Sunday, February 04, 2018

Despair and love

It is one of the most difficult problems a person facing... Despair is defined as a feeling that causes a person to lose hope in achieving what he wants, and this feeling eventually leads to loss of "appetite of life" if left untreated. There is no doubt that man's failure to do something, or in his knowledge drives him to despair, in this case if despair is necessary for a certain period and then passed, it is normal, because the life of man it's about his actions, this actions translated into emotions and feelings, But if the stage of despair persists, this will requires special treatment.
Everybody of us has gone through despair, because in every human being there is weakness and strength, courage and cowardice, steadfastness and surrender, purity and filth, the Savior resisting and the betrayal betraying, the weak collapsing under despair and the hero fighting until his last breath.
Since the purity of our souls have a closed manner as metals.. stretching with hope, shrinking with pain and get rusting with despair.
And because,   
We all have this beautiful dream which never came true, and we all crossed through the field of deception pulling the tails of our disappointment, otherwise the pinnacle of pain is that despair will chew us between his jaw before the frustration hits us on the road.
Yet still the most difficult types of despair is the despair in human relations, especially with regard to sincere feelings and love, actually desperation is sometimes an ally of love.
Many are those who have lost the way, taken from isolation and loneliness the sanctuary to them despair yet few those who could move on,  
If you know that you are in this ordeal alone, Make sure you are the only one who has the rudder for it's easy to sail with tide, It is easy to surrender to  typhoon... But you knew what, only the dead fish goes with the flow,
Now try in your desperation time to remember every single special moment passed through your mind and still remains hope, for only hope can defeat your negativity, it's defeat your fears to move on, search for it, find it and follow the road.

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