Whenever I walk down the streets
I see a scene that I will never like
People lined up like cars in a fleet
Male, female, young and old alike
I see young and innocent children
Roaming the streets to beg for bread
Having no one to take care of them
And no shelter to lay their heads
I see very promising young boys and girls
Who have been made ugly by the firm grip of poverty
Whose mindsets have been made to derail
As they react to life with all manner of animosity
I see adults – even those with grey hairs
Still expunging the little remnants of energy
Filled with regrets of mistake made in the yesteryears
While still languishing in the prison of grief and agony
These are potentials not yet harnessed
Fertile soils lying waste
Ideas that are yet to be discovered
Gifts that are been engraved
They’ve got things that the world is thirsty for
They would’ve made the world better than it is
But are handicapped by their condition
Cos their world is worse than it should be
So when next you walk across the street
Don’t try to look down on them
But see if you can help make them fit
And free them from their entanglement

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