Thursday, April 25, 2013

Smoking, drinking and doing drugs.. if only I would have known.!!

So, you are smoking, drinking & doing drugs, 
'That is right and I should not because ? 
Our bodies are a Temple, to the Sanctuary of Christ, They are only on loan due to his sacrifice.
One minute you are giving thanks and praising the Lord, then you’re filling your body with crap you can’t afford, Well, I make enough money, who does it hurt ? 
Those funds would be better spent in the coffers of church.
However, whom do you call when down on your luck? 
Certainly not one of the corporations i can listed,  Soon as you’re out of money they’ll show you no love, Lying on your death bed in a cancer or liver fight, Don’t expect them to pitch in and make everything right.
Most drivers walk away from accidents, 

Standing in front of a judge they swear to repent, 
On the other hand this is not said of the victims lives, 
Forever crippled, lying in comas, maybe needless die.
While the addict or drunk get to do it all over again, Lives ripped apart are never afforded the chance to mend, Robbing a convenience store for cartons of cigarettes, Beating a clerk in the head hoping he or she forgets.
I went to my mechanic today to repair my car, 
I noticed a guy staggering down the isle, kind of tipsy you know, 
Sat next to me, his body and clothes smelling like booze and cigarettes, 
I didn't enjoy the flick cause for nine hours I couldn't hold my breath.
Then there are those who can’t pay the rent, between smokes, alcohol and drugs the paycheck is spent, or the people they've robbed and the house they broke in, Enough money wasn't obtained, the crime is committed again.
Instead of spending time in a bar tell me who would be hurt? 
By going to bed early and getting up to attend a church, or losing all your money at a gambling table as dice you toss, Ever hear of a City Mission, Salvation Army or the Red Cross? 
I understand you've earned it and that’s how you relax later i'll tell you why i surly knew, everyone is not as blessed so why not give some back? 
Satan is on duty 24/7 we are under constant attack, Show the devil he hasn't won, help our Lord pick up the slack.
God did not create mankind to smoke, get drunk and be high, These are mere tools or traits of the devil, here’s why, You will loose your focus on being sincere, humble and meek,  It’s easier for Satan to control your mind when addicted and weak.
Women and children cheaply selling their bodies, For drugs and more often than not needles they share, It’s not my child waiting in the lounge of an AIDS Clinic, Someone tell me why in the hell should I care? 
You only hope that this is not the case, There is a reason these problems have grown, 
Don’t be a parent or sibling on the evening news, Tears in your eyes, “if only I would have known.”
Finally, how about losing your job, friends, family and kids, Locked up for years and maybe forever thanks to what you did, Because you are so stoned out of your mind strung out on drugs, Instead of family it’s now other inmates you’ll love, kiss and hug. 
Those with one or all three of these problems like to laugh it off as a joke, However, only magicians can make something disappear in a puff of smoke, The evil one has no boundaries when aiming and releasing his fiery darts, 
Smoking, drinking and drugs doesn't just destroy lives it tears families apart.
What is sad ? That it can happen with anyone not just to the so-called stars, 
For every 1 person going to church there will be 2 found hanging out in bars, 
The main ingredient is still missing from all programs for changing a life, 
A close personal relationship with our Lord
Listen, no matter the race, creed, color, sex, country or who you are, 
Even a most gifted athlete or the brightest shining entertainment star, 
Preacher, teacher, parent, doctor, lawyer, butcher, baker, Indian chief, 
Final result by indulging in Satan’s destructive trio? Nothing but Grief! 


look on this is me standing here on the side lines
quiet, but acutely aware of you
maybe you noticed.
look on 
while i sing a song only i know
and think of your smile
soft, and inviting.
this is my life
exposed and naked
i want to share it with you. 
look on
while i watch this world slowly unravel
with you in it unfazed. 
this is me.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


the sun can't shine too far or else
we burn up whole and devour the rest
of our inanimate lectures
on wrong and wrong and still moral wrong
in all that we do we sink our teeth 
into what can be done with our sinking beat
and the music is playing, devouring us
consuming our post-modern attitudes
and attributes
so your right he's right she's right who's right
and it fades into a banter yell
so clear, and clearly shaken and expected
to be condemned with rebellion in the souls 
of our shoes as we say 
this is not my fault i didn't know
and believe we have the key to the destiny 
told not on cards palms globes
but hearts evil and persisting, perspiring
with the oath to tear it down at all costs
despite cruel intentions to make it outlast 
our lust in the moment of the hour
for the lifetime we only know once
before passing 
and passing 
this choice we shouldn't be making but we do
in the face of social suicide genocide egocide
and we let the tide
bring us to the middle
of our sin of our ride of our emotion
all fake none real nonetheless
fathomless bottom fakeless pretense
and no one understands what they all know
for the sake of random stupidity 
rather than landing on the ocean tied to what we care
to ask for wish for reach for 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm not

