You invariably keep nursing, A thought of becoming something
What you are not presently,
At that point of time, 'n never you know
Whether you have become that something, which you want to become sometime before you keep counting
On the experiences, Of the left behind situations
And you are hopeful of this being helpful in shaping you to that, Which you want to become
You keep swinging from
What you were and
What you want to become, with no time left to you for assessing what you are
Being aware of; What you are is wakefulness
Being lost in; What you want to become is
Ignorance as every thing ahead is in total darkness
finally, i found .. Being is enlightenment but Becoming is ignorance
last update
You are on the move
On an elevator
Or a belt conveyor
That keeps moving
Steadily and at the same speed
Since the day
You landed on this earth
And this winch or conveyor
Is driven by time
No one else is on your belt
Either ahead or behind
And you are the lone
Passer by in your elevator
Each second
This mover takes you
To a new situation
Unfolding to you
Shocks or surprises
Depending on what you
Have been expecting
Practically the next step ahead
Is in dark
And every thing becomes clear
Once you step in there
Giving you a feel that
It is all-continuous
With no break
And submerging you in a false understanding
That you know every thing that is happening
That will happen and that had happened
Once you move to the next scene
The scene left behind becomes hazy
And you will not be able to
Recollect the past events exactly
But you may remember
Vividly certain scenes and events
Depending on the
Pleasure or pain
With which they impacted you
You are always on the move
And nowhere you are stagnant
You invariably keep nursing
A thought of becoming something
What you are not presently
At that point of time
And never you know
Whether you have become that
Something which you want to
Become sometime before
You keep counting
On the experiences
Of the left behind situations
And you are hopeful of
This being helpful in
Shaping you to that
Which you want to become
You keep swinging from
What you were and
What you want to become
With no time left to you
For assessing what you are
Being aware of
What you are is wakefulness
Being lost in
What you want to become is
Ignorance as
Every thing ahead is in total darkness
Being is enlightenment
Becoming is ignorance
What you are not presently,
At that point of time, 'n never you know
Whether you have become that something, which you want to become sometime before you keep counting
On the experiences, Of the left behind situations
And you are hopeful of this being helpful in shaping you to that, Which you want to become
You keep swinging from
What you were and
What you want to become, with no time left to you for assessing what you are
Being aware of; What you are is wakefulness
Being lost in; What you want to become is
Ignorance as every thing ahead is in total darkness
finally, i found .. Being is enlightenment but Becoming is ignorance
last update

On an elevator
Or a belt conveyor
That keeps moving
Steadily and at the same speed
Since the day
You landed on this earth
And this winch or conveyor
Is driven by time
No one else is on your belt
Either ahead or behind
And you are the lone
Passer by in your elevator
Each second
This mover takes you
To a new situation
Unfolding to you
Shocks or surprises
Depending on what you
Have been expecting
Practically the next step ahead
Is in dark
And every thing becomes clear
Once you step in there
Giving you a feel that
It is all-continuous
With no break
And submerging you in a false understanding
That you know every thing that is happening
That will happen and that had happened
Once you move to the next scene
The scene left behind becomes hazy
And you will not be able to
Recollect the past events exactly
But you may remember
Vividly certain scenes and events
Depending on the
Pleasure or pain
With which they impacted you
You are always on the move
And nowhere you are stagnant
You invariably keep nursing
A thought of becoming something
What you are not presently
At that point of time
And never you know
Whether you have become that
Something which you want to
Become sometime before
You keep counting
On the experiences
Of the left behind situations
And you are hopeful of
This being helpful in
Shaping you to that
Which you want to become
You keep swinging from
What you were and
What you want to become
With no time left to you
For assessing what you are
Being aware of
What you are is wakefulness
Being lost in
What you want to become is
Ignorance as
Every thing ahead is in total darkness
Being is enlightenment
Becoming is ignorance
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