Sunday, July 24, 2016


Moments in oue life filled with hopes in morrow,
Then the pain that follow,
leaves us very .. hollow,
Each road we talked ended so narrow,
Others know; the look being, different than they .. 
not better not smarter not prettier.. just us and a hearts full of sorrow.

Into the unknown .. 0060

step by step I will push threw this
threw all of the obstacles of life
this world keeps spinning around and around
beating me down down into the ground
I started fighting back, So hard to move my feet
but step by step, I’ll this world beat,
I'll win this war, for i've been designed to succeed.
I will rise... rise from the darkness which blending my eyes, rise from the ashes which burning my heart, rise into the light, step by step yet it will be in time.. then maybe 
I will finally escape..
from the darkness,
from the spinning,
from the obstacles,
from this world... into the unknown but, who wants to live forever.!

You have a brain.. use it.!

There is nothing wrong with not knowing who you are
You are not written like a book or painted from a single canvas, nor balanced like some perfect zen 
There is no rule to follow, no category you must fill in..
You have your own two legs to sidestep
You can be different every minute if you wish and you do not need to be criticized or try to fix what others say is wrong.
You can cry when you have no reason
You can wish when you have no hope
You can laugh when all is silent
You can breath when fear is stuck down your throat
There is nothing wrong with not knowing who you are... Not a single little thing, for i truly care.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Meeting with my father

A father's voice directs me, It soothes me and it's kind,
My trusted voice of reason, to cultivate my mind,
Close my eyes and hear him, He whispers in my ear,
That gives me all the confidence to chase off any fear,
Remember all he's taught me, It's easy if I try,
If no longer with us, his wisdom will never die,
I can't imagine loose my dad... is tragic, He didn't want to part,
So I always keep his wisdom, Alive within my heart,
The world I decided to travel is somehow new to me but I see it a crown,
I have to carry on, he lives on in my memories, And always praise him every dawn,
So as I wake each morning think of what he'd say,
Remember how he loved me to live my life that way,
He'll always be here with me for his thoughts within my heart,
Praise him in my memory even we'll through my journey.. be apart.

Clarity in love.

Until some rules to us have come, and understood by 'everyone'... under the Sun,
Will there then be a need to exchange... Respect for all, without the name calling or the playing of games.
Knowing that a thoughtfulness given is returned as expected, with a respect that is the same reflected.
Until all our moods that we carry are dismissed and diffused, And released are those conflicting attitudes,
Shall we then have a reason to obey and say, The direction we all are headed towards, affords brighter days to come to stay.
Too many of us have so much we distrust, those promising yesterdays of hope and joy... Seem to have drifted away from us day by day..
Until some rules to us have come, and happiness experienced is a wish for everyone specially us,
There will be no one to witness a life to fully rejoice, or decide to gather fulfillment with one voice, If the choice that is made indicates, there is a decay of love, then clarity will cure all the self-illness above.


You can dream of the best things in life, but
if you do not have the courage to make it a reality, it will always remain a dream,

Friday, July 22, 2016


Time changes, changes every thing from truth to beauty, every thing is moving from love to morality,
Love is now a butterfly from this flower to that flower to flatter by
This flower does not have, That flower might have the desired pleasure.
This cave does not have surprises, that cave might have the wonder.!
Morality is now... 
A make up box, a mask
A means to meet the selfish end
A weapon man made
Twist and turn to suit the whimsical trade. In the periphery of divinity now men is the guide, The car of the morality men now drive.
Truth remains not a truth at all, It keeps changing with time and place, Losing its beauty and divine grace..
In the eyes and minds beauty is very restless from the beginning permanently remains only the perplexity,
In the life of bewilderment absolute is the paradoxical irony.

Giving up isn't an option

Sing that song which heals your heart
When you have lost everything yet there is always a new start
Giving up is the easy route but you'll always missing a part
Share your pain
Bare your load
If you can get up from falling, you know you are there
If you are so low, you need to tell an ear that will care
The course of our lives can be incredibly unfair
Go with it, Be with it, Fight it... If you can
You've been through too much but you will do it again and again
Let each ache bring you closer to living
Do not give up, find your gift of giving
Share thy feelings let others see Your will to live
Are we ever able to forgive..?
You have done your all
So smile

The imp visiting me.

Pain in body, pain in soul, pain in mind; Pain of labor, pain from emotion,
or pain from a wound; 
Fear of a crowd or of being alone; fear of fact, or fear of the unknown.
Whatever you do never let fear grow, take a moment to pray;
Take the rod or take the staff and send the imp away from the way.

