Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Kids

What a glorious day 
When our souls intertwined and our hearts danced together.
When you flowed in me and a flower blossomed inside.
When a heart began to beat
Life awoke from sleep all because of us.
Our blood joined and formed a third party
Like a supernatural show of illusion.
Slowly a human was formed 
Inside of another, implanted by yet another.
We amaze me, she amazes me!
You helped me achieve what none can do alone.
I gave you a piece of you and you a piece of me.
The amazing transformation 
from inside to the world was just overwhelming.
I wish you were there.
Just the fact that our babies 
a living, breathing creature of God 
We created life together.
A bond was built forever in that instant
That you touched so deep and implanted yourself.
Every time I look at our kids I see you 
I see me 
I see yesterday 
I see today 
I see tomorrow 
I see eternity.
I feel joy 
I feel love 
I feel loss 
I feel pride 
I feel wisdom 
I feel strength 
I feel stability 
I feel real.
I love us so much, for together, we created our two kids.

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