Do not think me gentle
because I speak in praise
of gentleness, or elegant
because I honor the grace
that keeps this world. I am
a man crude as any,
gross of speech, intolerant,
stubborn, angry, full
of fits and furies. That I 
may have spoken well
at times, is not natural.
A wonder is what it is

What we need is here.

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Now geese appear high over us, pass, and the sky closes. 

Abandon, as in love or sleep, holds them to their way, 
clear in the ancient faith: 
what we need is here. 
And we pray, not for new earth or heaven, 
but to be quiet in heart and in eye .. clear. 
What we need was, is and will always be .. here. 


Till your last breath you can sow some seeds
And make a lasting presence 
Elementary mathematics shows that even a zero can make a difference 
You may not create a garden but shift some thorns on the way and remove some weeds.
Warm smile is the best cosmetic for a woman 
A friendly hand shake can make a difference to any man 
Two sides of the same coin are infinity and Zero.
Making a difference is a step in self-actualization 
Lighting a match stick by everyone in a congregation at night
Makes it brighter than day light 
Even If you think you are a zero you can make a solid difference
A handful of nuclear dust can fuel a long space flight.

So, even a Zero can make a difference ..

Monday, April 22, 2013


When all the world is sad and weary, 
When all the eyes are moist and teary, 
When all one does is mad and leery, 
That's when God's love shines through.
When all the hearts are full of sorrow, 
And nothing bright comes in the 'morrow, 
When all your hopes are there to borrow, 
That's when God's word comes true.
When you have emptiness and heartache, 
When all your wishes lie in your wake, 
When there is nothing else that one can take, 
That's when God's hand will reach to you.
When all the tragic sense of loss is there, 
When you feel as though no one's to care, 
When they tell you that your life's not fair, 
That's when God's voice will only will do.
That's when you'll shed the blues of doubt, 
That's when you'll know what love's about, 
That's when you'll feel the very joy to shout, 
That's when you'll know, the love you thought, but never really never knew. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Terrorism and religions

Terrorism please kindly stop it 
Peace please kindly welcome it, 
Our all prophets disliked terrorism the act of unfit, 
Stop killing our innocent generation, 
Humanity is the best and sacred religion of all, 
As God loves all human beings but we love our own, 
Because we have hatred nature that is our great fall, 
Let us have the love of humanity like our prophets, 
Friends, what benefit have we taken for terrorism ? 
To become the terrorists we are killing ourselves, 
Let us pray to Almighty God to lead us to humanism, 
As God help those people who help themselves, 
Every one thinks that his religion is the best and pure, 
Pity on animals they have no religion but it is sure.


Until... whenever... who can say? 
Let's meet again another day... 
Let's share the looks that lingered so 
That voiced the love we hoped to know. 
While we stood close, enough to kiss, 
We both held back on joy we'd miss! 
Our sense of duty stood between 
Just like a thief to intervene 
And steal away our minds and souls 
To focus well on pressing goals! 
Thus romance roamed the universe 
As if true love to reimburse, 
As if to end each crisis met, 
To overcome what made us fret, 
So we'd be free to live and love... 
To share the joy there's none above, 
Beneath the silver shining moon, 
That all romantics call a boon... 
Until... whenever... who can say? 
I'll always love you, come what may! 
I've seen your strength and courage, too! 
Like me, a sense of duty's due... 
Yet bid me come within your dreams, 
Apart from duty's hard extremes, 
So I might hold you in my arms - 
Away from fears and harsh alarms... 
Away somewhere, some time alone... 
Beneath the stars till love has grown, 
So that we'd never want to wake - 
To feel again the awesome ache... 
Of lovers forced to live apart - 
Each lover sighing hand-on-heart

Until... whenever... who can say...? 


