This World is a double edged knife
And we have only one life
Enjoy it, Live it well
In good company do dwell
Always do good deeds
Sow in yourself character's seeds
Cultivate mind with manure of thought
For ages, the experiences brought
Feed your life with good deeds
So that there is no place for weeds
To harm, that oft leads
The decay of character's seeds
The one who wants to succeed
He must always heed
And must seek
The good qualities
And not the quantities
A wise man can only pleads
But you have to pay heed
What are you needs?
Then decide what to do
And what not to do
And we have only one life
Enjoy it, Live it well
In good company do dwell
Always do good deeds
Sow in yourself character's seeds
Cultivate mind with manure of thought
For ages, the experiences brought
Feed your life with good deeds
So that there is no place for weeds
To harm, that oft leads
The decay of character's seeds
The one who wants to succeed
He must always heed
And must seek
The good qualities
And not the quantities
A wise man can only pleads
But you have to pay heed
What are you needs?
Then decide what to do
And what not to do