tremendously if you learn from your mistakes and learn to face life's challenges valiantly.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Life test

Your life begins to end the moment you start being silent about the things that matter. Now listen.. Life will keep bringing you the same test, over and over and over again, til you pass it...! My dears Life becomes real only when we begin to face and solve our own problems. Until then we only swim in circles in a large fantasy world which tends to make us very tired of living.

Wide Shout

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout: This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision. When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.


Acceptance, though a hard thing to do, is an essential thing that helps you to improve in life. When you accept a friend as such with his plus and minuses, you gain friendship. When you accept a past deed, you prepare yourself to face the future, when you accept a situation, you become more comfortable. Acceptance is the essence of life and if we try to shun away from acceptance, life becomes a bed of thorns. 
once a great writer said, "acceptance is not submission; it is an acknowledgement of the facts of the situation. It also helps you to decide your future course of action". 
Those who accept things that cannot be changed are as wise as grass that grows in the riverbeds and those who refuse to accept are like trees there. When a storm blows, the grass accepts and survives but the tree falls to the power of the wind. Acceptance is an important character that we have to inculcate in Egypt, to survive successfully in this world. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Apologizing is required when you feel a lot of guilt within after doing something wrong. Apologizing makes sense only when you sincerely realize your mistakes and take lessons from them too. Apologizing is a means of confessing that what you did was wrong and that you want to make up for it as well. 
But, at times, our emotions prevail over our mind and we keep apologizing and pleading innocence when we hold ourselves accountable for some mad action or misdeed. However, one has to draw the line somewhere. Apologizing at the cost of one’s own self-respect is foolhardy. If you apologize to someone and the other person does not give any heed to your apology, then it is worthless apologizing and lowering your self-esteem and dignity. Your efforts are futile and may not reap any fruit. You end up disgracing yourself badly and the over-apologizing takes a huge toll on your self-respect, eventually. We should know that; nothing wrong with apologizing, but saying I'm sorry does nothing when you continue to make the same mistakes.

Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm here for you

Kindness is the master key that opens every heart. If you are fumbling for the right words, like a late night search for keys, start with I care, I understand and I'm here for you. You will open the door to healing and guarded hearts will be unlocked. Turn the key of kindness with words of encouragement right now. and always remember that; We may not be pretty, we may not rich, We may don't have a perfect body, but we should have a good and warm heart for those who care about us. my dears... In this world of heartache and tears, if you find someone who brings joy to your heart and makes life worth living, hold onto them, and never ever let them go.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fake people

Sometimes people in your life will try to expose what's wrong with you because they can't handle what's right with you!
Sometimes everyone you fight may not be your enemy, because sometimes everyone that helps you may not be your friend.!

From heart

The best way to find what matters the most is to lose something precious to you. and It's nice to look back in your past when you see it as a lesson, not as something to regret. You know when life gets stressful, never forget the things you should remember, and remember the things you should forget. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. Today I will. Pray more, worry less, laugh more, stress less, hug more and hurry less.
O,.. dear God, I woke up, I am healthy, I am alive, thank you. I apologize for all my complaining. I'm truly grateful for all you've done.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

أعظم ألم في الحياة

أعظم الم في الحياة ليس أن تموت, ولكن بأن يتجاهلك الآخرون
بأن تخسر صديقاً تحبه جداً لتكسب آخر لا يكترث لك أبدً
أعظم الم في الحياة ليس بأن تموت, لكن بأن تُنسى
حينما تطلع أحدهم على أعمق افكارك ثم يضحك ساخراً في وجهك
حينما يكون أصدقائك مشغولين جداً عن مواساتك عندما تحتاج لأحد كي يرفع من معنوياتك
حينما يبدو لك أن الشخص الوحيد الذي يهتم لأمرك هو أنت
الحياة مليئة بالألم , لكن هل يتحسن الوضع ً
 هل سيبالي الناس بأمر بعضهم البعض و يخصصون وقتاً لأولئك الذين يحتاجون اهتمامهم؟
لكل واحد منا دور لابد أن يلعبه في هذه المسرحية التي نسميها الحياة
على كل واحد منا واجب للإنسانية وهو أن نخبر أصدقائنا بأننا نحبهم
إذا كنت لا تهتم لأمر أصدقائك, فلن يعاقبك احد
لكن سيتجاهلونك و ينسونك بكل بساطة تماما كما فعلت بالآخرين