On your way back, leave a print
That has a flavour of mint
Don't run away
Because you may one day
Tell us good bye
Do only good
With the nice and the rude
Be healthy, have character
Without stress, without anger
Smile and think positive
We don't know if we longer live

O sea ~~

I've lived in a boat, in a middle of an endless sea
I've drank from its devotion and safety was always exist with me.
I've hid away from humans.. constantly they spread deceit 
everytime the waves become higher
its Shake my sail .. i was completely lost in the sea
From the beginning .. on the mainland it's gave up me
Every time i scream so loud
O sea
O sea, Why i was accepted all this
Please, take me
Do not leave me with those traitors people 
Injured, crafty and pretend to be acquittal
i'll accept any words from you but please
Take me away .. Far from them

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Pity is on the thin line

Arrogance and Self-satisfied

Why do I miss you?

Once, long ago my father told me
That you can't miss something you never had.
I had told you wrong,
But you pursued on saying I was a fool.
You left me
To face the world alone.
And I went on, living off my tears
And breathing my sobs, but I was too stubborn to realize the truth in front of me..
I missed the feel of your lips on mine
Although you never kissed me
I missed the sound of your snores when you feel asleep
But I have never seen you asleep
I missed it when you wiped away my tears
Yet you have never comforted me
I missed feeling weightless when you swept me off my feet
Even though we never once embraced.
Now it's flashing over me again
That i can't miss something i never had
But ever since you've been gone
I've realized the truth:
I missed the love that we shared
Even though it didn't exist...
And that's the truth.
So why do I feel like I've had it all along?
You can't miss something you never had
Then why do I miss you?

Promises Of Tomorrow

Seven years of waiting in a Prism of the Past As the River flows as swiftly as my Blood
I know my life won't always last But the Rose of all life Slumbers still inside its bud.
Another year passes, a few more days Yet all that surrounds me continues to Enchant my mind, So that each day I drop to my knees and Pray Of the Blessings Bestowed upon Mankind.

Days bloom into weeks with each Setting sun, And I still grin at the sign of morning's Dawn In an attempt to Forget everything and everyone Who can't see the Ecstasy that floats across each lawn.
For the world is filled with Sadness and Gloom Where Everything is gone but their own sorrow, So they are Blinded from the rose soon to bloom And the millions of promises of tomorrow.

Why does the world shun the Needy And cast off those Downtrodden with guilt?
How can they possibly be so Greedy To contribute to the Selfishness that's long-since been built?
Do they not see each new day that the world remains Healthy in tact Or do they Focus not only on their Doom?
Unaware they can Change all back To the rose that still waits yet to bloom.
Upon these Realizations I wish and yearn As my Desire grows within my heart's core
For all to Overlook their Troubles and learn That the World can still be restored once more.
Don't give up Faith and Pray for a chance To Prevent the world from sealing our doom As we all look about with a jovial glance When our rosebud finally turns to bloom.

The chance remains Probable and true To Understand the Blessings from the sky That our Lord sent down and knew Of the Miracles we could perform, if only we try.
So open your eyes and Embrace the Lord, Focus on all Good, and not the sorrow For to always work God's will, none will ever grow bored Because each day Promises a New Tomorrow.

When God gave us Life we received a Choice To bask in the wrong or to rejoice To work and do Right or Perform all the wrong But eventually the time will come along Where all will have to eventually move on And Pray at night and Bless the dawn Since life is full of more blessings
Than all the world could understand.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A story to till..

When shall we learn, what should be clear as day,
We cannot choose what we are free to love?
Although the mouse we banished yesterday
Is an enraged rhinoceros today,
Our value is more treatened than we know:
Shabby objections to our present day
Go snooping round its outskirts; night and day
Faces, orations, battles, bait our will
As questionable forms and noises will;
Whole phyla of resentments every day
Give status to the wild men of the world
Who rule the absent-minded and this world.
We are created from and with the world
To suffer with and from it day by day:
Whether we meet in a majestic world
Of solid measurements or a dream world
Of swans and gold, we are required to love
All homeless objects that require a world.
Our claim to own our bodies and our world
Is our catastrophe. What can we know
But panic and caprice until we know
Our dreadful appetite demands a world
Whose order, origin, and purpose will
Be fluent satisfaction of our will?

Drift, Autumn, drift; fall, colors, where you will:
Bald melancholia minces through the world.
Regret, cold oceans, the lymphatic will
Caught in reflection on the right to will:
While violent dogs excite their dying day
To bacchic fury; snarl, though, as they will,
Their teeth are not a triumph for the will
But utter hesitation. What we love
Ourselves for is our power not to love,
To shrink to nothing or explode at will,
To ruin and remember that we know
What ruins and hyenas cannot know.

