Thursday, April 04, 2013


In this land of little rain, 
Suddenly there comes a shower, 
a burst of rain so fast and hard, 
it makes timid ones to cower.
Thank you Lord for this great rain, 
we know its mighty power.
I run out into the rain, 
and turn my face up to the sky
it's rare to see this sight, 
it causes my soul to fly.
And I know again the truth, 
of the great Lord up on high.
In this dry and arid land, 
an angel sheds a tear, 
a dropp of rain has fallen, 
though the day is blue and clear; 
it's just a trace they say, 
but rain's likely and getting near.
Out here, the rain evaporates, 
before it hits the ground, 
no humidity in the air, 
and we are left with frowns; 
I hear thunder in the distance, 
maybe we'll get some (rain) 
the next time 'round.
On the horizon, 
there's a rainbow, 
the rain has fallen there; 
and we wonder if it'll
ever come, 
or will we ever care? 
It's up there, 
it's for certain, 
soon...we'll get our share


While we reasoning together the concur and disagree are the ultimate result of our union. For this vows we do take passionately till death do us part.

I want to get away

I want to get away, to where the air is brisker,
To where the mountains climb the sky -
To where the the mind is frisker,
and the eagle and the condor fly.
I want to walk in some forsaken spot, 
that doesn't draw a crowd -
to where a battle's never fought,
and I can laugh out loud.
To where the river's swiftly running, 
to where the silence fills the wood -
to where the renegades are sunning,
It all would do this heart some good.
The will to go is getting stronger, 
and my feet are restless to begin -
I cannot sit around much longer,
To do so would be to me a sin.
So I'll be off, you can bet on that, 
I'll soon be out in that empty space -
I'll just grab my coat and hiking hat,
Don't look for me, there is no trace. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Be Patience

Patience is a virture 
some of us don't understand this phrase
they wanted everything to comes up in a solace
to fix things up right before a daze
where patience is a virtue
one needs to count from one or two
before madness blown you
nobody wants to wait
because every transaction have a date
placing a tag on their gate
figuring it out before its too late
if one individual detonate
a lots of opinion deviate
for the night have to wait the morning light
the groom have to wait his bride in their flight
the birds have to wait the eggs to be cracked
like a passenger have to wait for the next truck
see! simple things can makes us wonder
in this travel of life requires us to ponder 


Many workmen 
Built a huge ball of masonry 
Upon a mountain-top. 
Then they went to the valley below, 
And turned to behold their work. 
"It is grand," they said; 
They loved the thing. 
Of a sudden, it moved: 
It came upon them swiftly; 
It crushed them all to blood. 
But some had opportunity to squeal. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Does God exist ..?

With utmost justice and not because I am a believer in the existence of God, I'will tell my answer to your question .. So,
1. Does God exist..? 
The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today. Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:
The Earth .....
its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.
colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water
The human brain...
simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands.
The eye...
can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously, in fact its so many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end

2. Does God exist..?
The universe had a start - what caused it..!!

3. Does God exist..?
The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it...!!
Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day: gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn't change .. on earth or in galaxies far from us. How is it that we can identify laws of nature that never change..!! Why is the universe so orderly, so reliable..!!

4. Does God exist..?
The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior.
All instruction, all teaching, all training comes with intent. Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose. Did you know that in every cell of our bodies there exists a very detailed instruction code, much like a miniature computer program? As you may know, a computer program is made up of ones and zeros, like this: 110010101011000. The way they are arranged tell the computer program what to do. The DNA code in each of our cells is very similar. It's made up of four chemicals that scientists abbreviate as A, T, G, and C. These are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. There are three billion of these letters in every human cell.. !!
Well, just like you can program your phone to beep for specific reasons, DNA instructs the cell. DNA is a three-billion-lettered program telling the cell to act in a certain way. It is a full instruction manual. Why is this so amazing..!!

5. Does God exist..?
We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him.

Now my dear .. You have a brain .. use it,

The wisdom of knowledge

Knowledge is something you can get
By parrot learning and cramming your head
You can fill your head with something new every day
If you memorize the thing you want in earnest way
Wisdom is something you can't get
By parrot learning and cramming your head
You must think, reason and use the knowledge already learned
To convert it into the famous Wisdom. 