Technology and society

Save Our Children from Technology, They are totally addicted to it for It appears to be Priority.
Just so young; A child is handed ... A phone to keep it amused by Technology,

 Then it begins... A laptop for school, An ipad for school, Is the teacher teaching or the Technology..!!
The beeps
The dings
Another message sent
Nothing is completed, Stuff just hidden away, Having to be reminded again, Another day
A book
Simply just living, All stolen by Technology
Can it get better or will it get worse

Amazing but Is it really a curse..!
We all love it cannot live without it
But, what is technology doing to Society..?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Meanwhile be grateful for what you have

When you are without money,
You eat vegetables at home; You ride bicycle to work; You walks to eat food; You wish to get married; You acts like a rich;
When you have money, 
You eat vegetables in a fine restaurant. You ride bicycle to exercise. You walks to burn food. You wish to get divorced. You acts like a pauper.
You say money is evil but you keep on craving for it.
You say high positions are risky but you keep on struggling for it;
You say gambling and drinking is bad but you keeps on indulging on it.
O People..!!
For god sake, once in your lifetime, be content with whatever you have and thank God for whatever you have..

Thank you God For what i have, and what next is belongs only to you..

Moratity dealer 0002

I've dealt with a dose of everything you see, and I tried to get into the experience of life armed myself with all those good morals, but alas.., I Defeated in a manner not anybody can borne, i lost each and ever battle through life, 
people called me madness, frivolity and lying.. O god 
Finally.. I went back to my shop to be Isolated between losing my merchandise that does not value nor hungry mouths funds, and to have all this bad memories about humans.The silence surround all the shop walls, when I felt with lamentable and sorrow .. So, I wanted to change the way that our dialogue drifted..I asked him;And why you did not took other from the other kinds like hypocrisy, fraud, or even lying ..!The man lifted his head and replied, humm... And where I can get on such goods, its have been carried out for decades. Personally, I asked the owner of the store about it and the first shop owner told me a strange story .. "it was in ancient times the store crammed with all sorts of goods... People flow like wolves... and the only majority require was hypocrisy, hypocrisy .. .. hypocrisy.

 Contention, struggling, so that the goods be carried out and the
governor told him to trough the rest of the goods into the river ..So all the people drink it evenly .. Thus, 
The river water were saturated with hypocritical..
Them water became full with hypocrisy,
them food became full with hypocrisy,
Them cities, countries became the land of hypocrisy.
folk hypocrisy has become their land, 
the land of hypocrisy.
The seller stop talking for a while.. and the silence surrounded the Store 
Then he told me .. And, do you still want to try the courage .. !!
I answered .. 
Experience is the best proof .. Yes sure .. I want it! 
He replied.. I'm at your service, but remember what i said ..!
 I walked into the house with a wondering mind, a heavy steps with the amount of courage to ten days.


Brave Man..
what is courage..!!

Is it the sense of fearless the death, and getting ready to welcome and to meet it anytime, anyway ..!
If so .. then I am a brave man

to be continue ...


And she asked me, something for her breakfast,
With a menu, o, i don't remember.. 
Birds, birds everywhere,
flying through the sky without care.
Reminding us how graceful life can be,
as they fly from tree to tree.
Singing so very happily

Traveling with the "I"

we often loose who we are, we sometimes loose our selves to gain someone, we don't deserve we stand by and observe but we can't react to this we live
sometimes you find your self on the edge of a cliff, so fast with no ability to drift
you hide in the darkness so no one could know, hiding so no one can realize. Realize that this is killing you, your heart dies, too many mountain, unable to climb
broken no wings to fly, hurt with no reason, close to die
you keep asking your self just why, you may scream, you may cry but it just won't go away no matter how you try..
And you'll still have that need to cry, still have tears drooling down from the eye, and you still ask why ... So never lose who you are.. never forget the "I"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Me, To, I and the mirror