If in this dark now I less often know
That spiral staircase where the haunted will
Hunts for its stolen luggage, who should know
Better than you, beloved, how I know
What gives security to any world.
Or in whose mirror I begin to know
The chaos of the heart as merchants know
Their coins and cities, genius its own day?
For through our lively traffic all the day,
In my own person I am forced to know
How much must be forgotten out of love,
How much must be forgiven, even love.
Dear flesh, dear mind, dear spirit, O dear love,
In the depths of myself blind monsters know
Your presence and are angry, dreading Love
That asks its image for more than love;
The hot rampageous horses of my will,
Catching the scent of Heaven, whinny: Love
Gives no excuse to evil done for love,
Neither in you, nor me, nor armies, nor the world
Of words and wheels, nor any other world.
Dear fellow-creature, praise our God of Love
That we are so admonished, that no day
Of conscious trial be a wasted day.

Or else we make a scarecrow of the day,
Loose ends and jumble of our common world,
And stuff and nonsense of our own free will;
Or else our changing flesh may never know
There must be sorrow if there can be love.

Time say nothing but I told you so ?

Time will say nothing but I told you so,
Time only knows the price we have to pay;

If I could tell you I would let you know.
If we should weep when clowns put on their show,
If we should stumble when musicians play,
Time will say nothing but I told you so.
There are no fortunes to be told, although,
Because I love you more than I can say,
If I could tell you I would let you know.
The winds must come from somewhere when they blow,
There must be reasons why the leaves decay; 

Time will say nothing but I told you so.
Perhaps the roses really want to grow,
The vision seriously intends to stay;
If I could tell you I would let you know.
Suppose the lions all get up and go,
And the brooks and soldiers run away;
Will Time say nothing but I told you so ?
If I could tell you I would let you know.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soul 001

I will die...when the time is right,
And not prematurely or before;
I will not give up my precious soul,
To go through that unknown door.
I will fight to stay the course...
to navigate that twisted path;
I won't give in to loser's dreams,
or give in to the world's great wrath.
I will sail on, up that river...
going gently with the flow;
and I'll not harbor lightly,
to see the last and final show.
I'll spread as much love as I can, 
and touch and hug, all that I can reach;
I'll see the sunshine, not the darkness,
When I am rested on that blessed beach.
I will die...when the time is right, 
Not a moment sooner will I fall;
But I'll fight the dying of the light,
Until I am aware of nothing else at all. 

prove to me, or to all

As far as I can see, 
there's only love, 
as far as I can tell, 
there's only joy; 
and if by chance I'm wrong, 
then you've got to
prove to me, 
my love you can destroy.
As long as I can breathe, 
there's only you, 
as long as I can speak, 
there's just your name; 
and if by chance I'm gone, 
then you've got to
prove to all, 
You'll still remain, the very same. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The opposite’s still near

A person maintains a balance of feeling
Some are destructive some lift giving healing
Some give great joy whereas others are sad
They can be good or painful and bad
A balance of life is there for us all
As we rise joyfully high then to depths we fall
We have these two huge extremes
To appreciate the opposite to me it seems
If we were never filled with good light
When the darkness falls we’d not fight
Opposites are always there and always kept
We’ve all experienced joy then to have wept
So next time it seems again all is sadly lost
And life’s meaning and purpose has been tossed
Remember though bad the opposite’s still near
Keep trying have faith and good will eventually appear 

will it end ?

The world seems like a dark place 
when you have to face it alone 
A room full of people but you still feel alone 
are you really on your own? 
No one listens as you speak
no one cares what your feeling 
as long as they are happy 
why would they care? 
you make yourself sad trying to please everybody else 
is that anyway to live
the closest of people just don't listen 
always blaming you never there fault
its not about them its about myself 
myself needs to discover 
what it is that makes me happy 
major decisions and turning points, where and when will it end ?

Until we'll meet again

When that special someone walks into your life
Your whole world turns upside down
The smiles over coffee
The laughs over jokes
The stares over talks
The hugs as you say goodbye
The things that are said
And the things that are left unsaid
Two minds that meet in the middle
But most of all.!!
The memory that's left
That makes you smile
Until we meet again 
the memory remains 
until its replaced by another
and then a new smile suddenly appears 

What does it mean?