Nothing can be known in darkness; 
Darkness makes one ignorant in life.
Light only makes one see in darkness; 
Light removes darkness to show a way.
Ignorance is removed by knowledge; 
Knowledge is light power leads in life.
Festival of lights celebrates brightness 
And Festival of lights starts light of life! 
Light of knowledge gives confidence
And helps gain courage and wealth.
Wealth without knowledge can’t last 
And can’t give courage and power! 
Knowledge is must for bright future 
As knowledge is bright power in life!

loving you

When you look in the mirror what do you see? 
is the person whose looking back the person you want to be? 
Maybe you wish you were a bit taller
maybe you wish your ears were smaller
perhaps you would like to change your nose
have better feet and nicer toes
Maybe you wish you had a more attractive face
wider hips and a thinner waist
maybe you would like a broader chest
a flatter tummy and bigger breast
Many things about your body 
you could complain about
you are unhappy with they way
you turned out
The way you look to others 
might cause you to feel rejected
all you want is to fit in, be loved and accepted
If that's they way you were made then what can you do? 
First you have to start loving yourself and then,

others will start loving you. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I may be different but we all the same

You're no better than me
and I'm no better than you
Despite our many differences
we still amount to the same value
My eyes are brown
yours maybe blue
my skin is dark
but I'm still human too
I have my faults
and so do you
neither of us is perfect
isn't that true? 
You have feelings 
and so do I
when they get hurt
don't we sometimes cry? 
You can have a fancy house, 
fancy clothes and a fancy car
but material wealth doesn't 
define the person you are
Some people think very highly of themselves
but beneath that outward shell
they are no better than anybody else 

Dream .. dare to dream

Set your goals way up high 
Shoot for the stars
Aim for the sky
Great things you can achieve
When you try
Never lose hope
Never let your dreams die
When others try to bring you down
Wear a smile and never a frown
Perseverance will win you your crown
Respect will get you around
Never succumb to the sting of defeat
When you stumble and fall
Get back on your fee
In the face of adversity never retreat
Keep your goals in sight
Till your mission is complete
Believe in yourself and the rest
will fall into place; 
No need to rush
You're not in a race
Do one thing at a time 
At your own pace
Your destiny awaits you
Victory is yours to embrace 

Just be yourself

Don't try to be me and I won't try to be you
there is only one of me and there is only one of you
Don't go around pretending to be somebody that you are not
there real you is who you should let people see and not what you've got
You don't need to put on a false identity
trying to look and act like a celebrity
you are who you are with your own personality
that's the way it so just deal with reality
Looking up to someone is nothing wrong but when you try to become that someone
that's where you don't belong just be yourself and play it cool 
why pretend and make yourself look like a fool? 
I won't try to be you, so don't try to be me
if others can't accept they way you are
then just let them be

And always define your real identity

As you still breath

Dare to be different, 
to stand out among a crowd.
Don't be afraid to let your voice be heard! 
Scream it out loud! 
When others try to tear you down, 
share the love that you have found.
Stand up for what you know is right.
Don't back down when you need to fight.
Love with your heart and not with your head.
Don't let those three little words go left unsaid.
Be a shoulder to lean on, but not a doormat to be walked on! 
Enjoy what you have for as long as it lasts.
Accept your past as it was because you can't forget, 

But embrace your future as long as you still breath! 

Our old tree

The old tree stands so all alone
In the vacant lot that once was home
Symbolic of the past, a fleeting moment to some
Because what has been is a part of us forever
The house is gone that we once shared
With laughter and tears that showed we care
We all have gone other lines to seek
But the old tree stands so majestic and neat
It seems to know that we'll return to gaze at its branches
Past days to yearn, The river still flows and the birds sing
But no voices are heard as the old tree stands 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tender Touch

Your tender touch reaches this very soul thirsting and burning the desire to be with you
and just to be with you
Even in my wildest dream your tender touch melt my heart and piercing the very core in me, 

Leaving me crazy, and so madly in love with you
gazing into your eyes dreams with your hands softly caressing 

This body, swaying and swaying as we gently must move into one direction
breaking the silence and stillness of your day in my night
just hold me and caress me .. with, with your tender touch melting me again to the fire of our unborn love

Our one in a million dreams we shared, engulfing in our embrace so gentle .. Just
Just like you used to be. 