Woman in my mirror tell me what you see, The world of beauty in your eyes for all the world to see.
Do you see the laughter that lines your shining eyes, or the way they sparkle brightly each time that you cry.!!
If you looked into their depths can't you see the life you've led, don't you see the strength in there
That keeps you focused... straight ahead
When you look into that mirror..
Can see how she looks at you,
Can you see the questions hidden there as she wonders who you are "to"..!!
Do you see her slender shoulders that carry the weight of the world, the way she holds her arms about.. and stands there closely furled.
Do you not see that tiny waist.. o.. Or the pert uplifted breasts, or they way her heart beats strongly.. Hidden there, inside her chest..!
Can't you hear the echo of her passionate cries.!
Can't you see her curving legs so tender and yet so strong, Why do you only see the things you think are wrong.!
Go deeper with me.. into the woman inside, that stands before you in the mirror,
Take a good long look before death draws us nearer.
See ..
The goodness in your heart
The kindness in your soul,
Look behind the cracks and chips to the woman standing whole.
Beauty lies beneath the surface and is not just skin deep, It's in the laughter of your soul and in the tears that make you weep.
It's in the way you hold close a child as she cries,
It's in the way you comfort him and dry the tears from his eyes.
It's in the way you hold your man and bring forth his passionate cries,
It's there in how he hold you and kiss the tears from your eyes.
The beauty that you posses shines thru in all you do, look into that mirrored face the beauty there is calling "me"
And between "to" and "me" you lost the site of I.

Let me love me as I love you.!!

Sometimes I walk without seeing, I see without knowing, I live without learning, I learn without showing.
Sometimes I pay no attention to what lies on the road ahead,
Sometimes I just rush in where the angels fear to tread.
Sometimes I listen real well to words that others souls speak,
Sometimes I dont hear reason, when my heart is feeling weak.
Sometimes when it rains, I see the sound that it makes, it floods my heart because of my mistakes.
Sometimes when it snows, I hear it's gentle sound, as it falls like silent thunder everywhere.. upon the ground.
Sometimes when I see you I think I'm really seeing me, because sometimes life's not really all it would seem to be.
Sometimes it all gets muddled from black and white to gray, sometimes that path to righteousness just doesn't lead the way.
Sometimes before I know it I find me standing in the light, because when I get lost you should set me right.
Sometimes when I think that all in my life is gone
I look and see you standing waiting there within the dawn.
Sometimes when I'm feeling that I'm running out of time, you're love helps me see that I can run to you sometimes.
Sometimes you will save me and keep me safe from harm, But sometimes you'll just guide me and lead me by the arm to show me that just sometimes I need to make my way for sometimes lessons learned come about in the hardest ways.
But sometimes I needs you.. hold me, and never regret when you sets me free, So that sometimes I can find my way back to loving me.. 


I wish you enough rain to fall you in love, No need the passionate plea of above
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your desire, No need to ask to require
I wish you enough joy to keep you alive, No matter how toughly you survive
I wish you enough sun to keep you bright
No matter how dark is your night

A kiss..

Darkness flood the light.. from dawn converged, trying to hold onto.. everything we deserve,
Changes came to our lives and crosswords emerged, fell in pieces for our dreams.. which stayed reserve.
In pulse.. beat emotions.. on the road full of promises, but a kiss.. will say it all, for no other words.. can push you become convenienced.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Speachless.. "home"

In the twilight where no one hears me, when stars are all deaf to respond, like a cloak that hides the coolness,, 
of the night that leaves nothing except footsteps.. a careless whispering .. Home.. 
Home is such a little word, Which covers such a lot, From the old man in his easy chair, to the baby in his cot.
It doesn't have to be a place of antiques, gold or splendor,
Just a simple little cottage, full of joy and truth, and candour.
Where from understanding parents you learn, the right from wrong.
Where you are taught to be upstanding and grow up brave and strong.
Home is where you learn to share the respect spreading forgiveness with so much care
To see each others point of view and be as tolerant as you can.. for It is a place of love and laughter,
Of grumbles, frowns and tears.. but when as one, so .. whatever.
Its a place you are always welcome to, matter how you are,
It will put its arms around you, for home means love and care.
A meeting place of families,
where somebody always there,
Where you don't have to pretend,
Where you never feel a stranger,
And you are welcome to the end.
So boys and girls, if you have strayed, and on the street do roam, kind and anxious parents are calling out come home, to a place where you will find peace of mind and you will never walk alone,
For you are very very special .. in your own home sweet home.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The need,

Under the cover of religious, political ambitions played a dirty role yet the price only payback through innocent people bloodshed.
Once upon a time were, 

Necessity is the mother of invention ..  
But while there is nothing left to humans but ambitions, to become in time
Necessity is the mother of all the world corruption,
And under the lid of humans need
Corruption systems can bend so many weakness heads.