When the birds in the sky sing a merry tune
When the trees blow in the wind
When the rain falls and bounces off the ground
When emotions run high
People shouting and children crying
Anger and hostility surrounding us
What is life but a mere path of happiness, heartbreak and discovery

What is love but a mere feeling towards another
What is disappointment merely not getting the expected
What is a dream but a mere incite to someones mind
What is hope but a chance we might make it through
What is faith merely something to believe in
What is
what is 
what is 
all the questions that we don't have the answers to 
just a theory someone gave to us 
in a time and place we were merely not there
so pass it on and pray the answers are somewhere to be found
maybe not in this lifetime but in the next
they are here somewhere for you to fetch. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Don't cry

upon the arrival of the blinding sun
the earth drops thankfully into a rapid darkness
descending into the orbit of another godless mindset
obscenely unaware of a moral genocide
bleeding wounds reduced to cut scenes
unnecessary in comparison to exponentially more
than the mind can handle and thus intake
at a rapid fire of the mouth and deaden of the heart
hope cries from a mutilated world
trapped in a cage hammered of denial and lust
for another human's life, or the lack of it
as if that would be the answer. 

O. please don't cry .. the Earth is almost over.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Colored love

Since additives have been used in feelings
Globalization has changed a lot of things
Hate is green, love is red and tolerance has bled
A day for love, another for water, and a third for bread
Days are colored but the world is black.
Stars are bright but, skies are dark.
Torture and sufferings are endless.
Diseases, wars, hunger and stress.
Our kids dream of joy and happiness
Too much talk but, little action is meaningless.

How much money do you need to be happy ?

How much money do you need to be happy ? .. Poor man
How much money should you have to be happy ? .. Greedy man
How much money do you want to be happy ? .. Thrifty man
How many men would you corrupt to have money ? .. Gentleman
How many people would you kill to get money ? .. Coward man
How many children would you exploit to make money ? .. Hungry man
How many laws would you break to be rich ? .. Dishonest man
How many illegal ways would you use to be wealthy ? .. Weak man
How many lies would you tell to gather money ? .. Sick man
How many friends would you betray to get money ? .. Thirsty man
How much damage would you cause to make money ? .. Blind man
How much power do you need to be proud ? .. Mad man
How much power do you need to lead the crowd ? .. Bad man
How much power do you require to kick the world ? .. Ugly man
How much power do you need to be satisfied ? .. Selfish man
How much power do you need to be happy ? .. Sad man
How much hate do you want to be famous ? .. Wrong man
How much hate do you need to stop massacres ? .. Dwarf man
How much sorrow do you want to love the other ? .. Fool man
How much misery do-you want to be happy ? .. Crazy man 

I can

When the world seems to be against me
when the people i love the most despise me
when the time as come to say enough
when it is so tough 
I stand tall and believe i can.
when i feel my world shrinking
when everything seems bigger than me 
when time stands still
I just stand tall and believe that i can.

Shalimar .. my white diamond

Shalimar .. my white diamond
You are the heart that beats inside of me
you are the air on which I breathe
You are the sun that always shines
You are the moon that glows outside
You are the stars that twinkle in the night sky
You are everywhere around me
The wind that kisses my face 
The rain that falls from a heavenly place
The snow that glistens on the ground
The river that flows along
the birds that sing your favorite song
All of these things makes me feel
Like i,m close to you and your for real
Although your far away
there is always a piece right here with me 
A piece that no one can take away
You take a piece of me with you
To cherish and hold onto
To know I love you so
And that i will never let you go
I love and cherish you
Every moment is special to me
the memories that we created 
will stay with me forever
Never again will I love so 
Shalimar .. my white diamond
Go in peace with knowledge 
I will always love you so

The truth

Say what you want, mean what you say
Remember the darkest, Lights of that day

The truth is out there
The search is not in vain
The truth is out there
Out there in the rain
Say what you want, But you better believe
The truth is a goal we all must achieve

When explanations are hard to produce
Lie after lie comes shining through
Truth gets locked away
For reasons only known to yourself
Truth may hurt
but the lie hurts more
one lie to cover another
what was the first lie
can you remember?
So much hurt and 
too many lies
whats the truth
will I ever know
can you ever separate the two? 

Your truth is important

Fact exists, truth needs to be believed
My truth is important to me
I also understand that
Your truth is important, to you
My life is not just a single truth
But a village of many kinds of truth
The version you believe, may be different from mine
And both versions are true, to each of us
The duality of truth
Fights for resolution and yet, coexists 
Quietly, when it needs to
Funny concept this truth
Does fact indeed exist? 
And do we really need, to believe the truth? 
Are both just empty shadows
We chase, to play our role 
In a divine comedy
For an audience of one