Decide what to do And what not to do

This World is a double edged knife 
And we have only one life 
Enjoy it, Live it well 
In good company do dwell 
Always do good deeds 
Sow in yourself character's seeds 
Cultivate mind with manure of thought 
For ages, the experiences brought 
Feed your life with good deeds 
So that there is no place for weeds 
To harm, that oft leads 
The decay of character's seeds 
The one who wants to succeed 
He must always heed 
And must seek 
The good qualities 
And not the quantities 
A wise man can only pleads 
But you have to pay heed 
What are you needs? 
Then decide what to do 
And what not to do 

Turning off the light

Stopping the fight
Wish to hold you tight
Set everything right
Stay near my sight
You are my true delight
Whole day and Night
Don't let happiness get blighted
Keep the candle of love lighted
Hold you close not by might
But love so pure and bright
Setting new love's height
Be my queen and me your knight
Only love should rule the relation
Live life with love, passion and emotion
Be frank and upright
For you a poem I write
Remembering your love bite
Being quiet and polite
Your presence does excite
Your lovely eyes do invite
Not to sleep tonight
Fight but fight with delight
Turning off the light

You are nothing

dreams and nothing but dreams
Life is nothing but dreams
Some accomplished, some unfinished
Some are trifle, some cherished
You are nothing but a result of dreams
A dream of someone or a dream of your own
You live for dream and you die for dream
Your unattained desires are dreams
What you all desire are dreams

Dream is not what you dream while asleep
Dream is what that don't let you sleep

Then dream untill dream come true

Identify yourself

identify yourself
Modify your manners
Nullify your desire of self
Rectify your conduct
Certify your character
Amplify your happiness
electrify your actions
Beautify your surroundings
Glorify your life
Purify your mind and soul
Satisfy your thirst for knowledge

It's only me
Gratefully to whatever you can..

Plight of the poor and economic system of the world

If work were so pleasant
The rich of the world would had been peasant
If laboring yielded gold
Then donkey would had been called
The best of animal kingdom
Thinking is random
But hope it will spark your thinking
And help you in linking
The miseries of the world
It is not due to lack of labour
But due to dint of some clever
Benefits are reaped by few
Few among us, unwilling to share
And not ready to care
For poor for sure
What do you think is the cure? 

Being happy again

In my bed right next to me, I have an empty space .. A cold place
I never move over it’s a big hole cold and scary .. Where is the warm body
In my heart, in my chest .. I have an empty space .. A cold place
I never fill it
A big hole of loneliness, scary and alone .. Where is the warmth
In my bed, I have a place for someone .. To fill with warmth and love 
Sometimes I roll over into the cold emptiness
Then roll back to safety .. My safe warm place
Sometimes I have to fill my heart with sadness songs
But i always roll over and over to my safe lonely place
In my heart I have a hole, So big and empty hole
Can you fill it
It’s cavernous .. Is there anybody that can
Fill it with love
Sometimes I dream of that day ..
A warm body in my bed
A warm soul in my heart
And me being happy again 

Life’s a gift

Life’s a gift for me to send, is a gift for god to end, now you’re with me 
but i can make it for all to see, life’s a gift when love is true and also when times look blue. Life’s a gift with the one we trust, is a gift a ray .. of sun, it’s so hard for me to understand how but i'd like to take advantage of it. but to love is to pulling the blanket over me when i'm asleep, painting your toe nails for when you back is sore, coming and changing your light bulb because you cant reach, washing you when you cant get in the bath, kissing you on the head when i leave for work, wraping your arms around me when i'm cold, holding your hands when you're nervous… Is, how i can describe .. is catching every spider and getting rid without laughing at me, a feeling, I feel, you feel, we feel so much strong, I can’t describe. But I've tried.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Nothing is impossible if you wish
Every hurdle can be moved if you push
There are opportunities, don't miss
You already know there's big rush
If you don't move somebody will crush
March ahead with enthusiasm afresh
What you need is true dedication
A ton of zeal and strong determination
The world is not static, it's in motion
It will move ahead with you
Or without you, do you view? 
Great mission is accomplished
Noble target is achieved
Only when desire meets determination
Determination is the sole determinant
Which defines the final resultant
Winner or loser among many a contestant
Determination is not variable, it's constant
Luck is variable which may change at instant
Difference between success and failure is determination
When physical strength exhaust
And you still keep moving
Then be sure almost
It's nothing but you determination

Move on

A new start, A new day Shut the door on behind,
Walk forward in search of an inner peace of mind
Leave the anger to yesterday along with the pain
Not forgetting self penalty but to start living again
No judgments, no bias .. No prejudice, no spin
Take each person on merit and the heart that's within
Don't distrust, keep faith and life will enhance
Don't conclude from the past but give everyone a chance
All the heartbreak and tears taught lessons, now gone
Today I look forward .. Today I move on! 

