Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why does the songbird's

Gentle sound
Make our hearts sing? 
Spread harmony around
Why, with the sight of the eagle
Do we suddenly feel weak? 
In comparison to its glory
We can all but muter or speak
What are you? 
Sympathetic canary
To peal my eye from them
Not strong, not beautiful
With wit that’s all but dim
So why then dear canary
Do they say you great bird
When you are not blessed? 
Do you deserve the word? 
But my head has turned
For the canary speaks
His wisdom words to me
“Oh, foolish human
Can you not see? 
There is no difference here
Between them and me
It is all in your head
They seem majestic, so great
But that is to you
For we are all sealed to the same fate

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