Thursday, April 25, 2013

Smoking, drinking and doing drugs.. if only I would have known.!!

So, you are smoking, drinking & doing drugs, 
'That is right and I should not because ? 
Our bodies are a Temple, to the Sanctuary of Christ, They are only on loan due to his sacrifice.
One minute you are giving thanks and praising the Lord, then you’re filling your body with crap you can’t afford, Well, I make enough money, who does it hurt ? 
Those funds would be better spent in the coffers of church.
However, whom do you call when down on your luck? 
Certainly not one of the corporations i can listed,  Soon as you’re out of money they’ll show you no love, Lying on your death bed in a cancer or liver fight, Don’t expect them to pitch in and make everything right.
Most drivers walk away from accidents, 

Standing in front of a judge they swear to repent, 
On the other hand this is not said of the victims lives, 
Forever crippled, lying in comas, maybe needless die.
While the addict or drunk get to do it all over again, Lives ripped apart are never afforded the chance to mend, Robbing a convenience store for cartons of cigarettes, Beating a clerk in the head hoping he or she forgets.
I went to my mechanic today to repair my car, 
I noticed a guy staggering down the isle, kind of tipsy you know, 
Sat next to me, his body and clothes smelling like booze and cigarettes, 
I didn't enjoy the flick cause for nine hours I couldn't hold my breath.
Then there are those who can’t pay the rent, between smokes, alcohol and drugs the paycheck is spent, or the people they've robbed and the house they broke in, Enough money wasn't obtained, the crime is committed again.
Instead of spending time in a bar tell me who would be hurt? 
By going to bed early and getting up to attend a church, or losing all your money at a gambling table as dice you toss, Ever hear of a City Mission, Salvation Army or the Red Cross? 
I understand you've earned it and that’s how you relax later i'll tell you why i surly knew, everyone is not as blessed so why not give some back? 
Satan is on duty 24/7 we are under constant attack, Show the devil he hasn't won, help our Lord pick up the slack.
God did not create mankind to smoke, get drunk and be high, These are mere tools or traits of the devil, here’s why, You will loose your focus on being sincere, humble and meek,  It’s easier for Satan to control your mind when addicted and weak.
Women and children cheaply selling their bodies, For drugs and more often than not needles they share, It’s not my child waiting in the lounge of an AIDS Clinic, Someone tell me why in the hell should I care? 
You only hope that this is not the case, There is a reason these problems have grown, 
Don’t be a parent or sibling on the evening news, Tears in your eyes, “if only I would have known.”
Finally, how about losing your job, friends, family and kids, Locked up for years and maybe forever thanks to what you did, Because you are so stoned out of your mind strung out on drugs, Instead of family it’s now other inmates you’ll love, kiss and hug. 
Those with one or all three of these problems like to laugh it off as a joke, However, only magicians can make something disappear in a puff of smoke, The evil one has no boundaries when aiming and releasing his fiery darts, 
Smoking, drinking and drugs doesn't just destroy lives it tears families apart.
What is sad ? That it can happen with anyone not just to the so-called stars, 
For every 1 person going to church there will be 2 found hanging out in bars, 
The main ingredient is still missing from all programs for changing a life, 
A close personal relationship with our Lord
Listen, no matter the race, creed, color, sex, country or who you are, 
Even a most gifted athlete or the brightest shining entertainment star, 
Preacher, teacher, parent, doctor, lawyer, butcher, baker, Indian chief, 
Final result by indulging in Satan’s destructive trio? Nothing but Grief! 

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