You want proof that there is a new life..!

We all are seeking it, For we lost track
The day we accepted the lie, The knowledge we sought for
Became our source of trouble
We thought we can create or own world, But we destroyed our lives, it's not over though
His love is everlasting .. All he want is trust and faith
Just believe, we are his friends again, Though we die physically
We live with him eternally, You keep on debating .. Because the lie looks like its true
Just like the lemon and orange trees, They almost resemble
But bears different fruit
You want proof that there is a new life
But see, it comes by faith not by sight 

Our beginning .. day one

A Being, who is love dwelling in our souls inviting us to embrace
Our beginning, our becoming, preserving from conception until death
Nurturing us with streams of living water the eternal 
Presence incomprehensible to human reason
Who has destined for our race an existence 
More suitable for the divine than human kind 

Hold on

Monday, March 25, 2013

Am I dead ..!

I'm alive just in body's face because inside me, 
I feel that I'm not any more in this place
I lost my spirit, I broke my old habit
Now I'm lock in this secret
As you can see and feel it...
I don't have dreams
I lost the wish of a new future
I even lost my old screams
That made me felt that I was immature
I lost my sharpness mind
I'll hold, hold what I find
I'm always lost and blind
Because my life lost the big why
The why I was here ..!!
The why I fought for ..!
The why I would breathe with my sickness lung..!!
The why I wont go out from that door
Am I alive ? Am I dead ? 
Did I lose the control of my head ? 

Questions without answer

Questions without answer
Nothing is possible in a new true
You could die in a whisper and I could die too
You brought my old fears
But you never left my soul
Every night you try to held my fear's,  you said they're brilliant
I breathe away loving your words, in fact ..
I'm in love for what I'm afraid about
This love is hide in a secret place
And is driving me in doubt ..  no one can replace

A place

Maybe we stare at screens to blind ourselves from real life
From muffled screams and what really goes on outside
And our English teachers who we thought would save us
And from bottom bleachers at a game we don't care about
Maybe we're trying to be blind or unsee things we left behind
And even as I type 'unseen' spell check's squiggly line corrects me
You can't take away what's been give and perhaps it's not your place
To forget a face, a word, a place,

To find to ourselves an empty space. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stand up ... "Fear"

When fear puts you in dismay
It may be hard to find your way
When this is so, stand up and say
That the fear just cannot stay
And then the fear will go away.
Though I lack the courage
To heed my own words
I urge you to listen 
To what you have heard
Stand up to your fears
Whatever they are
And show them that they can't stop you
From being a star 

God I beg for your help ..!

It seems when you have the most time on your hands, Is when Stress reaches full potential. For when time slips through your fingers life grains of sand
You can't try to keep control, or you'll fail... Well, I tried .. 
I tried so hard that I met new emotions I never dreamt real
I felt new feelings I never knew I could feel
I miss my old friend, the smile
I wish he'd come visit me, just once in a while
When your brow is a permanent straight line, no laughter ensues
I tried to control Time, yet Time broke my feeble grasp and broke loose, I only wanted but a moment, a single fraction of Time's wealth .. Just to spend with those I hold dear, O God I beg for your help! 

The song of insects

The insects sing what they call beauty
Undefined by human cruelty
The plants now dance in a wind-filled sway
As if they all wish to say
That now it's time to come alive
To dream the dream you've kept inside
Release the pressure but slowly to keep my balance. 
To the song of insects, join the plants 

Get ready for me

Death can't hurt you once you've realized
You can take all it's power by who you are inside 
By the way you treat the ones you love
It all depends on what your soul's made of
I'm not afraid of whatever comes next
For I know in my heart that God is everywhere 
With making sure we get our rest. So, 

We can move on to our next test
I've got so much to do, many new things to learn
I've still a lot of money to earn! 
I've to fall in love, to find that one girl, To find my eye's apple, my oyster's pearl
I've yet to leave my country's land
To sink my feet in a new desert sand
To travel to unexplored countries,  tAbandons the place the great Pyramids, call home
I've never seen the Northern Lights align,However, I'm still can breath and I've still got some time 
I'll take advantage of what time is still mine .. So am I afraid? 
No, but I'd still rather stay
Too much to live for, a whole world to see, I can't wait to see what's the best I can be
So get ready world, get ready for me